Why do some come to the religion interest & denounce religious sentiments?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
March 13, 2011 10:05pm CST
I've had some very intense discussions in the religion interest and haven't had one bad thing happen between me and those who hold differing beliefs. We exchange our thoughts and we often disagree, but never to the point of being mean to each other.
The only thing I can complain about is those who use the religion forum to call faithful people names for believing and having faith.
If you are an atheist and do not believe in a any religion, why do you go to those who have faith or are asking for answers to their souls questions, and insult them as well as those who are answering them?
Maybe there should be someone who will start a 'atheist' interest and you all can talk to each other about what you do not believe?
I know mylot allows any and all to participate in any discussion. I do not advocate denying them their 'rights' to do so. I just think it is very rude to do so.
What do you all think?
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12 responses
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I believe you and i were on the same discussion where this one particular member commented in the exact same way you describe in this post.what irritates me no end is that this person trolls every religious discussion he or she can and contributes nothing but ridicule and insulting remarks to believers.And like you, i just don't get it.
I can't begin to tell you how many times i've asked the same question you posted here and even posted my own discussion asking why many atheists even bother having a religious discussion with a believer, since nothing is ever accomplished or resolved and both parties leave with the same exact beliefs they came in with.
it's one thing for a non- believer to question and disagree with anyone of faith and sometimes it can be interesting to read an opposing opinion and as you mention, everyone has a right to comment on any discussion, but,to do so for the sole purpose of making light of or insulting another's belief system is beyond rude and worthless.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
IMO...they are insecure in their atheism. It must be such a dreary life to have no faith in anything. I try to have patience with them, but sometimes I just have had enough. Our world today is in such need of faith and those who are so arrogant as to think such insulting things of people who are trying to sort it all out, angers me.
Thank you for your response. 

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@jujunme (2501)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I once asked an atheist in a discussion if perhaps he was angry with God for some reason and is that why he no longer believed in him,? his abrupt answer was,no, "how can you be angry at someone you never believed in."
Whether it's insecurity, anger,fear or just plain rebellion,to go out of ones way to insult or ridicule believers,makes me think there's a hidden agenda behind their fervent need to do this. what it is, we'll probably never know.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Adolecents have to rebell to some degree to finish becoming an individual entity. I think perhaps they've not grown out of this stage. 

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• United States
14 Mar 11
It's just a way to vent inferiority in the comfort of sitting behind a monitor. And just another way for them to have their fun...it's better to not pay any attention, they're irrelevant anyway...and you know they'll find this discussion and jump all over it...why open that door?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I posted this so perhaps they would exlain themselves, with more than a few words of insult.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I think that atheists DO have a faith--the faith of materialism. Not that they are greedy, but they believe in only what they can see and they feel that people who have faith in God are deluding themselves. They feel the need to tell those people what a big mistake they are making, how they are wasting their lives. Sound familiar? Yep, just like the evangelicals who feel the need to preach and convert!
Yes, it's rude. But when you are moved by a belief you sometimes redeem yourself from your own past mistakes or insecurities by pushing that belief on others.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
You are not alone in this explanation. And it is an interesting one.
I have not encountered discussions where 'preaching' and 'converting' were going on, though I sometimes am a little dense, or I just look at it differently. I don't feel threatened by someones honest explanation of their beliefs and I sincerely try to keep that tone out of my posts. I like to know what goes on inside other people's minds and hearts. It is just a jarring experience to have someone drop in an say, 'you're ignorant' and then refuse to explain why they feel that way.
The idea that they are trying to redeem themselves is thought provoking. I know I went through some horrible things, made some bad mistakes and was able to pull myself up out of it. The desire to help others do so as well, I guess it is a sort of redemption to do so. Or perhaps it is just WHY we go through bad things, to pass along strength and hope to others. Just how that would explain what is happening when they insult others, is a mystery to me.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
15 Mar 11
I have troubles with organized religion too. I go to a small non demominational church when I go. I read both sides, I study the Bible,I use a Strong's Concordance to get to the original meaning of words in the Bible. I read books that have opinions on philosophy and doctrine (some that don't agree with MY interpretation even). Like you I am a scientific person who sees no problem between the two, IF the science is truly science and not just twisted like you described. I've read Fransis Collins, one of the heads of the human genome project and he is a believer. The way he explained genetics was astounding and brought home the language and wisdom in our genes. I've read Gerald Schroeder, a MIT professer who explains modern physics and compares it to Genesis. You are very correct, people see what they want to see.
I love confronting bullies. 

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• United States
14 Mar 11
That's true...as there are Evangelicals who are just as guilty of the same, and one of the biggest culprits is that Pat Robertson.
The toughest for me, is that I am a true man of God, and of Science...but I do NOT believe in religion..and there seems to always be a clash for me. Some believe you can't be both of science and of God...I say and why not? God is the Creator of Science, and there is no greater scientific mind than the Almighty. Being of a scientific mind also helps me understand God's word much better, it really has! People of science who are the classic evolutionist, or seeing is believing type, have difficulty arguing with me and always end the conversation with me still making my point or asking them questions which they simply can not answer, and I've had many similar conversations with Ministers, Preachers, Priests, etc...
I don't seek debate, but it usually ends up that way because most people would much rather tell you how wrong you are than be told how wrong they are.
And it's not because I am right, but until facts can be presented, I refuse to believe something based purely on conjecture, twisted and polluted so-called facts..some people believe something to be true simply because that is what they were taught or told. We all believe our right hand is in fact our right hand because we were taught that, and it's an accepted truth by humanity, but no one has really ever proven that it is our right hand, how do you prove it's not really our left? At some point in time someone said this is your right hand and this is your left...it was never questioned.
It is what it is, people are who they are, and rarely do people change. So people will always impose there ideas on others, despite the right or wrong of it, and they will try to make others feel inferior..it's a bully persona. Which you deal with in one of two ways, either ignore them or confront them.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Mar 11
Depends on the discussion and how the response is worded. But if somebody comes in there strictly for the purpose of insulting somebody and/or their beliefs, that ought to be reported to myLot for abuse.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Mar 11
So do I, but there are limits to anybody's patience. And when somebody is really out and out attacking somebody, I don't have a problem with it.
@Bhurishrava (680)
• India
2 Jun 12
I too do not understand why they do it. perhaps they just canot resist.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 12
Hello Bhurishrava, thank you for your response. I would hope that they could resist being rude or being hateful, but you are right. Maybe they just have to do these things to feel good about themselves.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
I have previous experiences of having discussion regarding religion with my friends who belong to a different religion. As it is, if the religion is the subject matter, no one wants to be defeated so it is a never-ending discussion especially if the person you are discussing with is a bible-reader. So as much as possible if the religion is the subject, I stay away.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Mar 11
But by staying away to avoid controversy, you miss so much and perhaps YOUR opinion might be positive in someone elses life?
You are right about ego being involved, no one wants to admit being wrong, or even the rightness of others may make them look bad. Egos seem to be the driving force.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Mar 11
Mathewsir, I did the very thing you described, I was raised as a Catholic. As a teen, I read through the entire Bible one summer. Found a bunch of stuff that contridicted the cathecism I was taught, so went to priest and he told me NEVER read the Bible...that sent me off on a lifetime search for the TRUTH. I have members of my family who are very hard core Catholics and I love them very much and would never think of them as bad. So lets not go into a rant about how Catholics are all wrong. I don't think they all are. That is the beauty of Christ's message, God loves those who sincerely love Him and each other. Now do I think some of those sincere people are in error, yes. But I am willing to bet that if their hearts have reached out to God, He will lead them to truth. Maybe something I or you or another says will be the way He does it. BUT God can only use what we do for Him, if it is done in love.
I've studied prophecy extensively. Thank you for the links. I do believe that we are about to find out that God is not to happy with the status quo. All the best to you my friend.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
14 Mar 11
Because some atheists are just as aggressive at proselyting as any evangelical.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Then they would explain WHY, not just post insults. Don't you think?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I totally agree with you. I can only think perhaps those people who have no religious beliefs are jealous of those people who are happy in their faith and beliefs.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Deep down inside everyone wonders if this is all there is.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I agree with you in that insulting people because of their beliefs is rude and disrespectful. I think that much of the reason for it is because they have been on the other side of that fence and often when that type of thing happens, we tend to be hypocritical and start treating others badly even though we remember how it felt when we were treated that way.
I am not a religious person myself, but I really enjoy participating in these types of discussions (for the most part) because I enjoy debate. However, in doing so I always give the same amount of respect as I receive. I just want to point out that the atheists are not always the ones being disrespectful. I have run into many discussions by religious people that were just flat out ignorant; calling nonbelievers names. My point is that it's not one-sided. There are rotten eggs in every group.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Yes, sadly that is true. I find a good debate enjoyable and I have learned somethings from others who believe differently. Religion is very personal. But if you really believe your faith is correct and right, you can still be kind to those who feel differently. After all,we discuss our faith because we BELIEVE it to be true and useful to us. So, why not share it? Hopefully someone will find something useful too. If they choose not to, so be it. I do not feel it is disrespectful for an atheist to come and say, this is why I do not believe. But to post one sentence calling people ignorant or unintelligent is rude and unneccessary.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Debrakcarey,
I am pro-choice and I donot deny anyone right to beleive or not beleive in a religion and if beleive then what religion to beleive. I usually do not have problems with talking religion with people from other religion so long they discuss with open mind and not like hey what you are saying is not true because my bible or religious book dont agree with it. Problem is you shdnt be degrading to others ( even if you dont beleive in religion) but i have found out that religious people are more rude that non beleivers. Also most fight start when people try to prove their religion is better than others ( which all religious talks between different religion ppl usually end up. )
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Mar 11
I heard a silly saying once, be open minded, but not so open minded your brains fall out.
If I chose a religion to base my life on, and I truly truly believed it was good for me and improved my life, I would want to share that with others, in order to help them have better life.
What happens is, some don't go into a religious discussion out of love for their fellow man, but to do as you say...prove their religion is better. That is sad. It does turn people away.

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@RebeccaScarlett (2532)
• Canada
14 Mar 11
Many atheists have had bad experiences at the hands of people who are religious. There are many people out there who claim to be good people of whichever faith they believe, and then they viciously attack non-believers. Often these attacks are words, but occasionally there is violence.
I suppose that some of the atheists you encounter are painting everyone who has faith with the same brush, and attacking first because they have decided that no one with faith is worth listening to.
And some of them, of course, are just jerks.
There are good atheists out there though, ones who would give the last shirt off their back to you if you were shivering.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Mar 11
I have some of those in my own family. The ones who would give you the shirt off their backs, I mean. 

@crisdel12 (78)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
I totally agree with your observation. Sometimes, I even ask myself what's their point of posting insulting comments in this forum. I do believe that most believers proclaim their faith but will never force their belief to non-believers.
Keep up the faith.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
There are insults posted in other discussions, religion is not the only one. It just seems different in that interest to me, kinda like coming into a church and being loud and rude.
When people are discussing their spiritual beliefs I just feel like it is different than discussing their political beliefs. But that's just me. 

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