Vegetarians - Are We Hypocrites?

@AKRao24 (27424)
March 14, 2011 12:01am CST
Vegetarians say that they don't mind eating eggs which are laid by the birds in poultry farms because the eggs so laid are not fertilized and so they carry life in that! Now my point is if their criteria while taking food is life, then how they are consuming food grains? All the grains are basically seeds and seeds are nothing but embryonic form of plants and trees! We as vegetarian eat nuts and fruits which are again with full of life? In fact if we examine the nature carefully, we are entitled to eat only fruit pulps and leaves of the plants and trees which are actually being prepared in the nature for this purpose! Except for anything else even from plants they have life in them! We simply have vegetarian food by crushing thousands of life forms in the form of grains to have a loaf of bread, just because these life forms can't express their pain and distress by crying and moaning like animals they do ? Please think carefully and kindly respond! Thanks !
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23 responses
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Mar 11
Hi Rao, My wife and son are vegetarians though they take eggs. Consuming eggs is what you have written contradicts with pure vegetarians. I am not I eat eggs, fish and flesh. And you know those who are total vegetarians things are different. In India, if a woman lose her husband and become a widow, not only meat or fish they are even barred certain things like onions, garlic, more oil, perfume and all. This is just to have control over their libido. I was rambling. To speak about the topic people who are vegetarians are more with good health than those with meat and fish.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Krajibg! I understand your point! First of all I am not saying that to be vegetarian is a hypocrisy! My point is also not that vegetarians can't have eggs in their diet! My point is very simple! People differentiate between two eggs one egg produced by the birds reared in cage where they produce eggs without the help of any male. Such eggs are infertile and in other case the male birds are used to produce the eggs and such eggs produced are fertile eggs! Now the point is vegetarians would consume the unfertilised eggs with an argument that there is no life in it as there is o fertilization and they won't consume he fertilized egg because it is having life in it! Now my point is very simple, when such people show consideration for the life in the egg, can't see the life in the seeds and grains? After all plants and tree are living things and they too do have feelings and pain as it was demonstrated by one of the eminent scientist J C Bose long back! Just because these living things can't cry and shout like other animals we so called vegetarians eat them not considering their life here! Thanks for responding!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
15 Mar 11
Maybe we should be fruitarians? But spit out the seeds!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Hi Dear 1hopefulman! Yes some times you also can have the wilted petals of flowers or some fresh leaves immediately after a a heavy storm when you get many broken branches of trees because of this natural disaster,if you believe in the theory that you want to save a "life"! Thanks for getting the crux of my discussion! I really feel funny about the people who only can see life in animals and they can't see the same in the plants! This is not a valid explanation that is why I call them fake or hypocrites! The fact is that we need to have a 'life' for or survival! Thanks for responding!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
25 Jul 11
AKRao24, sorry that I did nor see the reply until today when I got a notification. In a perfect world, which I believe one day will exist, we will certainly eat differently than we do today. Since we have stomachs, it would seem that we are designed to eat. I personally am evolving towards eating fruits, but never the seeds, and greens. Due to the kindness of a neighbor who gave a little piece of land, I am presently growing some lettuce. However I eat it a few leaves at the time. Therefore I am not killing the plant or interfering with it producing the seeds that can be used to grow more of the plant. The leaves would eventually dry up and also the plant would die but the seeds it produces would ensure new plants in the springtime. The winter would actually kill the plant. I also enjoy picking some leave off of dandelions that grow in a nearby park. Again, I do not kill the plant. Your comments on this way of eating?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
25 Jul 11
Hi Gavrilovich! It seems that fruit trees produce fruits for humans. The fruit is attractive to the eye, gives off a pleasant smell that attracts humans and produces delicious fruit that delights our palates. Most of the seeds, if bitten, give off a bitter taste. We have much to learn!
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• Philippines
14 Mar 11
You might have looked at vegetarians a little too deeply there. Vegetarians don't eat meat because they don't wanna be disgusted by eating the animals that they eat. But if you're gonna connect it to a much deeper level, yeah, they might be eating life forms after all.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Frontvisions! There are many reasons why one wanted to be a vegetarian! some become vegetarians by their choice! Some simply don't like mat and its products! Some people by virtue of their religion or other cultural reasons become vegetarians! That is fine and very body is having right o become vegetarian or not! But I am not against all these people for being vegetarian and calling them hypocrites! I am basically talking about those people who basically say that they have become vegetarians just because they are against the animals as they have life in them!Here my question i very simple one! Don't they consider plants and trees as living creatures and seeds as the things having life in them? Thanks for responding!
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
"Are we hypocrites?"
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
Oh, then you're not a vegetarian then.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Mar 11
Hi AKRao Well, the question of hypocrisy would arise only when one of them would tell a non-vegetarian that s/he should not eat the non-vegetarian stuff... until that happens, everyone has a right to eat what s/he prefers... I know a few of such people but have no comments as I think it is their preference and view and nothing more.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Sids!! I have opened my topic with a clear cut intention behind it! I have observed that often people forget that plants are living creature and they too do have feelings like animals! They consider fertilized eggs are non vegetarian and unfertilized eggs as vegetarian food as the latter is having life in it! I never said that one should be vegetarian or not! But the point is - If the Criterion under consideration is 'life' then plants also do have life! The Curds which we eat is having millions of bacterias in it! Thus my point was very simple and is to the point and I am never against one's birth right of eating either vegetarian food or non vegetarian food! I understand the fact that we human beings are more evolved predators who has become bit polished with the time! Thanks for the response!
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@durgabala (1359)
• India
14 Mar 11
I am a born vegetarian. we have to eat something to live. we eat plants and its products. but we do not kill or destroy any 'life'. even though plants are living things, they lack the sense of pain, they do not bleed etc. once we pluck a vegetable , there grows another after few weeks. why should we be a hypocrite. there is lot of difference in flesh and blood and seeds and grains. animals experience pain and they cry. We are finally an animal. difference is we can judge and think. being a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian is one's own personal choice. if one thinks they are destroying or killing a living thing for life then they better not live. we have to 'kill' a plant or an animal to live a life. the argument doesn't end here, it will just go on and on. for me being a vegetarian is a religious option and we were raised saying that we don't eat meat. so i can't say i am a hypocrite when i say i am an vegetarian. (I have to eat something to survive on this planet earth)
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Durgabala! I am not saying anything against for being vegetarian or not! I am just trying to analyse the reason given by many vegetarians as they don't want to destroy a life! My point is very simple and clear! It is known that plants and trees are living forms i.e they do have life like animals! Now coming to your next point that they don't have any pain and bleed like animals! To this I would like to tell you that Mr.J.C.Bose an eminent scientist from India who has many inventions and discoveries under his belt, has demonstrated that plants can "Feel" pain and emotions! Please refer any good Site to get details about him! Similarly , now coming to the blood part of it, some animals don't bleed red, does that mean that they don't have blood? The plants do have fluid similar to blood which is responsible for carrying various nutrients from one place to another place which is called as sap! Have you ever noticed the fluid oozing out from the wound inflicted on the trunk of a tree? This is equivalent to blood in animals! And the resins or the semisolid material(Like gum) formed around the wound after few days is a repairing material from the plant to save guard its life! Regarding the thinking part, like many animals though they can think but thy can't express to us plants also can think and express the feelings in their own way! Just for that matter just take a small potted plant from your garden and try to keep it is shade see the way it grows! It will bend towards the sunlight till it will reach it as the sunlight is a basic need for them to produce the food which they can synthesise all by themselves with water, Carbon Dioxide and sunlight by the process of photosynthesis! Now Coming to your statement that if we think that we are killing others then we don't have right to live - This is absolutely true and that is the point what in fact I wanted to emphasize that basically Human being is a predator but since he got evolved much he tried to become polished and created his own theories in selecting the food once the food has started available in abundance! You are vegetarian by religion! No problem in that! Some are vegetarians by their choice! Some are vegetarians by there right! Some are vegetarians just because they can't stand meat and its products! It is all OK! But my point is if some one is vegetarian just because that he don't want to kill a life form then he/she is a hypocrite! Please read carefully how I opened my topic of discussion! Thanks for responding! I liked your argument! All the best!
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@bokal2703 (802)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
Everyone is entitled to do what they think is right...and being a vegetarian can be a choice because of different reasons,one can be a vegetarian because of ethical reason, health reasons, religious reasons, and the list can go on. Grains are included in their diet because it is can be classified under vegetable...being a vegetarian does not mean abstaining to eat anything that is just means having a set of food that they chose to have in their there are also different type of vegetarians, there are those who includes egg in their diets, and there are those who do not include is not about hypocrisy, it is about choice and about surviving in accordance with their preference....just my opinion.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Happyman! I never said that being Vegetarian is a hypocrisy! Please read the opening of my discussion carefully to understand the point why I have said so? I would definitely call people who are vegetarians and they take the stand that they don't want to take a life,that is why they are vegetarians! In my discussion I try to highlight that plants and trees are also living forms! seeds and fruits and living forms! If a vegetarian is eating a unfertilized egg as it is devoid of life, then how can he/she can eat seeds which are full of life? That is my point! Thanks for responding!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi dear Bokal! You are absolutely right! It is the choice of an individual to be a vegetarian or not! One can be vegetarian for several reasons as quoted by you and there is no hard and fast rule that we should not kill the animals to have them as our food! My point is very clear, which i have tried to explain in the very beginning of my discussion! Why people say that they have unfertilized egg because it doesn't carry life in it? If there is no life in it and that is the reason why they are having it, then my question would be why these people are then having seeds and grains as their food as they are also after all the living things, they too have life! I am precisely emphasising this aspect of the reasoning people they give, when asked why they are vegetarians! Thanks for responding!
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• China
14 Mar 11
Indeed,everyone has his or her favorate things.So,being vegetarian is not hypocrisy .Love it,do it.It is best
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I have been a vegetarian for 20 years. I stopped eating meat when I was 7 and truely realized what I was eating. I dont care about plants to me thats why they are there for animals and humans to eat. But animals I dont feel are there for me to eat so I dont eat meat so they arent killed for my consumption. My daughter doesnt eat meat either but my son does eat a little.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Hi Dear Shaggin! Here the question in the discussion is not to argue if it is good to be vegetarian or not! You can be a vegetarian or not! That is totally up to you! If you like to have meat you can have it or simply discard it! That is not the point! The point here is the feeling of yours that plants are meant for human and animals ! Who said so? Plants they are manufacturing their food in presence of sunlight with water, carbon dioxide and other minerals so that they can survive and propagate further in maintain their race! It is not for human consumption or for the animal consumption! Plants prepare seeds for the propagation and in order to disperse them thy are enclosing them in a pulpy material what we call it as fruits , these fruits are meant for animal consumption or human consumption so that after eating the fruits the seeds can be dispersed at another place away from the mother plant so that the plant will propagate its race! But we instead of eating the pulp of the fruit we eat the whole plant and say that they are meant for us! This is hypocrisy! We are not taking the fact inti consideration that plants are also having life in them and they too do have sense of pain and feelings like animals, which has been scientifically proved! You don't feel that animals are not meant for you because they express their pain when they are subjected to cruelty while plants can't express themselves when exposed to cruelty! Just because of your inefficiency to realise this fact, you have made it a law for you that plants are meant for the consumption of Human and animals and animals are not! This is hypocrisy! Thus in nut shell though it is totally one's choice to become a vegetarian or not, no body can stop him/her from this! But the idea that animals they suffer or it is cruel to kill animals as they are living and taking granted that plants are made for our consumption is hypocrisy! Thanks for responding! Best of Luck!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Dear Shaggin! If you have a reason for doing a thing then there is no problem! I am not saying that you should not at the plants because they are having life in them! The fact is in nature what ever the things available they are available in crude form or in organic form. To convert them into organic form we need some living things so that these things can be consumed as food! I am not denying this fact at all! I appreciate the fact you don't feel cruel to grow plants and at them! That is perfectly alright! You have clear cut thoughts about the things what you are doing! But my point is, or rather I am talking about those people who consume the infertile egg of poultry saying that it doesn't have life in it! Here their main consideration is life form! Now my point is when they are concerned about the life, then they should consider the life in the plants and trees also! Since it is not possible to live our life without these , I am calling that the concern about the 'life' is fake or pretence and in my opinion it is hypocrisy! Thanks dear friend for taking interest in the discussion!
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
15 Mar 11
I just dont think its hypcrisy because I dont eat animals for a reason and I eat plants for a reason. Plants may very well feel pain but I dont know how much and I've got to eat something. I dont feel cruel growing plants and eating them but I would feel horrible if I raised an animal and killed it for food. Being a hypocrit is me telling you that you shouldnt eat meat and then eating it myself. I dont do that. So when it boils down to it although plants have life in them its not the life of plants that I care about so I eat them. I care about the life in an animal so I do not eat them. My grandmother always hated cutting flowers and things like that because they were beautiful and had life in them so she probably would have agreed with what you have written.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
not all vegetarians are the same. there are others who eats veggies but not condemn on other people or dont lecture about what is good and what is bad. there is also something i read before that says... they only eat fruits that falls at the ground for you hurt the trees when you pick the fruit... funny but true. i admire people who eats veggies but does not brag about it. they let you taste what they are eating but wont force you to be one. dont also scare you or orient you. animals are made for us to eat it, now for those who dont like to eat it you miss a lot of nutrients too.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi Dear Se7enthbird! I am not against the vegetarians! I know there are many types of vegetarians like Vegans, Ovo Vegetarians etc. It is totally up to them what they want to be! And they have got the right to even speak about their views loudly as we have freedom of speech! That is not my point, I am not saying that by being vegetarians people are pretending or becoming hypocrites! My point is when some vegetarians say that since they don't want to destroy a life for their sake I feel them as hypocrites. They are looking life in only animals they are not seeing the plants and tree around us because of which to day we are surviving, having life in them ! They mercilessly crush the seeds or the grains to flour to have their bread just because these things can't cry and shout because of the pain? Thanks for responding!
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
wow. vegetarians are that serious? This was informative. I used to believe that vegetarians happen not to take any meat because they do not want meat, and that they care for animals.. Personally, i believe everything is meant to be eaten, and yes even humans, we are just hindered to eat humans because it happened to be a code which followed hundred of and animals are meant to be eaten, since everything is part of a food chain
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
16 Mar 11
Hi Dear Jazel Juan! I am not really sure if they serious or not ,but they sound so or to make others to believe so! Yes I too believe that every thing available on the earth is meant for your survival, as we are also one of the competitive member in the food chain! Like you say, if needed one can eat another , for jut because of moral values and code followed by us since hundreds of generations we don't do it! In nature Big fish eat the small ones of its own kind! I am a non vegetarian and at every thing! I too don't like killing the Chicken for eating so I never attend the process of butchering it, but then since I know that it is my food I eat it! There Is no pretence or Hypocrisy in it! I know that I am eating a living thing! But here the Vegetarians though are eating thousands of lives in the form of grains in one meal and they are canvassing that they are doing it for saving the lives of animals! For them life of animal is life and the life form of plant is not worth as they can't express the feeling of pain! Thanks for responding!
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
15 Mar 11
I see wrong that vegetarians defend so much living forms that can walk or communicate, but they don't respect plants, that are living beings too, that are born and die too. It's very hypocrite to do something like that. We humans are omnivores, and our nature is to feed in meat and plants. If someone stops eating meat because of not wanting to damage living beings, then that person shouldn't eat anything alive, meaning plants too. Just feed on salt, as it's a mineral and technically not alive.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Hi Dear Madteaparty! Thanks you very much, you are the one who really could get my point and elaborated in correct way! I actually was talking about this type of hypocrisy only here in my discussion! We can have animal products as well as plant products as our food a we are omnivorous by nature! But becoming vegetarians just to save life form is something funny and painful to learn as the plants are simply neglected as if they don't have any life at all in them ! Thanks a lot! Best of luck! I liked your sensible response!
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
14 Mar 11
I'd have to say hypocrisy stems from the point "that prime, pristine wildlife is torn down in order to grow these vegetable crops, the fruit orchards, etc- possibly killing off more animals than if you were to eat them(via natural hunting in that area). Plus, the animals in there wild state feed off of things that humans can't necessarily eat- things are more balanced in this state. The same hypocrisy comes into play when you consider clothing material- I say less animals in the long run are harmed if we use animal material, like leather and fur for clothing, than mass produced cottons, chemically created fibers, etc... My thought is all of these things in Nature are meant to be used, so use them- the real harm on Nature comes when you try to control it(yes, even when you try to preserve animal life, you are actually harming it, a lot). If we'd all go back to the hunter gatherer method, things would work out much more nicely.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
14 Mar 11
Hi dear wiggles! I am really impressed with your thoughts and the reality hidden behind it! Yes in the name of cultivation and growing crops we have converted many wild land into fields and thus destroyed many wild life in the form of animals and plants and trees! Yes if it was left like that the things would have been much better! But then it is because of over involvement of the human being which made him to think too much to against the nature, there by after destroying so much of wildness now he is posing as if he is trying save the animals! This is valid for your second reasoning also where by we are behaving hypocritically by using various products of animals after killing them! Yes this is a man made disaster and we are naming this a progress! Though it is now not possible, I agree that things would have been different today if we were to stick to nature and let the nature to take its own way in tackling the situation to keep the harmony! Thanks for responding!
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@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
I guess it's depends on their way of thinking but I do agree that everything we eat has a life force and so we are all eating living things whether we're vegans or meat lovers. It's the psychological take on the foods we consume.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Mar 11
Hi Dear Franne! I fully agree with you, it depends on the way you think! It is understood that we being animals can't prepare our own food like plants they can.That is why we are dependent on other food sources which include animals and plants! There is no hard and fast rule that we should eat only plants or vegetarian food or vice versa. We can have our food as per the our choice. the best way is to have the food which suits us most and available in plenty around! But then my point is taking a stand that Non vegetarians are taking the life of animals to consume meat and for that reason people turn into vegetarians is some thing which is not acceptable to me! I say that like animals plants also do have life in them , why these people don't consider this fact! Plants can also feel the pain and have feelings which has been scientifically proven! In having a few quintals of meat we need to sacrifice one life of a big animal but to get a quintal of floor we are crushing millions of grains into flour which have life form in them! Since these grains can't express the pain by making big noises we are comfortable and have our theory that they are not evolved and lower form of lives etc, which I call as pretence or hypocrisy! Thanks for responding!
@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
Edit: I guess "it" depends... sorry for that typo.
• South Africa
14 Mar 11
it depends on whether you feel guilty about what you eat , everything has life .....if don't have any guilt about eating meat, then by all means do , same for being veg , we are omnivores ,we can eat meat and veg .....but in moderation especially meat .....and i am a veg
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Hi Dear Rabblerouser! Yes, you are there! Everything has a life what we eat may it be plant source or animal source! I think we shouldn't be guilty so long we are accepting these things as an essential part of our life without which can't survive at all! We can have non veg or veg food, that is one's personal choice! Here my discussion is not about that! Here I am discussing about those people who are vegetarian just because they can't take a life! For them life is only seen in animals not in the plants! It is universally known that in food chain one has to eat another and we can't survive without eating another life may it then be a plant or an animal! Still when people pretend that they are saving 'lives' by being vegetarians, I feel that they are becoming hypocrites! Thanks for responding!
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
I think that, for me, I would accept an explanation that they are vegetarians because they prioritize their health and do not want to eat much cholesterol. It seems what ever logical reasonings you have still the cycle of life, the animals consumes plants and the plants are fertilized by them goes on so in the absence of one no existence may occur and besides the bible said you can eat everything except the forbidden one.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Mar 11
Hi Dear Macayadann! I agree with you you can have your own reasons for being a vegetarian like you are interested in having vegetarian food to prevent more of cholesterol consumption. Yes it is absolutely rue that animals consume plants and in turn thy add fertilizers for their growth etc. That means we have a ecosystem where we are mutually supporting each other! That is very true that like plants we can't prepare our own food that is we eat either plants or animals. there is no second opinion about it! We can have anything of our choice! Please don't mind, not to offend any one,even we don't require Bible to refer what to eat as the mankind has been surviving since the stone age when there was no bible for that matter! But my point is or I am talking about the people who consider that only animals have life and that is why they can't eat them. For them the plants have no life, if at all they have, they are lower form of life, they don't have pain etc. etc. Life is life it doesn't have a higher form or lower form. We shouldn't forget that a Virus which is smallest form of life can kill the most highest form of life today, as we don't have any treatment against this lowest form of life! I am talking about this hypocrisy here! Thanks for responding!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
15 Mar 11
I am not a vegetarian and don't think I would want to be one. I don't think that it makes sense to worry about whether grains have pain or distress. For that matter, I think most animals were put on the planet to be eaten as well. While they may experience pain when being slaughtered, it happens in nature all the time! But back to plants...foods of all kinds were put here in order to provide nutrition for all living beings. Just because we are human is no reason for us to think that we shouldn't be able to eat things that are provided by nature.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
15 Mar 11
One thing ive heard vegetarians say is eat nothing with a face. Well, the flower to a plant is called its face. Soooo. From what i understand there are actually types of vegetarians that eat chicken and/or fish. Ive read that just to stop eating red meat is a form of vegetarianism.
• Slovenia
15 Mar 11
well you're looking and vegetarians too much detailed I think. after all as you said if you were to eat no life forms there'd actually not be much to eat and you may be right these life forms can't express pain, so it's kind of different unlike getting an animal killed just for you to eat it then. after all those animals that are killed to bea eaten suffer while other life forms as you put it haven't even evolved or lived, so there's no pain for any of them as practically they aren't really in existence if you get what I mean.
15 Mar 11
what about the vegetarians that dont eat meat but eat fish when fish are living creatures. surely they cant call themselves vegetarians, why cant they just say they dont eat meat, but fish is ok.
@kwylima (451)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I think it strand to tell the truth. I tried to be vegetarian couple times and it didn't work hahahha. Anyway I hav a friend, she is vegetarian one day we went to a restaurant and when I saw eggs in her plate I was surprised. When I asked her if she really ate eggs she said yes but didn't give any explanation. Well be vegetarian is more than just eat this and no that . You have to know why are you eatjg like this. If is because you feel bad for the animals or because fresh food is better and natural. Whatever. Each person have your on reason
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Mar 11
Hi Dear Kwylima! You are perfectly right! I appreciate your views! One can be vegetarian or not that is one's Choice and on should know what he/she is eating and what for they are eating so! My point here is not that!I am not even asking people not to eat plants as they are having life in them! My point is that people give the reason of saving a 'life' for being their vegetarians! That means thy consider the life is only there in animals and as per their theory plants don't have any life in them! This is a theory suiting their food habit and that is the reason they have adopted and making others to believe in that. For m it is wrong, as I believe that plants also have life like animals , and saving the 'life' is the only motto of one's in become vegetarian, then this is wrong, as no living thing can live without having another form of life as their food except for plants! Thanks for the response!
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• India
10 Apr 11
I recently learned what a 'vegan' is- and it sounded very similar to what I knew about vegetarians. So now what I wonder, what's the difference between vegetarian vs vegan.. Here is what I know from talking to people and searching the web : VEGETARIANS dont eat meat,poultry or fish. So basically, they dont eat animals, right? A VEGAN will not eat anything that is a by product of an animal. That is,they won't eat meat,poultry or fish like a vegetarian, but also they won't eat eggs,milk,cheese etc. anything that comes from an animal. So the difference between vegetarians vs vegans is that vegans are hardcore vegetarians in tha they have a more restricted diet...