I 'm losing passion in these friendship

@remo86 (252)
March 14, 2011 6:42am CST
I have some one that i consider him as friend ,BUT recently i figured that we are only colleges ,we are totally different (we are from two different culture and country) .. We were friends with no limits then he said i can't plz lets put some limits.. and i agreed because i care about these relation, recently for like 2 months he wants only very conservative friendship and also i said oky. But he always likes to make me feel guilty or kind of b**** if i said anything out of limits. Now for more then week i ignore him and don't want to talk with him...For him, he is just ignore me and never ever asked me what's up with you, i feel that he is not much care about my feeling What can i do ?? i give up but unfortunately i still can about these friendship Help me!!:(
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9 responses
14 Mar 11
From the sounds of this it does sound one-sided. It seems that you are the only one interested in things, he just doesn't seem to care at all. Friendship deserves respect yet it does seem to me that he has little if any respect for you. As much as you may care for him he just doesn't seem to care about you, maybe it is time to walk away and not be friends? you cannot force him to be your friend, that is his choice, but do you really want to remain friends with someone who treats you the way he does? Is this how you would like to be treated by your friends? If the answer is no then it is time to move on from him, maybe then once he has lost your friendship he will see that he has lost a good friend because of the way he treated you.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
Thanks alot Thanks alot ....I hope that he can read what you said.
15 Mar 11
Your welcome, i hope he does read my response, but mainly also reads what you have written, he needs to understand how he is treating you and how you feel, good luck with this, you do seem like a lovely person and so you do not deserve to be treated the way that you are at all.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
16 Mar 11
yes really i hope that ,yesterday i tried to explain my feeling to him but i didn't found any word that can really describe how i'm upset from him or his reactino was cold :S
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
I don't actually understand what you really want my friend. You said you are losing passion on your friendship, but you feel bad because he seems he doesn't care for you. It is confusing.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
I see. Well, then don't expect too much from him. If he doesn't care and have no passion, don't force it.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
I'm not forcing him ..Now yes i have deep believe that he doesn't care.So i will release myself from that
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
14 Mar 11
see first step is "he doesn't care" and this leads to next step which is "losing passion in these friendship" ,you got me?? os in both cases i have to feel bad
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
15 Mar 11
Hi. remo86 If you have a friend that acts like this, it is best to leave him alone. He does not seem like a great friend at all. A good friend is someone that cares about your feelings. He seems like he does not. He is just wasting your time. And he acts as if you don't exist. I would just leave him alone if I were you.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
16 Mar 11
Now I'm starting to agree this opinion :(
@midhib (53)
• Bangladesh
16 Mar 11
hi remo i feel pity for u. but i want to know does he feel that u r feeling about him.i think he has no importance of ur feeling. that's why i want to advice u that be strong enough. u have to save relation of those, who cares for u. otherwise its better to leave it. its my view. don't worry.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
16 Mar 11
And sound of your point view is good little tough but i think the right one thanks alot to reply and welcome to mylot :)
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
14 Mar 11
I think your friend is lucky to have such a faithful friend as you And the way to get him to appreciate that is to get more friends as faithful as you and invite him to come along & meet your friends!
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
thanks alot for telling me i'm good friend specially faithful ;) really thanks alot for that.
@kwylima (451)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Well, take these sugestions and go on.if he does not care about you and you think tha you are diffrent so stop think about him and go have fun with your friends. Nobody needs anybody like that around . You and him can make new friends and be happy. Life is to short to stop to think and worry about this kind of thing. In my opinion you are throwing your time away. Bee happy and enjoy our life as much you can
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
Your opinion is such nice one but little but tough one ..But yes for me the is one of last chances for him , after while he will lose me and no return for him if that happened
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
If you feel you are not happy with your relationship to one person whom you are always with even she/he your boyfriend or anybody well try to have a break. Not forever but for a moment that you feel eveything was not okay. I am not saying that you could have a break but a time for you to think if you need to continue being with each other. But if you think that it is not good then try to talk patiently and have a peace wonderful talk to each other tackle those things that both of you didn't understand well. Then if ever parted peacefully. But if you feel you still love him well that was another issue. First just try to talk to each other.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
just i have first small comment ..we are not in love we are in friendship relation only. Now, i'm in break for well ,give him space and even mine ..and i will put my condition in these relation as he did too
• United States
14 Mar 11
Hi remo This is tough and unfortunately each time this friend wanted to change the rules you did not disagree, you went along with the changes. So it is difficult to now turn around and start making conditions. I am sure for the sake of your caring nature you felt it was the right thing to do. However it really isn't we cannot play with our emotions and or expect others to understand how we feel unless we inform them.r The only wise thing to do is to seriously speak to this friend calmly and ask, exactly where you two stand. You may want to say there are no right or wrong answers and then be prepared for what the friend actually says. If the friend is completely oblivious of you true feelings then perhaps you will need to consider letting go. It is tearing you to bits and not speaking to your source directly is only hurting you more. It would be best to know now and not when he decides again later to remain friends again or not. Best of luck.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
14 Mar 11
you are totally right about "i have to make step and talk with him" ...in last times ,when i did that his respond is "i'm not in mood of fight" or" you are always fight with me and take stuff so serious"..So that time he need to fix it if he cares..to be honest he did from while but in wrong way:D he said" i'm sorry but you take small small words" So at this point simple sorry is not enough,each one has his/her own way to show friends how he/she cares about them...So i'm waiting ,Let's see he deserve or not to be friend
@sexyice (873)
• Latvia
14 Mar 11
Hello Remo Why do you torment each other?! I think you need stop these frienship and live new life in our place, if not a passion - then what about the relationship? Then everything is already is over and need to look for new friends. I think you have to tell him how you feel. Because now he just makes you feel worse - friends make frends feel worse? Not submit him, live your life, with happy not friends, who meku your worse with own whims
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
14 Mar 11
thanks alot for responding..see ,now he asked from while "why you are angry on me?" when i expained for him ,he was trying to fix it so in end he sai"i'm sorr but you take small small words" so he fixied in part but in anther one he made it down...But i'm still not forgive him,i need more then simple sorry see we are mainly working together and then we became friends because we like each other though....But after many actions(not good one) happened related to same topic we became far and i started to feel not stable with these relation..So i will be away as i was and ignore him .. Sorry for long long reply:d PS: i trust him very much in way that nobody think