Where Is: "Where Are The Jobs?"?

@gladys46 (1205)
United States
March 16, 2011 9:20am CST
An article written by David Corn at MotherJones: "Before the 2010 congressional elections, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) and his fellow GOPers developed and implemented a simple campaign strategy: say "where are the jobs?" over and over and over. Even though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had declared that President Barack Obama's stimulus package had created or saved about 3 million jobs and a recovery (albeit weak) was under way, the Republicans blamed Obama for screwing up the economy (not Wall Street or the Bush-Cheney administration). In politics, an attack doesn't have to be fair or accurate to work -- and this one did. Since then, have you heard Boehner screaming about jobs? No. He and his comrades have focused on one thing: cutting government spending, which will undoubtedly lead to job loss in the short run (if not the long run). Wait -- that's not fair. They've also focused on abortion (with legislation that would make if hard3er for a woman who was raped to obtain federal assistance for an abortion), Planned Parenthood (with legislation that would defund the outfit), NPR (ditto), and American Muslims .... There's not been much talk of jobs. Consequently, a new poll from Bloomberg is hardly a surprise: Americans say President Barack Obama lacks an effective strategy for improving the U.S. economy. They have much less confidence in the Republican vision for success. When asked who has a better vision for the years ahead, 45% of poll respondents chose Obama and 33% picked the Republicans." ........ Sooo, should we ask Mr. Boehner, "where are the jobs?" and, what are his "leadership" plans to work with our president in promoting the creation of American jobs since ... "Four months ago, the GOPers shellacked the Democrats. They became the new kids on the block and claimed they were eager to refurnish their image with the American public. Yet once in power, they have reverted to their old ways -- culture war and spending cuts..." Where are the jobs?
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9 responses
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
16 Mar 11
The government cannot create jobs, except government jobs. And, boy oh boy, have they created lots and lots of government jobs since Obama took office. The problem is that we can't afford all of those josb!!! And saving jobs? That's doubtful. We've seen the lay-off numbers and unemployment numbers. Obama promised that the "stimulus" would keep unemployment numbers under 8%. How'd that work out? The Republicans are doing exactly what needs to be done. We need to cut spending - and we need to cut it even more than they're willing to cut. They need to include entitlement programs and the military in the cuts. Every department needs to be cut. Any time you visit a government office, you see the unnecessary people there. And in some cases, there are 3 or 4 or 5 departments doing the same things. Duplication needs to go as well. As another comment already says, businesses are not going to grow and add personnel or expand their businesses until and unless they know for certain that they won't be saddled with Obamacare or higher taxes. Obama's proposed budget has tax increases for small businesses. He proves day after day that he is not interested at all in seeing American grow and thrive. He's interested in ruing this country. That's the change he wanted to make and Obamafanatics just didn't get it. Some still don't.
• United States
16 Mar 11
That should be "ruining" this country.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Kenzie ... you said "the government cannot create jobs ..." Wow, wow ... that's exactly what I was saying when Mr. Boehner demanded of President Obama and repeated over and over again "where are the jobs" ! I really thought that he should have been addressing that question to those corporations who sent the jobs off-shore along with their huge profits which they placed into all those U.S. tax evading havens! Nevertheless, Boehner's trick worked, didn't it?
• United States
16 Mar 11
Why isn't the President addressing the issue? Oh, wait. He is off playing golf.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
16 Mar 11
So, "Where are the jobs?" The President promised them. Do you really think that a Republican controlled House with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic President? So why aren't you asking them about jobs? Where is the accountability on that end? Unless you want to hear the same excuses that the President has used in the past. They have only been in office for a couple of months. They have to clean up the mess from the last session. (Aka Last Year's budget.)
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Well let's talk facts and no rhetoric ... President Obama's successes in less than 2 years in office: Healthcare reform Education reform US/Russia arms treaty Wall St. reform Tabacco regulation Credit card reform Public lands bill SCHIP expansion Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Sotomayor, Sup.Ct. Justice Stem Cell research expansion $20B from BP for businesses harmed by Gulf Oil Sill Restored critical protections under the Endangered Species Act Elena Kagan, Sup.Ct. Justice Small business jobs act Ended combat in Iraq, bringing troops home Fully funded the Veterans Administration Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act Tax Cuts helping American Families: The American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), which gives students and families up to $2500 in tax saving to help pay for college tuition and other expenses. AOTC and other tuition benefits have helped more than 12.5 million students and their families pay for college, an increase in tax benefits for higher education more than 90% from 2009. The Earned Income Tax Credit, which helps moderate-income families make ends meet. The Recovery Act increased the credit for families with three or more children, bringing the maximum amount to $5,657. The Child Tax Credit, which helps low and moderate income families with children. More families are benefiting from this child tax credit under the Recovery Act, which reduced the minimum amount of earned income used to calculate the additional child tax credit to $3,000 from $12,000. COBRA, and Unemployment Benefits: For those who lost their jobs in the (Great Bush 2008 Recession) the Recovery Act provided a 65% tax credit to help cover the cost of health care and made the first $2,400 in unemployment benefits TAX-FREE, when normally 100% of those benefits were taxable. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Incentives: Taxpayers are eligible for up to $1,500 in tax credits. Tack on all the other unforeseeable incidents that our very worthy President has addressed since he took office ... ah, please! ..... Wheeee, my fingers were getting tired!! Sierras, you may go to Progress (.barackobama.com) ... or any other FACT check of your choice to verify! Alas, President Obama has done more for this nation's citizens than any republican care to actually discuss trutfully that is!
• United States
16 Mar 11
Job killer/Unconstitutional What reform? The education system has shown no improvement and has actually gotten worse. Who cares? Russia is not the nuclear danger that Iran is. What reform? Wall Street is still doing what Wall Street does only with taxpayer money. What reform? More state taxes? Raised everyone's interest rates. Which now he has to sell due to economic conditions. Would have been extended regardless The only good one out of the whole list. Controversial pick and inexperienced. Way over her head on certain issues. What small business jobs? So far no small businesses are hiring? Iraq would have ended anyway. Plans were underway for this during Bush administration. Would have happened regardless. Would have happened regardless. You do realize those were all Bush tax cuts. So what has he really done? Create nonpublic sector jobs. Nope. Fixed the economy. Nope. Balanced the Budget. Nope. Pay down the deficit like Clinton did. Nope. Talked to businesses about not sending jobs overseas. Nope. Made the corporate tax competitive with the rest of the world. Nope. Gave stability to small businesses. Nope. But he did play over 60 rounds of golf. Seems he missed all the important things in favor of tiny political gains.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 Mar 11
"Ended combat in Iraq, bringing troops home" We still have troops in Iraq and they still fight. Just claiming they are "non-combat troops" doesn't mean that combat ended. Of course Obama is just doing what he bashed McCain for, leaving "non-combat troops" in Iraq after the war is over.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 Mar 11
"the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had declared that President Barack Obama's stimulus package had created or saved about 3 million jobs" They didn't "declare" anything of the sort. What they did was provide an ESTIMATE based on the numbers reported to them. That ESTIMATE was that it created or saved "between 1.4 million and 3.3 million" jobs. Of course I fully expect a left wing magazine like that to take the highest estimate possible and report it as fact. There's also the part that says the estimates could be higher than real numbers because "Some of the reported jobs might have existed in the absence of the stimulus package." There's also the FACT that on Obama's own website, recovery.gov, they were reporting millions of new jobs created in districts that didn't even EXIST. Regardless, Obama INSISTED that the stimulus MUST PASS or we would have a disaster with unemployment numbers going over 8%! So the morons in congress passed the stimulus and unemployment reached 10%! Wow, big win there right? "He and his comrades have focused on one thing: cutting government spending, which will undoubtedly lead to job loss in the short run (if not the long run)." Well Obama increased government spending drastically and it led to a nearly 3% increase in unemployment numbers. Now we need to cut spending to deal with the worst deficit this country has ever known. Did you know that the biggest deficit under Bush was just under $500 billion? Did you also know that right now, we are paying $600 billion annually just in interest on our debt? That is completely unsustainable. We need to cut spending and we need to cut it now. "They've also focused on abortion (with legislation that would make if hard3er for a woman who was raped to obtain federal assistance for an abortion)" That's just a lie put out by the pro-abortion crowd and you know it. It's been thoroughly debunked. "Sooo, should we ask Mr. Boehner, "where are the jobs?" and, what are his "leadership" plans to work with our president in promoting the creation of American jobs" Actually the GOP has worked with President Obama. He actually had the sense to listen to them after democrats were destroyed in the midterm elections. Sadly, his own party will NOT work with them which is why the process is going nowhere. The GOP has passed budgets in the House that the senate keeps voting down. They don't care about Obama, he's a patsy. He was never really running the show, Pelosi and Reid were doing that and he was too weak to stand up to them and he still is. "They became the new kids on the block and claimed they were eager to refurnish their image with the American public. Yet once in power, they have reverted to their old ways -- culture war and spending cuts..."" Actually those are NOT the old ways of the Republican party. If they had focused on spending cuts from 2001-2008 we wouldn't have had such a big deficit. Nope, they spent and they spent like crazy. Then once the democrats took over they spent even more, quadrupling an already record deficit.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Mar 11
""They've also focused on abortion (with legislation that would make if harder for a woman who was raped to obtain federal assistance for an abortion)" That's just a lie put out by the pro-abortion crowd and you know it. It's been thoroughly debunked." Refresh my memory, Taskr, because I must have somehow missed that debunking! Annie
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Lets face the facts, the state of the country today did not start with Obama or Bush, it goes way back to Nixon. This collapse has been in the works for many years, we are just feeling the pressure now. The greedy will always be greedy. It's like the planet of the apes when they said "Ape shall never kill ape." The rich do not want us, the average person, around. We are only slaves to them, nothing more. Lets all move to Canada.
• United States
26 Mar 11
Let me make this perfectly clear. There are no jobs. There will be no jobs in the immediate future. Employment, such as manufacturing and other production, are not viable because there is no infrastructure at this time. In order to increase jobs, it will take, if we start tomorrow, three to five years to build new production facilities and/or renovate old facilities. Does not matter who is in office , dem or repub. Although the repubs have an edge to produce more jobs, since we see the dems can not produce a job unless it is a federal position
• United States
26 Mar 11
To quote gladys "Wait that's not fair. They've also focused on abortion ( with legislation that would make if hard3er for a woman who was raped to obtain federal assistance for an abortion). Planned Parenthood (with legislation to defund the outfit) NPR(ditto) ans American muslims 1. Abortion is not a federal issue so it should not be paid with federal money. If the states want to pay, that is acceptable with the appropriate legislation. 2. When you realize that it is really Planned UNparenthood, you would reconsider defunding. 3. NPR served its purpose in the past when news was not as readily available as it is today. Today, how can one justify the need to provide a subsidy to any TV or radio operation. Plus, the fact that it is a leftist propaganda machine should necessitate defunding. 4. American muslims What?
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Mar 11
If you talk to employers they will tell you they are not going to hire with all the uncertainty. They want to know what is the government health insurance going to cost me? What will happen with unemployment insurance costs, it has gone from 26 weeks to almost 3 weeks and the government does not have the cost for the employer yet. The tax rate was only set for two years, what happens then a big rate increase? The president has reduced the amount of oil available and is pushing alternative energy. During the cold spell in Texas the wind mills did not work. Without reliable energy how can I run my business. There there are the government regulations which restrict where and how you can expand your business. What is going to happen with the Carbon Tax and how will that impact my business. Look what the Great Ethanol push did , it drove the cost of everything up including the cost of energy which was supposed to drop. What is going to happen to the Carbon Tax? If I start a business how much will I be taxed for energy or how much will my cost increase with no benefit to my business? Right now ther is easy money for home mortgages but not for business loans. The Government debt is taking money out of circulation so business can't get lines of credit because the government is borrowing the money. Do your math and see what those 3 million jobs cost. If the stimulus package was a low estimate of 7 to 8 billion dollars then each job cost $250,000 or more to save or create. Most of the jobs created were government jobs which means that for every year you have to tax people more to pay for those jobs. The more money the government takes in taxes the less there is for the private sector to create new jobs. Where are the jobs that President Obama promised us with the Stimulus - "With the stimulus package unemployment will not go above 8%." Then after the Health Care Bill was passed President Obama was going to focus like a laser on the creation of jobs." Mr. President Where are the jobs?
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
17 Mar 11
The same problem here in our country. The government keep saying that there are jobs but it's difficult to find them. I guess, it's better this way, working online at home.
• United States
18 Mar 11
I dont know how to break this to all the Obama supportors, but THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREAT JOBS!!! If your a liberal you might want to stop reading, this may cause you heart issues: the only thing the government does is distroy jobs with all the stupied taxes. as for the health care bill, that is another job killer.if you want to creat jobs in the US you have to cut taxes and (yes brace your selves) lower the taxes on corporations. could it be, Reagan was right? "Government is not a solution to our problem,Government is the problem"--Ronald Reagan