Eric Holder thinks black people are too stupid to pass police test
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
March 16, 2011 4:26pm CST
Once again the left shows both how little they think of black Americans and how little they care for the safety of American citizens. Apparently the Dayton, OH police department hasn't met the Affirmative Action quota. As a result, Eric Holder and the DOJ are now telling them that they have to take black applicants who failed the test.
The standards aren't high to begin with. It's a two part test. Applicants must score 66% on part 1 and 72% on part 2. That's a D and a C- which basically averages out to a D+ to squeak by. Not good enough says Eric Holder. He wants the requirements reduced to 58% and 63%, an F and a D.
When will they realize that this isn't a game? This is LIFE AND DEATH.
“It becomes a safety issue for the people of our community,” said Dayton Fraternal Order of Police President, Randy Beane. “It becomes a safety issue to have an incompetent officer next to you in a life and death situation."
Even the NAACP is against this!
“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
How can people live with themselves knowing that by implementing such BS they are putting the lives of honest, hard working people at risk? If I call the cops I don't want some moron who can't pass a simple test to be the one responsible for saving my life.
Anyone who thinks requirements should be lower for minorities is a racist and a disgrace to this country. By lowering requirements you are saying that black people are just stupid and lack the ability to pass a test. I, for one, believe that black people are just as capable and that we should encourage them to study harder to qualify, not just tell them that they are predisposed to stupidity so they don't have to be qualified to get the job.
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7 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Mar 11
The biggest theory used as reasoning is that these tests are "culturally biased" and that they need to be changed and the criteria for passing needs to be lowered in order to help minorities pass.
However, even after the test was changed and the levels brought down to insane levels, minorities still failed the tests.
So, instead of reconsidering the approach taken and perhaps considering trying something new, the answer is to simply bring the standards down even further, making an F essentially an A.
Okay. But in all honesty, we've tried it this way for a while now. The tests are being dumbed down to no end, people are preaching that they're all culturally biased, and yet people are still failing the tests! They're just being allowed in even if they suck.
I'm thinking that instead of dumbing the things down and preaching that minorities can't pass them unless the standards are lower, they should set the standards EVEN HIGHER and preach that people need to study even harder!
You never hear complaints about a test being too hard from people who have passed the test. You only hear about bias and things being unfair when people fail.
Folks then swoop in to save the day, standing in a "victim's" corner and effectively institute social justice in order to "fix" things. But things don't get fixed!
Maybe preaching that people need to study harder and stop relying on dumbed-down systems will ensure that people study harder!
Seriously. When you go into things already being told that it's biased and that you can't succeed, that sticks with you.
Raise the standards tremendously! That's how you fix it. Then you will find out for sure how certain aspects of the test need to change in order to better accommodate all cultures.
They're working in reverse, which is extremely dangerous. Attracting the best qualified candidates should be the goal, the color of someone's skin aside.
The big theory they use may be correct to a small extent. But it could also be that minorities are ingrained with failure before they even start, because the Holder's of the world completely remove the obstacle instead of insisting people climb over it.
If the latter is wrong, let's at least find out of it's wrong. Let's stop this nonsense of dropping standards for Americans for the sake of a more culturally diverse workforce.
Sure, the workforce looks different - but it also acts different. It's worse! It's full up with unqualified people.

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I know I'm tired of this "culturally biased tests" crap. It's a written test. This is the US. Unless the black people failing the test are from Haiti, Jamaica, or some African nation, they were born here and are probably 5th-10th generation Americans. They know the culture. It's not like black people haven't taken and passed the test. Racists like Eric Holder are complaining because the police department is 10% black in a city that is 40% black. That's just how things are sometimes.
When I was a detention officer the workforce was about 60% black even though that part of Orlando was 12.3% black. There was nothing racist about the hiring. It's just a simple fact that not many white people applied and many who did work there didn't stay long, especially white women. The test I had to take wasn't an easy one either. My academy class had 20 people and I was one of only 5 that passed the first time. Nothing racist about it, just a hard test and you had to score over 85%. Nobody had to lower the standards for the black people working there, that's for sure.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Mar 11
It's true. That's just the way things are sometimes.
There are countless factors one needs to consider before attempting to blame the actual test. The first of which: how many people are passionate about becoming police officers and how many simply need a job?
That should certainly be looked at.
Tests weed people out based on what they know, not who they are, and that's why they're effective. A black person and a white person living in the same city in the same state within the same country may truly have completely different life experiences and different outlooks on life. That holds true with any two people, race aside.
The knowledge is out there.
I don't know what it's like to be anyone or anything but myself. But if they tried that crap here in Virginia, saying that they need to lower test scores because not enough white people were passing, I'd be grossly offended that someone thought so little of me that I couldn't learn with everyone else.
Not all of the NAACP shares the local chapter's thoughts on it. The big wigs seem to side with Holder.
That's sad, depressing and embarrassing for all Americans.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Mar 11
"Not all of the NAACP shares the local chapter's thoughts on it. The big wigs seem to side with Holder."
Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I was at least heartened to see that the local chapter has some common sense and cares about the safety of the people in Dayton.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
17 Mar 11
It's racist when you or I do it, but not when an institution demands it. It's as simple as that.
But, it's not going to change anytime soon. It's the liberal party that demands affirmative action and cultivates the victim mentality. If a minority leaves the liberal mindset and starts holding to personal responsibility and accountability, he's lambasted for selling out, being an Uncle Tom, leaving the reservation, getting uppity, you name it. The KKK is alive and well, only David Duke is co-chairing it with Rev Jesse Jackson.
Part of me says, "Don't lower the standards any more than they already are." The other part says, "We have standards? How did the libs let those last?"
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I was shocked to learn that one of our major universities has actually changed the definition of racist. Seems only white people can be racist. And here I thought racist people were just that, racist PEOPLE.
America did not start out on the right foot, that is a given. But right now, as a culture and in law, we are the MOST tolerant and non racist nation on the face of the earth. Unless you count reverse racism against the white male that is being experienced in some areas of life.
I again ask anyone who disagrees to read Shelby Steele's White Guilt. He's black btw and has lived through much of the civil rights era. He says the civil rights movement was hijacked by men like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and what is going on right now in America would distress MLK greatly.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
17 Mar 11
What a racist! I know many intelligent African-Americans out there. I go to college with many of them. There was actually a girl here in California, from Los Angeles, Skid Row, and she got into an ivy league university on a full scholarship, she was on Oprah and in several newspapers for her achievements. When I was in elementary, middle school, high school and college, I have known several African-Americans who were extremely smart and surpassed many of the Whites, Latinos, and Asians on standardized test.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
17 Mar 11
This reminds me of an article written by a Black Lawyer. He was interviewing for a position with a large law firm and he said he was the the number 3 person on the College Law Review. The reaction of the interviewer was, is that the minority position. It was not and he earned it by his own work and grades. What happens when you "give or set aside" a position of minorities then all achievement is viewed as being "given" to the person.
In Dayton every minority police or fire fighter will be viewed as a failure who could not do anything else so they had to have the job "given" to them.
They have to study the test to see if it is culturally bias. They found out that IQ tests were bias with simple questions to show me the house and minorities were selecting the building that was an office building. Even white children who lived in apartments were able to select the correct single family house. That question now allows both answers.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Affirmative Action is a result of white guilt. White guilt is letting African Americans off the hook when it comes to responsibility and accountability. It demeans the black race by assuming that after emmancipation, they still needed the white man to lift them up, cause they couldn't lift themselves up. Same as the 'good' plantation owners took care of their slaves, we (the white race) need to take care of those once slaves. Does any one know that immediately after immacipation blacks were in local, state and federal government? It was reconstruction that brought on jim crow laws? Trouble is,there probably is not one white person alive who ever owned a slave or a black person alive who was a slave in the south. Its time for EVERYONE to grow up. Its time to re listen to MLK's I Have a Dream speech, cause his dream has been hijacked. As usual, follow the money. People like Jessie Jackson and Sharpton would not have the rich lives they've had if not for white guilt.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Don't believe me, read Shellby Steele's WHITE GUILT: how blacks and whites ruined the civil rights movement.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
16 Mar 11
I think it is very sad that in this day and age this is still a issue. The requirements should be the same for all races. I am more shocked at the D and C-. They should be raised higher for all to the A's and B's, maybe a C. Is this the requirement for all or is it different scores for different races? It is not acceptable and this is the first time I have heard of this. If someone wants to be a police officer or a fire fighter they should pass this tests at a higher range. I agree I don't want someone with a D or F trying to save lives either. I also believe African Americans can also pass at a higher level. It's not the color of your skin that makes you smart. It is studying and putting all the hard work in to achieve any type of job.
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@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
17 Mar 11
how much easyer do the tests have to be for minoritys? there is already affirmative action giving minoritys 10 point bonus on the tests