Why do I believe in god?
By margeryann
@margeryann (1845)
United States
March 16, 2011 6:44pm CST
I hear people say that the reason why they believe in god is because of the bible. I hear people that don't believe in god and I understand why they don't. They ask why people believe in god and people say that the bible says there is.There is people that believe in god that tell people that don't that they are going to hell for not believing. What a way to try to get someone to believe.
I was getting at one point of getting close to not believing because when I went to church people at church were arguing on what a verse meant.The bible didn't make sense to me on what it meant.
The reason why I believe isn't because of the bible and people that don't believe aren't going to believe just because you say they should and get an attitude with them for not believing.No one that doesn't believe in the same things even if the subject isn't god doesn't want someone to get an attitude with them saying they need to believe the way they do.
This is why I believe because of all the unexplainable things that I've seen happen.To me they couldn't of happened if there wasn't a god.I know sometimes bad things happen and we wonder why would god let them die that way or why would god let that happen. No one knows the answers for everything.We all have to die sometime. Imagine if we didn't how populated this world would be. It is very crowded as it is.
Well, these are some of the things that I've seen that makes me believe there is a god.
God's proof #1
One day my husband, my 20 year old son that was 4 then were leaving to go to my moms and my husband started crying and I said what. He said I just ran over our sons dog man that is awful.He is squished in our drive way and I am so sad. I looked back and the dog was squished dead in the driveway.My son prayed for the dog to come back to life.Well, since we were going to my moms anyways we had my son stay the night with my mom so we could take care of the situation when we got home without my son seeing it. When we got back home and got out of our car. The dog ran to us which was shocking. We checked him out all over. No injuries.That was a surprising situation for my son when we picked him up from my moms. We had to bring the dog with us.No cell phone at the time to let my mom know or anything.
God's proof # 2
I woke up from my nap and my step-dad was yelling that there was a fire outside.I looked outside to see how bad it was and then called the fire department. Our water well was on fire and 2 shops next to it were on fire. There was no way for us to try to get the fire out before the firemen came since we didn't have water and we lived in the country.The firemen took forever and I knew our house was going to catch on fire. We stood a long ways from the house. The fire was against the house and going under the house and another storage building that was next to the house. We were all praying tons of times until the fire was out.
The firemen finally came and they didn't bring any water. They thought it was just a small brush fire. SO, they had to go back to town to get water. Which town is a long ways from where I live.Don't forget the fire was already against my house a long time before they came and now they had to go back to town to get water. I knew my house was going to catch on fire. Well after the firemen got done. My house and the building next to it didn't catch on fire at all. The electric lines caught on fire and the well and the other buildings that already were on fire.
I could of said why would god let that happen. Well things like that can't be explained but It could have been a lot worse. We could have lost our house and it made us closer to god because of him showing us that he exist.We had no water for a while to straighten that up,we had to get electricity back on in the house, We lost a lot of things in the buildings because we put somethings in them so we didn't have to have them in the house. We went to them to get them. Like, cleaning supplies,camping gear,kids bikes,yard supplies,Christmas Supplies, bedding. All of our extra things so we wouldn't have to have them in the house but we could have lost everything.We were thankful that we didn't.
Lots of things like this if there wasn't a god our house for example would have been gone. There is no way it wouldn't be on fire if there wasn't a god and the dog would still be dead. These are just some examples I've seen myself. I've seen lots more.
What do you think of this. Give your honest opinions. That's why this is a discussion. To give your honest opinions.
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7 responses

@margeryann (1845)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I believe like you because a lot of religions put down other religions. They say that there way is the right way. That makes if even more confusing for people that want to feel closer to god.You saying that religions are to control people, I see your point on that too and in some cases is to make money too.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I think that belief is often based on several things. It might be what one is taught, but there are those special chances that people have to witness the things that can not be explained any other way.
The thing is that there are groups of people that make religion what they want it to be. That is where the conflict is and can often cause others to relate this to God. It really has nothing to do with God. It has to do with the group and the way they are presenting what they say God meant.
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
19 Mar 11
I agree. There is some people that make a religion be what they want it to be and make people think that it is about god to try to get there way. I tried out one religion because my step-kid was telling me about it. I tried it and I felt so uncomfortable there. My non adult son was in a class where they just jumped in a trampoline the whole time and wasn't told anything about god. They served snacks and drinks just before church. They had a band for adults to listen to them and the preacher sounded like he was talking about situations that we all deal with to make it to where we could understand it in gods way. I thought that was cool but then after that every sermon was about give money to the church and didn't say nothing more. Then, it made me feel like they were wanting people to enjoy themselves in music,snacks and their kids just having fun so the church could just get money.I stuck around a little while to see if I was just assuming then it just continued. I quite going. My son liked going because it was like going to a fun place but I didn't like him not learning anything. He got bored with the jumping in the trampoline and just wanted to listen to the band with the adults. He liked that a lot but still nothing about god. I guess it would be okay to just have fun but that isn't how they make it out to be.
@melvelasco (356)
• Philippines
17 Mar 11
I'll start my opinion on this phrase " I do believe in God" very much. My parents raise me for never stopped believing that God lives, and that He is always been there to help. base on my experience not just because my parents teach me that belief, but through my personal experience while I am searching for the feelings that He is really there. Because that question had been my question if "He is real " so I search, ponder and pray. I've read some answer through my prayer through scriptures of the Word of God. If you prayed sincerely and you fill good about the praying you did and has a feeling of deeply happiness or joy with in your heart. That's the time I realize that He is real.
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
18 Mar 11
Thank you for sharing how you believe.I'm glad that you continued to believe.I know some people that was raised to believe and still don't.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
18 Mar 11
it is as simple as this,i didn't create soul i didn't create the universes,i didn't create the sun,moon,stars,the planets, i am just am so it is plain and simple that there is a higher creative force and its universal name is god,so we all just call it god,nothing complicated,simplicity is the truth too much complication casuses confusion
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I agree with what you are saying and thank you for sharing how you feel!
@scentcastle (241)
• Philippines
17 Mar 11
That is quite a good point. You believe in something you can account for. In your case, you believe in God not because of the Bible but because you've experienced His presence at some instances of your life. I believe in God because I just do. I know that amidst every thing that happens around us is a God who is still making miracles happen through us. The Bible is there for guidelines and inspiration in doing good. And once I do the right thing in every situation, that's when God works through me. That's what I believe.
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I also believe that we need to try to be the best person we can but we don't judge on how someone else is because we don't know if they are trying there best to be the best they can or not. My best and someone elses best are different. Thank you for sharing what you believe.
@mazhathulli (1)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I believe in god because i feel that every body has a reason to being in here....
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I agree. Thank you for responding and sharing how you feel.
@kwylima (451)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I believe in GOD because I feel that everybody here has a reason to being in here..How I think is like that : ok! if you don't believe in anything so why are you here? where are you going? where you came from? why? I hope you can understand me!
I believe that exist some power stronger than us and it is the why we are here. Everybody has some mission to have done on the earth.
I love god and I really don't know what I could do without Him!
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I agree and understand what you are talking about. Thank you for sharing what you believe and feel!