
March 18, 2011 5:16am CST
I realize that as electronic , PC etc develop so fast people begin to type not to write , will we became dumb and dumb ? because our motorist nerve not working 100% , we can,t feel the stroke of what we write etc etc , is that make sense ? sorry my English is not good
1 response
• Philippines
18 Mar 11
I totally agree with you. I barely write anything nowadays and whenever I hold a pen and try to write, my hands hurt. I hate it. Although the good thing about electronic is that it is more efficient fast and reliable. All those spell check thingy. By the way, spellcheck really makes me dumb and I rely to it most of time. that is why I started to do a handwritten journal, but the thing is soemtimes I get lazy to do it in a daily basis.