who would you choose......

March 19, 2011 7:18am CST
i was checking my email and a friend of mine sent me this life situation. actually, ths was given to two hundred applicants for one single position. the situation goes like this. you are driving a car in a wild stormy night. you pass by a bus stop where you see three people waiting: an elderly woman who is about to die, an old friend who once saved your life and, the perfect mate you've been dreaming about. who would you choose knowing there could only be one passenger in your car?
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11 responses
• India
19 Mar 11
This is a very interesting situation! I would just let my old friend take the car, drive the dying old woman to a hospital and stay back to start a relationship with my perfect mate! Everyone's happy! :)
• South Korea
19 Mar 11
Wow this is a really great answer . I hadn't thought of it this way. I though I would just leave the car and stay with three of them lol.
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
i agree with thatgirl, that kalyani's answer is good. i never would have thought of that. i guess everyone including me replied that i would take the elderly woman but you save two people and freeze in the rain with someone who you always dream of. clap clap clap. just hope that someone is still single. joke har har har.
• India
20 Mar 11
Thank you thatgirl13 and se7enthbird! That is the best thing I could when faced with the tricky situation! Yeah but if that perfect mate is not single then I guess, that puts you in a soup, or should I say totally out in the rain!! HA HA HA!!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
30 Mar 11
Well, I would take the old lady to hospital first and tell the others to wait as I am going to come back for you. I would then come back and grab my perfect mate, taking her back to my place to dry off and get warm. I would then go back and get my old friend, drop him off at his house, promising to catch up the next day, before going back to spend the night with my new perfect mate!
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
i will let the elderly woman who is about to die to ride with me. the old friend that save my life once will surely understand me for now i am paying it forward by helping someone and might save the elderly woman's life. the perfect mate can sit on my laugh har har har joke... well the perfect mate if we are meant for each other then i am sure we will meet again. if ever we will meet again i will tell that person that i save an elderly woman's life and remind that person that incident, of what happened that night. that is what i wan going to say.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
20 Mar 11
See, this is thinking in the box. I can only take one person. Why is that? A two seater car is made to drive two people comfortablly. I sit on the hot guys lap(note taking liberty with whom my perfect mate is). He and I co-drive the car, while my friend and the old lady share the passenger seat.
• United States
20 Mar 11
Good scenario.....I would probably choose the elederly women who is about to die because her life is at stake. I can always come back and get my friend and he/she would understand, hopefully. The perfect mate would understand too if they were really my perfect mate. I can always come back to get him if he's still available:)
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
I would choose the elderly woman who is about to die.
• United States
19 Mar 11
That is a very good question! This is a hard decision to make and I would probably be very indecisive about it. I would probably take the old lady because I would never be able to live with myself knowing I did not take her for help. My friend would understand that I was trying to save her just as he once saved me. The perfect mate I would look for again. If it is meant to be it will be. There are times you have to do what is right and saving a dying person seems like the right thing to do to me.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Mar 11
Hi. prime74j. I would choose the the elderly woman that was about to die. I would choose her because my life was once saved by the old friend before. Showing this old friend that I value another persons life because of what they have done for me, shows so much. The perfect mate will just have to wait on me if he is the perfect one.
@Bellapop (1279)
19 Mar 11
I would probably drive the old woman - only because she would probably be the most vulnerable of the three, someone who is frail, old and perhaps quite ill, would probably need to be driven away first, then I would come back for the other two, again, I would make a judgement and discuss with them which of the two wouldn't mind waiting until I get back, it would probably be the one who could stand the cold for a little longer who would be left behind until I came back again...
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
hi there. ummmmm i think i will have to go for that old woman who is dying, because i think i my friend can manage himself and i will explain to him the situation and hopefully he will understand. as for that person of my dreams.... i'll let that person stay in my dreams for one more night just kidding. i'll make it up to the both of them when i come back from the hospital ummm but then it's a WILD stormy night right? now i am confused
@flapiz (23293)
• United Kingdom
19 Mar 11
Well I have heard this situation before. And the best answer was: I would give the car keys to my friend and let her take the old woman to the hospital. While i will stay behind with my perfect mate. ^^