does height matters?

March 19, 2011 8:32pm CST
i was born small and did not grow til i reached my full growth. at first i didnt think it as disadvantage but now that im old i realized that there are many opportunities for tall people. they can find nice jobs easily like flight stewardes or model. shorts are not attractive too
3 responses
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
20 Mar 11
Hey I am short and I love myself just the same. Awesome things come in small packages. We all find our own talents and skills. It has nothing to do with how tall we are as to how successful we are. Some of the most richest people in this world are by far "attractive". Shortness is's okay to be short lol.
20 Mar 11
oh this is so inspiring
• United States
20 Mar 11
:) sorry didn't mean to comment twice. Anyhow you have to love yourself for who your are. Not all of us can be supermodels. Then who would be mommies, doctors, lawyers and singers!!
• United States
20 Mar 11
We are as tall and or short as we feel. There is no such thing as too short. I am 5ft 5 inch female and have had lots of modeling gigs. There use to be this stigma that only really tall women get the modeling gigs. Not true friend it is about how we carry ourselves. The tallest person and not self confidence would not do well. So friend no matter what height you are stand tall, shoulders back and head up high and let me tell you how attractive and tall you will look.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
20 Mar 11
Hey I am short and I love myself just the same. Awesome things come in small packages. We all find our own talents and skills. It has nothing to do with how tall we are as to how successful we are. Some of the most richest people in this world are far from "attractive". Shortness is's okay to be short lol.