End Time Events Regarding Natural Disasters...
United States
March 19, 2011 8:32pm CST
Lately people have been talking a lot about the foretold Biblical End Time events, due in large part to the recent natural disasters that are increasing, as National Geographic and the Science Discovery Channel have confirmed...
...no one seems to be mentioning the other foretold events that are unfolding, also at an alarming rate...that NO ONE is even talking about that is MORE significant than the natural disasters.
I don't look at one thing, consider it and then yell out, "it's the end time". I don't even look at two things...it takes a lot more events than just a few to arouse my concern. And quite frankly...I'm watching events closely!
Are there other's who are paying attention to more than just the natural disasters? What are you following or paying close attention to?
Thank you!
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7 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
30 Mar 11
There are a lot of things going on in the world. A lot of different things are happening that are affecting our earth. Also though peoples attitudes, their feelings and disposition about things are changing. It is important that we take note of the many things that are happening around us. Keeping update on what's going on in the world can help us to see how it relates to Bible prophecies.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Hello Franciscoandlee, I'm of course watching events in the Middle East and Israel, but am also watching world politics. I noticed the more complete shift toward global governance in the decisions made concerning Libya. Though a long time coming, it seems to be a very quiet shift (thus far)..
Here in the U.S. one party is not much for joining in on the idea of a league of nations cooperating on world affairs, but the other party is, and likely very much so. I very much believe there will be a world governing in latter/late days which I believe is the beast of rev chap 13, verses 1 through 10.. that this beast evolved from the roman-graeco world (the iron and bronze of Dn 7:19,20).. that a late horn of it was, then wasn't.. that it's head expired (Woodrow Wilson was the one who first envisioned a League of Nations, but then due to politics, the U.S. didn't after all sign on, and the League expired, but after 1945, it was resurrected by the nations.. but hasn't yet had a lot of authority breathed into it, but which will occur when the second described beast of chapter 13 becomes, or steps into the head.. The second beast described in rev chapter 13, is verses 11 through 18 ("the number of a man", or, I believe office, due to the occurrence of 13:13). In summary! As of now I'm keeping an eye out for world governance, followed by drought/dry times (because of Joel, rev 12:16 and Luke23:28,31). After these occur I will be watching for other listed signs..
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• United States
28 Mar 11
Hi flowerchilde...yes, I'm watching right along with you!
The other important event to remember is that God says the Holy Land will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles...then His return is eminent. I think that event will happen sooner than most think..I believe that process is under way right now, as we speak!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
26 Mar 11
Your topic brought to my mind Matthew 24:33 (New International Version, ©2011) 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
All the signs would have to evident at the same time to mark Jesus' return. Do we see all the signs at this time? It looks that way to me!

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
27 Mar 11
Yes, it is just more than natural disasters. Along with the bad there would be some positive things happening too, like Matthew 24:14 (New International Version, ©2011)
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
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• United States
26 Mar 11
It's more than just the natural disasters...it's many other contributing factors happening...as if the end time warnings have turned it up a notch or two...it's all happening pretty quickly.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Mar 11
There does seem to be a sense of urgency in people lately. Perhaps it is the threat of all out nuclear war as well as the earthquakes in recent years.
I've seen a lot of prophecy concerning end times that does not originate within the Bible as well. The Native American tribe of Hopi comes to mind, as well as the famous Mayan Calendar of 2012 fame.
Is it just cycles that the earth goes through and we are unlucky enough to live in the last one, or at the end of one?
There is a search for meaning and truth within all human beings. My hope is that I've found that truth and will see my God. That is my faith, that is why I continue on. Otherwise, life at this particular place in time would be very frightening.
• United States
20 Mar 11
These are very much trying times...and life just keeps getting more trying.
All we can succumb to is our faiths and beliefs, holding steadfastly to our own convictions despite the ridicule and scoffing we will receive from others.
• United States
23 Mar 11
Excellent point of view, debra!
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
20 Mar 11
Oh yes the world is falling apart as we know it. People are turning against each other..countries..wars..pollution...it's just the beginning. Those are the signs we need to go and be off this earth. The earth we are damaging to no end. And the disasters are the signs that it will be happening soon. Hopefully not to soon. I at least want to make it to see my grandchildren.
• United States
20 Mar 11
Hi natnickeep...thanks for commenting!
I agree...hopefully not too soon! I have a grand-daughter that I would like to see grow up, and I am still working on my CD and trying to get that recorded so I can get back out in front of an audience and play music again...as writing and recording takes a lot of time.
But yes, something is happening in our world, and it's affecting us all. Something just isn't right...now whether that is the indication of the actual End Time events, I can't confidently say..but something is going on.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
20 Mar 11
It's just the way the circle of life and things work. Everything has to end to begin again. I am not religious. I do believe people of the past also realized this was coming and tried to help us prepare.
• United States
20 Mar 11
I'm not religious either, however I do believe in God and read the Bible. But I'm also a logical thinker since I'm deeply into science. I don't jump on the End Time bandwagon every time something extraordinary happens. I've been studying CSI/Detective for a long time...and like a cop when they have someone of interest...the events unfolding in our world, and the foretold prophecies are of interest...they are starting to coincide...but again, I can't say for certain...but it does have my interest...for the first time ever, I'm curious about it.
It may turn out to be nothing, I'm sure...but worth looking into a little more.

@dlpierce (495)
• United States
24 Mar 11
Remember LUKE 21: 10-11
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places and fearful events and great signs from heaven." Jesus says, "Behold I come quickly."
I believe we are seeing what has been written. It may take hundreds of years to come to pass. But it may take a lot less time than that. Are we ready? I believe we should all prepare ourselves for what's ahead.
• United States
28 Mar 11
dlpierce....I so agree with you...we are seeing the events of the End Times happening, and at a much faster pace.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Mar 11
Well, overall there is no one but Jesus Christ himself that can predict or tell you when the end times aka the Rapture will take place. There is a lot of people trying to predict and tell you their thoughts, but only Jesus knows when he will decide to make sure enough is enough and call his chosen ones back home. Anyone who reads and believes in the Bible and the book of Revelations can see that there are a lot of signs pointing towards the last days and leading to the part where there will be signs and such along with disasters, but who can really know when the end day will be. All we can do is be ready and stay prayed up and try to encourage those who may not believe as well.