Have you ever feels like this...

March 20, 2011 11:34pm CST
Since a few days ago i always met a girl in my dream, i mean i always met the same girl in my dream. And what i don't understand is i don't even know this girl in my life but i can remember her face in my dream, she is so beautiful. Do you think it means something, is she someone i knew somewhere in the past or i will meet in the future. I feels like its so real but i don't know why it feels so real to me. I am trying to remember everything in the past but nothing i got about this girl or maybe it doesn't mean anything. Whatever, i don't care about it anymore. Just want to share with you.
14 responses
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
21 Mar 11
Sometimes dreams have several manifestation, however most of the time they do not mean anything. So, I would shrug off the dream and continue to live as normal. When this girl is really meant for you, you will meet here whatever and however the situation is. But before everything gets materialized, who cares?
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
who cares?
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 11
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
22 Mar 11
I used to dream of a man that I was going to marry. I was already married at the time....to my ex-husband....so the dream was odd to me. At that time, I had no intention of getting a divorce. This dream was one that I had over and over and over again. I could see his face even when I was wide awake, but I had never met him or seen him before in my life. In my dream, I knew his mother, as a matter of fact, she babysat for me a lot in real life. In real life, I knew that she had kids, but I had only met two of them and the prospect of meeting the others was slim to none. THey lived very far away and had very little contact with her. Years later, I was divorced. I had been divorced for a few years as a matter of fact. I was sitting at my home one day and there was a knock at the front door. Whe I opened the door, there he stood. I knew right at that moment that he and I would be married, and we are. He is my old babysitter's son, and he did live very far away. He had moved to be near his grandmother, whom he was very close to, because her health was failing. They were living right next door to me. My point is that you never really know if or when you will run into someone that you have only met in your dreams, but chances are, if the dream is vivid enough that you can remember her face, you will probably see her some day.
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
Thanks for the share. Let's hope for the best.
• China
21 Mar 11
Romanticly speaking ,maybe some day in the future you will meet such a girl on in a romatic way .I don't know whether you have married.If you have ,it is most important to cherish what you have onwed now.If you haven't ,I wish you will have a good luck in the future sincerly.
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
No, i am not yet married. And thanks anyway.
• United States
21 Mar 11
Have you ever taken the time to draw this woman or paint her picture? I think dreams tell us something all the time and we need to figure out what they are telling us but I would definitely make my dream an art if I were you.
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
That's such a great idea i think. But i am not good with that thing. Dreams tell us something all the time?. All the time?. I don't think so.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
21 Mar 11
Maybe she's your dream girl! Maybe you'll meet her one of these days, and get to know her! She might be the girl for you!
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
Maybe yes, maybe not but i won't make it complicated for me.
@kwylima (451)
• United States
21 Mar 11
I know what you mean and I really think that it can means something..I don't know exactly, but when i have de same dream for so long something happens in my life and makes me remember that dream.. Few years ago i dreamed that a place was being clean...a place like a big store..I know it sounds stupid but few months after this place that i dreamed came to be a big store like walmart..but other name... well hope you can find out what it means... good luck
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
That would be great if our dreams come true even when we feels its something not gonna happen in the future, but we will never know the future, right. Just hope for the best.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
22 Mar 11
I have always believed the dreams that you can remember vividly, has significant meaning, at least in my life they have had. You maybe dreaming about someone that will come into your life in the near or far future. I would not focus on it on a daily basis, but I would keep an open mind as to the meaning. If it becomes a persist dream you can rest assure that something is significant about it. I hope she is just who you want when she appears.
• United States
21 Mar 11
Hi genius277 Time to make that dream a reality. Go out and venture a bit. Enter some opportunities with a positive mind set. You just do not know the girl of your dreams can be really close by. Dreams are beautiful and more so when we make them come true. Best of luck and hope you find the girl you truly hope for.
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
i hope so but i will not hoping too much with that.
• India
21 Mar 11
Well you are lucky to have felt so like that. It's hard enough to have good dreams and even harder to get them in real. It's like a dream come true and that rarely happens to people. You are really lucky to have met the girl of your dreams. Well when you try to remember the dream then you can't right now. It would seem so hard. Cheers!
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
21 Mar 11
I believe our spirit leave our bodies when we sleep and that could be your mentor, like a guardian angel or something. I see a father from other life, I know him but actually never knew his face, but I always have the feeling I know him really well. After 14 years he told me he was my father and yes, we actually didn't meet in this life.
• Indonesia
23 Mar 11
wow, that's really interesting and what happened after that, did you just believe him?
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
21 Mar 11
don't focus on your dream, dreams can be catchy sometimes and can take you to a new dimension that you can't even imagine.... human minds are too naughty and wise sometimes.... just live in the present and do anything that can make yourself and everyone around you happy...
• Indonesia
21 Mar 11
yah, you're right. Maybe i just too stupid to thinking about my dream because its just a dream, and dream is not a real thing.
• United States
21 Mar 11
I think its something psychological. A friend told me this once. Before you go to bed, put a glass full of water under your bed with a pencil balancing on top. Point it toward the way you get out of bed. It`s said that when you dream, you`ll dream of the person you`ll marry in the future. You`ll see a bridge (thats the pencil and of course the glass of water is the river.) And on the other side of the bridge is gonna be the girl you`re gonna marry. Now I dont know if it something spiritual, but its said that your mind just puts together faces you`ve seen in the past that you are attracted to. You`re probably gonna go out and find that face out in the real world. Go and try it. Reading what you wrote, you probably already had the dream.
@flookie (31)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
They say that dreams are based on our mind's wishes. So I guess you wanted to meet that ideal girl someday, or maybe you have met her already but only not sure when and where.
@Dehvid (1)
• United States
21 Mar 11
Since you haven't seen her before in the real sense of life,maybe you are still gonna come across her someday.