A Perfect Job, can it be true?

United States
March 21, 2011 5:10am CST
Okay, I am now looking for a different job, because my last one was too much work and too little pay. I need to find a job that is perfect amount of work for the perfect amount of pay. The thing is, I don't want to be at a job where I'm not happy to be at. Where I choose to work is a place that I want to be happy to be at, not getting up every day dreading to go to work. I honestly don't mind working at a food place, Because it is still a job. Sure I didn't make hardly anything, but at least I was keeping myself steady. Money has been really tight for me lately and anything that I can bring it, I am happy to. So what I am looking for here is a perfect job: meaning Balancing out work time for pay. Any Help? Thank you.
1 response
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
21 Mar 11
Dear friend, I feel it may depend upon the enjoyment got from the job along with the remuneration or money earned from. May be a singer who sings and enjoys it with high monetary returns I feel that sings got a perfect job. Hope each people who gets enjoyment with better monetary side could have attained their perfect job. Wish you all the best......