Help concerning payouts...

United States
March 21, 2011 6:36am CST
Ok, so I have looked at the rules and stuff and I'm a bit confussed and someone tried to explain it to me a while back when I first started mylot but can someone clarify for me what dates exactly 1) when do you need to have a total, or when do they count the total, of $10 at least in your mylot earnings to reach payout at the 15th? Is it any time before the 15th or is there a set date?
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5 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
21 Mar 11
Hello Wickedspies, You must have $10 in your account in the last day of the month in order to qualify yourself for the next month payment. For instance, if you have more than $10 dollars at 31 of March, you will be automatically paid until the 15th of April. The payments are usually made earlier than the 15th of the month, if you check the payment proofs from my profile you'll see that most of them were made on th 12th or the 13th of each month.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Mar 11
If your minimum payout is set to a higher amount, and you only have $10 in your account on the last day of the month, you will not receive it
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
21 Mar 11
Hi MysD! You are right, but for a user who expects the first payment, it is unlikely to have the minimum payout set to a higher amount, don't you think? I haven't understood why would anybody set a higher minimum payout. Have you?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Mar 11
There are many who have set it higher. One friend here iw working in a country which does not accept Paypal and has raised his minimum to $100 and will wait until he returns to his own country to receive it. I saw several Lotters from India who said that they would raise their minimum after the new rules in their country. Shall I continue?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Mar 11
It is the last day of the month at midnight myLot time (see the clock at the bottom of the page). If you reach the minimum by that time, then on or around the 15th of the following month you will reeive the amount that was in your account on that date.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Mar 11
You are blond too? Gosh there are soooooooooooo many on here!
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• United States
21 Mar 11
I heard blonds were hanging out in this box.
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• United States
21 Mar 11
That makes sense I don't know why I get so easily confused about these things, I blame it on my blond heritage
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
21 Mar 11
Hi,friend.I just got my first payment in Feb. The rule is as the following: if you can reach 10 dollars at the end of this month, you will get your payment on 15th next month. That is to say, if you got 9.99 dollars 31th Mar. Then you can't get your payment 15th Apr. You will have to wait another month. The earnings will be carried on, so you don't need to worry about it. If you got 12.33 dollars on 31th Mar. and you earn 2 more dollars from 1th to 15th Apr. Then on 15th Apr. you will get 12.33 dollars,and the 2 more dollar earned in Apr. will be carried on.
• United States
21 Mar 11
Oh ok thanks so much that makes sense
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Mar 11
hi wickedspoies its always been on midnight of the last day of the ,month for instance this month it will be midnight on March 31 then whatever you make is sent to paypal and you will receiver your earnings on the fifteetn of april or a day os so before. always the last day of the month midnight is the cutoff time.I think this might have been in the questions and answers. check.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
As I know you must set your configuration in your account set to how much your minimum payout, if you put 10$ it should be your payout amount if higher than it will continue until reach the given amount. Also make sure your paypal account email to make sure you can receive your money.. see you around