March 22, 2011 11:21pm CST
Here are my top five DONT'S ON A FIRST DATE.. 1. DON'T TALK ABOUT POLITICS! I don't care about politics at that moment, my aim is to get to know you. Yes, politics may be one of your interests but I would prefer to have a general idea of who you are rather than to be discussing one topic/interest such as politics. 2. DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIPS. Why would someone discuss this on the first date? If your date starts talking about his/her past relationships, wouldn't you start to think that there maybe some unresolved issues? Issues that needs to be worked out before they start seeing other people? 3. DON'T TRY TO BE SOMEONE THAT YOUR NOT. Being yourself is all I ask for. Who knows it just maybe your silliness, quirks or intelligence that may seal the deal. So, just be you. 4. Eating with your mouth open is a big DON'T, it simply say you that have no manners. 5. Please! Please! Please! don't talk about yourself all night long. There is nothing worse than being around someone thats constantly talking about themselves. It comes across as being egotistical and selfish. So those are my top five, I hope to hear your feedbacks.
1 response
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
23 Mar 11
I would have to agree with the second one: It is a definite NO when it comes to talking about past relationships. My boyfriend did this to me on our first date and it was sooo annoying I wanted to jump out of the car while he was driving me to the restaurant! He said "she broke my heart..." and I thought wow, are you that clueless? Can I leave? I don't mind the politics thing. I actually think it could be helpful to get to know what their position is on the subject. I would want to know on the first date if the person was a Republican because then I could stop wasting my time and never call him back!