Obama Says We Are Not At War in Libya

United States
March 23, 2011 3:22pm CST
President Barack Obama just said we are not at war in Libya. I guess killing and being killed in Libya is not enough and they may be under the impression that we all are without a mind of our own!
5 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
23 Mar 11
I guess folks can quibble and play semantics and throw around what "is" is when it comes to it. Let me slow down. I confuse terrorists when my rant hammer swings wildly. A few more mistakes and I can be a politician. But anyway... It's "war" through every definition of the word save political spin. I really don't think there's any way around that. It doesn't have to be long and drawn out and require tens of thousands of troops to be a war. It doesn't have to cross some dollar amount to qualify as war. A president doesn't have to stand in front of a TV camera and declare it to be a war. The US might not be alone in waging it, but it's war nonetheless. That aside, I think they should take that idiot out and wrap things up.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Mar 11
To whom do you refer when you say "idiot"?
• United States
23 Mar 11
Qadaffi. I see no other reason to go in if they're only going to leave him lingering around. Take him out. Let the rebels do the rest. Unless I missed the news today and they got the sucker...
• United States
23 Mar 11
I always appreciate honesty. True, our world bullies attacked Gaddafi because the colonel Gaddafi is not only a nationalist, but the leader of a developing nation who has never kissed the behinds of our imperialists! The US, France and their allies attacked Gaddafi not because they cared for the wellbeing of Libyans, but mainly because Libya has resources they would like to get for free and Gaddafi has always called the shots in his national affairs.
@Makro74 (591)
24 Mar 11
Well, war or even a fight is one which is a near level playing field. With Libya it is like playing soccer where Libya is the goalkeeper, whilst the other side has full team! Lets get real. If we as adults slap a five year old, that is all it is a slap. Not a fight or a war because the child cannot fight back. When a woman is raped, she cannot fight back and is powerless. Libya, as was Iraq, is being raped, pillaged and destroyed in the name of protecting civilians. Gadaffi is no nice guy, he is eccentric. With all the might thrown at Libya, try throwing this at Russia when it flattened Chechneya. Or China for invading Tibet. Why does Britain still hold the Falklands, or even Gibraltor? Refering to rape analogy, we could not pillage any of the developed countries because we would get as much as we got. Jungle warfare and to some extent street warfare is offlimits to Americans as proved by Vietnam and Iraq. And all recent sweeping ground wars which the US has comfortably won have been in the desert against poorly armed opposition. This is not war, but a show at the expense of the civillians caught up in it. Iraq: Tony Blair used to say, 'a million protesters will not match the numbers Saddam will amount to if he remains in power'. Well, Iraq's civilian deaths run into 7 figures since the invasion. Watch Libya unfold, and wait and see what the exit strategy might bu.
• United States
24 Mar 11
I could not have said it any better! The saga in Libya is nothing but bullies throwing their weight around and attempting to intimidate and hopefully plunder. While I did not appreciate colonel Gaddafi using force on his country men and women, I however saw and understood his fears: The man has for more than 30 years managed to hold imperialists at bay and prevented them from plundering his national resources and is merely afraid the younger generation may gullibly open doors to imperialists - I am so sorry about the situation in Libya and Ivory Coast, where our imperialists are busy attempting to oust incumbent presidents that would cater to them. Though I believe it is time the colonel resigns, I however want colonel Gaddafi to resign in respect for the people and of his own free will!
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
25 Mar 11
To President Truman The UN action in Korea was a Police Action. In Bosnia it was Peace Keeping. Now President Obama tells us we are not at war we are in a "Kinetic Military Action". Just like terrorism is now a Man caused Disaster. There are still some who call it like it is. To the soldiers and pilots it is WAR.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Over 160 missiles shot into the country at over a million bucks a pop and it is just a police action...Hmmm. That is an expensive police action considering we are a bankrupt country. We don't even get but a pittance of oil from Libya. Whats the big deal? The supposed "innocent civilians" that are attacking Qadaffi, are really the same groups of terrorists that trained the bast ards that blew up the NYC Towers and blew the plane out of the air over Scotland. Why are we helping them? This is not about the real civilians...they will just be put under the rule of the islamic brotherhood when all is said and done...From one slave driver to another.
• United States
24 Mar 11
True that it was never for the sake of Libyans. This absurd attack on Libya is all about ousting Gaddafi, the leader of a developing nation who has never bowed to our imperialists and has always called the shots in dealings with his nation! And as you, too, have already observed, the desire to oust Gaddafi is so strong that our world bullies are not even thinking of who may replace Gaddafi! No connection whatsoever with the welfare of Libyan! The people in Bahrain and Yemen have been crying for help, but none of our imperialists has paid any attention! Of course, neither Bahrain nor Yemen have resource we can envy!
26 Mar 11
Not at war? We're just dropping bombs then... ... probably because we're getting none in return it makes it a no war [sarcasm] But seriously, what do you call this then? a massacre?