What is the soundtrack of your life?

@msvenzon (424)
March 23, 2011 10:55pm CST
For me, music is a crucial part of my life. In music, I can express my kept emotions whether I'm happy or just feeling frustrated. At the moment, I am going through tough times. And I feel that if my life would ever be played in a film, the song that best describes my life right now is "Get it Right". For so many Glee fans, you know for sure what the story of the song is. Just to quote a few lines with Rachel Berry singing "What can you do when your good isn't good enough, when all that you touch tumbles down. Coz my best intentions keep making a mess of things, I just wanna fix it somehow. But how many times will it take for me to get it right." I am hoping that somehow there is a purpose to all that is happening to me right now. I am thankful for music that keeps me going on. To you, what would best describe your life if it were to be called a soundtrack of your life?
6 responses
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
27 Mar 11
There are lots of songs that could be a soundtrack of my life but I still think the song “Landslide” best describe it. I always like the simplicity of this song, the lyrics is plain but has a deep very touching meaning between the lines. It does not actually speak my situation per lyrics but figuratively speaking the song describes every aspect of my life more than any song I can think of. When we faced foreclosure and was forced to look for another place to live in I found myself singing the chorus of the song in my head. It goes… [i]”We’ll I’ve been afraid of changing coz I live my life around you, but time makes you bolder children get older I’m getting older too…” [/i] This line made me so emotional that I silently cried because I know I was scared, scared of not knowing what will happen to us and scared all the more because I cannot escape the reality that a bigger responsibility is coming my way. A responsibility that I’m not sure I can handle alone, back then I felt that my life is in a “Landslide” and I was turned upside down. I also like the line “Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?" Our family faced a lot of problems that I cannot talk about and sometimes I can’t help but think if I’m strong enough to handle another unknown season that will come in my life.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Hello, The soundtrack of my life is The Climb by Miley Cyrus This song really reflects my life so much! Life is a climb, but the view is great! :) That's what I learn from that soundtrack and its movie!
@msvenzon (424)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Wow thanks for the reply. I might consider watching this movie too.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
No problem! The title of the movie is "Hannah Montana: The Movie" the theme was "The Climb" Hope you enjoyed it!
@Sheeny (173)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
I really love listening to music especially when I am sad, alone or happy. It is so relaxing while listening to music.
24 Mar 11
Hello! the soundtrack of my life is Survivor from Destiny's Child. I can really relate to this song.. :)
@dznurani (160)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 11
I love music too, I love so many type of music such as pop, punk, rock, hip hop, RnB, so it's a little bit difficult to find my soundtrack of life. but I really like songs which have good and positive message in their lyrics.
• Italy
1 Apr 11
If I choose, have made my life would be the saddest song in the world