Online, Offline

@edsss17 (4394)
March 24, 2011 10:37am CST
Before I started to make any sidelines online before, I have my ways to earn offline! Not that big, but enough for a young lady like me.. Now, since I got this computer. I've started to study the ins and outs on the internet world! So far, I haven't earn anything yet, but I'm not losing hopes! Its easier for me to make money online, even if I really haven't yet while compare offline. I just don't know why, but I really find it so easy! What do you think?
2 people like this
15 responses
• India
24 Mar 11
It is good that you have discovered ways to earn money online. Mylot is one of those ways. Here we can earn some money while enjoying participating in the discussions. We cannot compare offline earning with online earning like at myLot but yes with time we can make some money to invest in our hobbies and other stuffs. Most good think about myLot is that I enjoy being here and discussing things. It also increases my knowledge and gives me an opportunity to know other cultures and people better. Hope you will find some other ways to earn from online. Good luck.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
4 Apr 11
Hello Edsss, I began my e-life style three years ago. There are good ways to earn online and there are fakes ways to earn online. You should study a lot to avoid scams. And you should try harder to earn legit money! Good chance! Blessings!... Dainy
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
26 Mar 11
I think it is easier to earn online because there are so many places that you can do it and it doesn't take any experience. You don't have to go through a long application process and you can do it when you want and where you want. If it were possible to do offline work like that, it would be easy too.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 Mar 11
Good luck to you and everyone! It is not hard at all if we know how to do it at first place.
• United States
25 Mar 11
My main job is a phone job I do from home. I also had some other gigs. If you would like a referral to a site all you do is rate words & another I make a couple $ here and there doing short little surveys. If you would like referral to both sites pm me. I'm not sure how anyone is able to cash ou from this site once a month. It seems like making money here is a slow process. Are there other things to do on mylot to earn money other than just posting on the forum.
• Australia
25 Mar 11
Hi there, Making money online can be very tough at times. With so many sites turning out to be a scam, it is very difficult to find a right one to suit your needs. But not to lose hope, there are few sites which might be helpful in generating not huge but reasonable money online. I always consider making money online as a hobby and not become that serious about it but some people who dedicate their days and nights to online money making sites do go quite ahead online.
• United States
24 Mar 11
I have done both worked online and off line. People like my candles and soaps I make from home that would be my off line job. But online I work all over the place. And I have made from money to gifts and gift cards. And I enjoy entering giveaways on peoples blogs.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 11
Yes, online world make everything become easier to get. Only if you know how to get it.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
Everyone that I knew who wants to make money online started from scratch, meaning they don't even know how and where to start. But upon learning the ins and outs of internet earning process, some have decided to put so much effort to it. Of course you won't get much money at first unless you will invest some amount. But it is very much satisfying if you can earn money without any investments at all. Anyway, if you decide to concentrate on online earning opportunities, please be careful in choosing sites because there are so many scam sites on the net, check first reviews before you put so much effort. Good luck!
@rhadzie (68)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
good for you that it's easy to earn money online because on my part, i'm having a hard time. that's a good sign and keep it up.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
25 Mar 11
Well I never had any part times or worked else where. This is my first attempt of earning money, online. I actually haven't earned much here too and I can't seem to believe it until I get paid.
• United States
24 Mar 11
There are alot of opportunities to make money online. You just have to have the know-how. And the best thing about it is... It`s free. Free to join, I mean. It wont happen over night, but it really does work. Yes, there are many scams out there, but like I said before. If you do your research, you`ll be fine. Goodluck.
@anepal (37)
25 Mar 11
you can from both. it depends on how much you are interested in it. if you are interested in earning online thats fine and if you want to do it offline that is also fine. I prefer for offline work...
@even1217 (61)
• China
25 Mar 11
hi~~~it's my first time to earn money online. It's different and it's novel.
24 Mar 11
It is very difficut to earn a decent money online but i have some sites on my profile i use to earn that have all paid me not big money but it all helps most members here also have links for sites they use on there profiles so be sure to check some out for the best earning sites that actually pay us,good luck.