What do you enjoy most about mylot?

@Kate34 (656)
March 24, 2011 2:44pm CST
Well, today I was wondering what you enjoy most about mylot so I taught why don't I ask you. i don't normally start disscussions but I'm trying to do more. My question is are you on mylot for money and only money or to make friends and gain peoples opinions or to get answers to your questions or just for the feeling of helping people or all 4? For me it's everyone except the answer to your question because I don't start many disscussion. I'm more of the answering type so taht wouldn't get me answer to my questions. My journey to mylot will hopefully be a happy one but for that to happen I will have to make friends. Friends that respond to my disscusions and share their opinions not just the gold diggers. Yes I admit the money bit is one of the things I like about mylot. I first found mylot when I searched for answers in the search engine and there were answers from mylot. I read the answer and respected their opinion but never knew what mylot was until one day it came up in the search engine and I wanted to find out what mylot was and I was really suprised with the answer I love mylot to this very day and although I only earned 2.02 and have been here at least a couple months. I'm not disappointed because I am not a gold digger. So what about your opinion and answer to my question. Look forward from hearing from you. Kate
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13 responses
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Hi kate! I've been a member of this site for about 3 days only to-date so the answer that i would be giving you would depend on those three days that i've been here. What do i enjoy about mylot? I guess, it gives me the feeling that my time is precious and my thoughts are important. The time i do spend on reading posts and comments and in participating in the discussions are not put into waste because from here i get to learn things about others and about myself. Knowing that my posts and comments are read and answered by others would mean that my thoughts are not dismissed, instead they are valued (imagine, they are even financially rewarded). I hope by participating i do get to reach out to others and be of help to others in whatever way (be it just killing their time or be it giving them sensible answers to their questions). in here, i get to exercise logic and critical thinking and also express myself. My writing and communication skills are also practiced as they are already rusting since i don't get to use them as much as i did before when i was still working (please excuse the flaws in my grammar and sentence construction :p). english is not my mother tongue so it is quite an effort to express myself as clearly as possible using my second language but i'll try my best to do so. The thought that i can get to do all these things and earn even just a little is simply awesome and very encouraging. That's the reason i signed up and i hope it will sustain me. :)
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@Kate34 (656)
• France
24 Mar 11
Well first of welcome to mylot. I can tell you will be a very good mylotter with quality posts who comes here to help people and to be helped. I can tell your not a gold digger. I wish you well with english. English is my main language but it shouldn't be as I live in Ireland where our language is Irish but all because of the British are country's main language isn't spoken maninly.
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• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Thanks kate for the warm welcome, for the compliment and the well wishes. :) tagalog is my first language as i am born and raised in the philippines. We were taught english in school so it becomes a second language to us. Btw, one of my bosses in my previous job is an irish. :)
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@rhadzie (68)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
the truth is, i joined mylot becacause i want to earn extra money online. but as i use mylot, i learned that there is more to earning money here. i enjoy sharing my ideas, and learning from the suggestions and comments of other mylotters like me. i believe that it will take me so much time yet before i cash out here but i am not in a too hurry because i know i will still learn a lot here. thanks mylot!
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
I agree. I heard from the reviews that they don't pay that much here so there's not much gold to dig here anyway. Therefore this might not be a haven for gold diggers. If people here are in just for the money, perhaps they won't stay here that long. :)
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@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Yes I totally agree. Yes people who come here for the money will have low quality posts and will always ask questions about money and not fully enjoy mylot. I think all these answers are exactly what I wanted them to be. Keep it up guys
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
25 Mar 11
Simple chatting discussing learning, and making some bucks fun and earnings whats not to like or enjoy.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
26 Mar 11
This is exactly what I though people would be like short and simple.
@dheckerz (473)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
I'm interested to know others thoughts and opinions and got to learn from them. Also it let's me share mine as well. We always learn from others and these are great things to consider in life.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Yes you are so right we do always learn things from other and it's always good to consider these things in life.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
25 Mar 11
I enjoy mylot for several reasons,and the fact that I can get involved in such a variety of discussions,some of them really exciting and challenging for the mind,is a powerful reason to make me feel that I will be here for a long time;money is equally important,I have to admit it,I would probably loose my interest in the site if I weren't paid for my activities.I ala\so enjoy the fact that I can earn not only from discussions,but also from other sources.I also enjoy starting discussions,although I have only started a few so far,and I will do it only when an interesting topic comes to my mind because I don't want to repeat discussions on topics that have already been discussed many times.Anyway,to summarise,mylot offers me both the pleasure of exchanging opinions with people from different cultures and the chance to earn some money,and I enjoy it for both reasons equally.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
I enjoy mylot for several reasons too. Yes about your money I think that I would lose interest too but I'm not here only for the money like some people.
• United States
25 Mar 11
I enjoy that I can have nice conversations and also make some money. I was very big on yahoo answers on at one point and would have made hundreds if that site payed lol. I just enjoy the discussions alone and the fact that I can make money off it as well is very nice.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
26 Mar 11
Yes I agree and would be good if yahoo answers payed that would be great. These answers are the same as me nearly all of them.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
25 Mar 11
I get inspiration here. I find other ways of making money and I find new ideas on a lot of things, as well as hearing news from other nations that our news media tends to ignore. It's fun to find others who have the same view and it's fun to interact with others who have the opposite view. The money is okay, too.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Yes inspiration and ideas but most of all for me the joy of helping someone and their praise although a little cash in return is always good
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• China
25 Mar 11
I enjoy reading others questions and answers in mylot. It's interesting. But I never make a disscusion. But I will try next time:)
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Try write a little more, explain how you found mylot or just more ideas. Oh and you haven't started any disscussions because first of all your a new member. You only have responded to 2 disscussions.
@llsling (331)
• China
25 Mar 11
I been mylotter for quite a while,i found it via the other site that i now don't remember so much clearly. I am actually a english learner ,btw ,chinese is my language,came here for learning how the native really operate their language 'cause i freaking am sick of english textbook which can't say nothing good about . Meanwhile,you also earn many a nickel from it,though it's way not enough for making a living and all of this you been through is quite a lot of fun. Enjoy all the experience .
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Cool chinese. I always wondered about Chinese but I never tried to learn it. It would be way to hard but if your born when your parents speak it, it's easy.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
25 Mar 11
Hi, Mylot is a good website to share my ideas and same time I have chance to know more friends around the world, and the best part , I can earn money by expressing out my ideas. I hardly start a discussions unless I have something good in mind that I would like to share with other mylotters. Most of the time i will respond to discussions. I do hope I can spend more time in Mylot,so that I can earn more each day. I respect other people's ideas and I do learn from others. Some people give a very good explanation and the way they write are pretty good, at mylot, I have chance to improve my writing skills and also my vocabulary. Happy Mylotting !!
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
Exaty like me. From where you don't start many disscussions to helping others to sharing your ideas for money. These are exatly my thoughts. Oh how I love mylot.
• United States
24 Mar 11
I enjoy the diversity more than anything..The agreements that boost the spirit, the disagreements that boost the mind and the fun that boosts the imagination. Like you I don't often start discussions preferring instead to meander thru other folks thoughts and ideas..The money's not the mainstay. I come by infits and spurts as the mood and discussions move me so it takes a bit for the money to get to pay-out..Enjoy!
@Kate34 (656)
• France
24 Mar 11
Yes I love reading disscussions but most of all answering them but today I have decided to start more disscussions as they are actually quite fun to start and comment on your responses and have a disscussion with them. I agree with your points. Maybe you could tell me how you found mylot??
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• India
24 Mar 11
hi kate, for me mylot is a site where i can really get my unsolved question solved and even i can share my views in public also.so i love mylot.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
24 Mar 11
Yes. I too love mylot. I don't really ask questions but am starting too and I love sharing my opinions and just helping people.
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@Janexiao (173)
• China
25 Mar 11
i am more likely to gain people's opinions and get anwers and have the good feeling of helping others. When i am here, i am so happy to see so many good ideas and everyone seems very friendly, thank mylot.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
25 Mar 11
They are my exact toughts in different words. That's why I love mylot so much it's so friendly and organized. I wish I could come here way more often than I do.
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