Paying For Programs

@re08dz (1941)
March 24, 2011 7:16pm CST
Up till now I've only ever paid for one program online (it was a mentoring type thing and probably one of the best investments I ever made) I'm not one to recommend "paid for" programs - generally anything you need to know when it comes to earning online can be for free if you take the time to search it out. Having said that of course I did just spend some money on a new program that I see a huge potential in - it's really new - has great marketing and helpful tutorial videos etc so for me it was more than worth it. Every day it seems I get emails from people wanting me to join the latest and greatest program online - I tend to delete them and move on (it was only a fluke I actually opened this latest program that I joined :-) ) and I'm sure anyone else that has ever been involved in earning online in anyway has also received countless join this type email. But how many of you actually taken the plunge and paid to join an online site/program etc - were you glad you did (like I am the two times I've actually done it) or was it a great big waste of money?
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4 responses
@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
25 Mar 11
I'm a member of several safelists so I get literally 100's of emails a day from people who want me to join their program. Lol! As a result, I'm fairly "numb" to most of them. It really has to catch my eye in order for me to take the time to read. It's a rarity, believe me! As far as actually paying for an online program.....yep. I recently took the plunge. After wading through tons of garbage and taking the time to learn the in's and out's of things, I think I found the right one. At least it's the right one for me. It's got a proven track record, low entry cost, online support, thousands of payment proofs, active upline support, webinars, training tools, etc. I'm sure you get the point. As was mentioned by others, the key to any program is to treat it as you would any off-line business venture. You have to put in the time and effort if you want your business to grow. It's just not a matter to throw your referral link out there and expect people to join. I've been building mine up for a little over six months and have to say I'm quite satisfied with how things are going so far. My projections are realistic. I don't have any delusions of grandeur thinking I'm going to get rich over night or anything like that. I've taken advantage of the resources available to me and am going at the pace that I'm comfortable with. That being said, my original investment was $5. I've made $150 so far. The thing I really like about it is that earnings are paid out automatically to a certain amount. Once you've been paid that, future earnings are used to pay your way into higher levels of the program. Automatically. There are only 3 levels and I'm on the second. I'm projecting that I'll be in the third and final level sometime in the next 3 or 4 months. And it's all happened with just the one-time $5. The veterans in my program are easily accessible and more than willing to share their experiences and to offer advice. I've learned a lot about the world of making money online in a relatively short amount of time and feel confident that I'll only continue to grow, as will my business. Not a waste of time at all.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
25 Mar 11
When i first started I did pay for some programs, they did not turn out as expected, but because of that I learned a great deal quickly, so my money was not wasted, but I didn't earn one dollar.
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
25 Mar 11
The jury is still out on the most recent one I joined. Only because I have not really implemented it. The one before that seemed all good and free and so on, but was not and was going to cost money, so I unjoined it. I find that they lose my attention really quickly. I need something that is easy to get rolling really quickly.
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
25 Mar 11
I doubt that what I paid for will make me thousands of dollars weekly,as it claims, but if I could do that monthly, I would be pleased. It is just like writing, though, you have to get started and do it.
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@re08dz (1941)
• Australia
25 Mar 11
LOL yeah sometimes the claims are a bit over the top. I think that's probably partly why I don't pay for things - I hate the thought of spending money on something I just won't get around to doing - so maybe that's why I am determined to do it when I have paid for it. Whereas everything else that I have or have done has been free so it hasn't bothered me if it's taken months etc to get started on which is not a good way to approach a business :-)
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• Philippines
25 Mar 11
what investment program you are referring to?
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
can you share in detail about the program you are in?