Reading and crying

March 25, 2011 4:30am CST
Are there any writers who write so sensitively that they can wring tears from your eyes. I don't mean sentimental tear-jerking frivolity, I mean real writers who capture life in words and move you in the depths of your soul.
7 responses
• Jacksonville, Florida
7 Aug 16
I've been told that I do at times...
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
6 Apr 11
I am no real writer, and I am more of the wild, horror, dark side. But I have read some books many years ago about people being in love and getting sick and dying. It made me cry. I don't read poetry, so I don't think it could make me cry, but some stories are so touchy, I don't even know how to explain it.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
25 Mar 11
Any thing profound is bound to draw emotions and there are a lot of writers who are able to write some thing that can arouse these emotions in a person. I have found some biographies of persons which have moved me, particularly that of Mother Teresa.
• India
28 Mar 11
Yes Svidrigaylov, I usually cry very easily when reading or watching something emotional. But the books that really really made me cry are Erich Segal's Love Story, Danielle Steele's Fine Things, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind, Louisa May Alcott's Little Women!
@vannyt (343)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
I could easily cry even just reading a story or an article. Moving stories of life and struggles makes my eyes teary without me noticing it. Sometimes I refuse to read those stories, not that I don't believe but I guess it's gonna make me feel bad and helpless.
@tigtig (7)
2 Apr 11
i cry all the time when i am reading especially when i read before i die i cried so hard i could not see the words (let me tell you it becomes hard to read at that point lol)
@dznurani (160)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 11
I once cried when I read responses from friends. I wrote about my heart beating fast and I was so scare that it is heart attack. friends here respond and give me really valuable advises and information which is very helpful for me. I wish them for happiness and healthy too :)