Presidential Hopeful Newt Gingrich Makes A Sudden U-Turn

@gladys46 (1205)
United States
March 25, 2011 9:06am CST
Videos of Newt are being looped over the airways of him, the presidential hopeful unequivocally supporting a no-fly zone over Libya two weeks ago and then equally unequivocally opposing it today! Apparently, Mr. Gingrich forgot to look both ways first before his U-turn! It's been stated that back in the day (Newt's day), pols shaded their political positions at least until they were elected! Did Newt forget about these high tech video operations or was he abiding by statements he made awhile back, you can literally say anything you want and no one cares?
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5 responses
@artistry (4151)
• United States
25 Mar 11
......Hi gladys, Don't you think that good old Newt might be going through, you know male change of life? I think old Newt may be having some hot flashes, some forgetfulness, some attitude problems and gosh knows what else to make his stupid donkey get on national television and state that he would, when asked about it, set up a no-fly zone in Libya tonight! Then days later. when, Obama does just that, he drools all over his fat self stating that he would have never invaded Libya, we should never have gotten involved, and to make matters worse, Michael Steele tries to explain how Newt's remarks were not inconsistent, quite impossible to do as Chris Matthews told him. What a bunch, Whatever Obama does, look for this crowd of creeps to be way on the other side. Cheers.
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
25 Mar 11
Hi artistry!! Yeppers, it's been clear for a long time that Newt has serious woes!! With the American Hispanic population now (according to the new Census) grown to more than 50 million .. you'd think Newt would go somewhere and hide ... he said, the Spanish language was language of the ghetto!! Yes he did!! But, Newt fits right in the republican dishonorable line-up, they all seem certifiable!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Apr 11
I think he is going through some kind of "male menopause"! Did you hear him tell at last THREE different interviewers that voters won't have to worry about him repeating his past mistakes of cheating on and dumping his current wife because (I'm paraphrasing), "I'm 67 years old now, Calista and I have a great marriage, I have two great daughters, two great sons-in-law and I'm a grandfather now..." Lawrence O'Donnell did a great take-off on this, putting on the screen what he "really" meant as he was making this statement; "I'm too old to do what I used to do, Viagra isn't perfect..." As others have said, the American people are quite forgiving and a politician cheating on his or her spouse isn't anything new. However, what isn't so easily forgiven is Newt's unbelievable cruelty, serving divorce papers to wife number one while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery and telling wife number two he was leaving her for the much younger staffer who is now number three the same day she'd been diagnosed with MS. WHAT A GUY!! Annie
@artistry (4151)
• United States
31 Mar 11
...Hi again gladys, Newt seems to think that the people have a short memory and he is right. Their attention span is limited, but three marriages and cheating on a wife sick in bed is kind of hard to forget. He will not be the candidate of the so called moral majority. But he's going to give it a go until his own party possibly slaps him down. Have to give to him, he's got guts. Willing to see if he can spin a tale that can take him to the oval offce. I say guess again Newt. Take care.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I'm still amazed that this crook, hypocrite and serial adulterer could ever be taken seriously as a TV commentator let alone a potential Presidential candidate! According to the second seriously ill wife he dumped for another woman he'd once told her it didn't matter what he did, only what he said. That was reportedly his answer to her when she asked him how he could cheat on her with his much younger staffer and publicly attack President Clinton for the exact same thing. Talk about the classic hypocrite's motto - "Do as I SAY, not as I DO!" He now fears a "secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." HUH?? I mean WTF??? If possible, that made even less sense than his claim that his passion for his country is what made him into a serial cheater! Does anyone take this a$$hole seriously? Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I have absolutely NO CLUE why this posted three times! Sorry, everyone. Annie
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
3 Apr 11
Annie, I find most of these republican presidential hopefuls are so very meanspirited, so negative and unlearned!! I find that they have NOT the temperment to "lead" the United States! They are hotheads, they don't that the time necessary to bring reason to any given situation ... they don't consider the whole of America just a minority portion, the very rich being their so-called base as GW pointed out! Who could ever vote for any of them ... those who are completely buried in FOX noise!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I'm still amazed that this crook, hypocrite and serial adulterer could ever be taken seriously as a TV commentator let alone a potential Presidential candidate! According to the second seriously ill wife he dumped for another woman he'd once told her it didn't matter what he did, only what he said. That was reportedly his answer to her when she asked him how he could cheat on her with his much younger staffer and publicly attack President Clinton for the exact same thing. Talk about the classic hypocrite's motto - "Do as I SAY, not as I DO!" He now fears a "secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." HUH?? I mean WTF??? If possible, that made even less sense than his claim that his passion for his country is what made him into a serial cheater! Does anyone take this a$$hole seriously? Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I'm still amazed that this crook, hypocrite and serial adulterer could ever be taken seriously as a TV commentator let alone a potential Presidential candidate! According to the second seriously ill wife he dumped for another woman he'd once told her it didn't matter what he did, only what he said. That was reportedly his answer to her when she asked him how he could cheat on her with his much younger staffer and publicly attack President Clinton for the exact same thing. Talk about the classic hypocrite's motto - "Do as I SAY, not as I DO!" He now fears a "secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." HUH?? I mean WTF??? If possible, that made even less sense than his claim that his passion for his country is what made him into a serial cheater! Does anyone take this a$$hole seriously? Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Mar 11
This is really just a redundant thread since Metallion posted the exact same thing a couple days ago. That said I'll post the same response I did for his. Of course Newt flip flopped. He's just another generic politician trying to poise himself as the opposition to win votes. It's exactly like Obama's flip flop on the issue. His stance was the opposite of what it is now when he was running as the anti-Bush. Both are full of $hit and will say whatever gets their blind supporters to back them.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
25 Mar 11
You know Taskr, Metallion did post this event .. however, I think my question is different than Metallion's! Anyway, thanks for your comment! I don't really expect the usuals to comment, after all, I guess my question would rather be ignored! That's okay. I heard it said that the media doesn't really care either and is happy to accept whatever obvious nonsense offered up in explanation! Newt's Obama's fault right!!
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