Having a Pity Party

United States
March 26, 2011 6:31am CST
Good morning all, i don't usually say much about my health, have never liked to grunt, lol. I went to the doctor thurs. & got some bad news. My health is not good & i have been using a walking stick for a long time. He ask me about my balance & i told him it wasn't good. He mentioned a walker & i told him i wasn't ready for that & he said yes, u are. DRATS!! I am very thankful i can still walk & know there are people w/alot worse things than me but this really got me down. I went & got the walker but it's still propped up where i propped it when i brought it in the house. How many of u have to use a stick or a walker or know someone that does?
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36 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Mar 11
I really am sorry that you've come to this point in life. But I'm going to be honest and blunt with you.. please don't hate me for it. If your doctor says you need the walker, and even deep in your heart you know you need it too.. swallow your pride and throw away your stubborness and use the dang thing before you fall and break your hips or something!! My father in law is in his mid to late 70's and his health is not well either. He does have trouble walking because he's diabetic and has already lost many toes. On top of that he lost his wife a year ago and lives alone in a very large house which he cannot maintain. We know it's time for him to move on... not to a nursing home or anything, but perhaps an assisted living place or at least an apartment where someone else does the lawn care etc. But he's too darn stubborn and nostolgic to move out of his house. Now.. I'm not old or in a situation like either you or my FIL, and perhaps when I get there I'll be just as stubborn.. but as a young person looking into your lives.. I say there's no room for stubborness here. We're talking about your health.. it's important!
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
27 Mar 11
Jo, get one of those nifty walkers that also has wheels and a seat and a basket. I am often tempted, just because they look handy for parades and stuff. I will put a statistic, and a family story to you both now Statistic: 25% of people who have a broken hip die within the year. Family story: my aunt would not take it easy, and although she had been a professional basketball player in her youth, she had bad bone loss. She would still keep up her quarter acre, and do a lot of heavy things and she broke her hip. It was repaired, but broke again while she was in the rehab hospital (another story) She was transferred to another hospital, it was operated on again, she was getting better and then a blood clot went to her brain and killed her. Moral I am pushing here is use that walker, and get that FIL to use a walker or do whatever else he needs to do to be safe and healthy.
• United States
27 Mar 11
I suppose I can understand. People don't want to admit they're aging or their health isn't letting them do what they used to. FIL is in denial about what he's capable of, though I believe he's slowly coming around to realizing what he needs to do.. doing it will be another story!
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• United States
26 Mar 11
Thanks for your response. Blunt is a good thing. I have been blunt w/u about things. That's the way friends should be w/each other. I appreciate your honesty, wish everybody could be that way. I'm not being stubborn at all. I try to do what i need to do.Pride does get in the way, i'll admit. I hope your FIL sees the light before he does break something. Hope u are having a good weekend.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Mar 11
I am just recovering from major abdominal surgery and I have found that I feel a little less steady than normal so I have taken to using a stick. I believe that, mostly, it's a confidence thing. It's much more to do with that I feel that I MIGHT fall down (and don't need that just at the moment in case it strains something) than that I actually WOULD. Anyway, I have a selection of very nice walking sticks, one with a fold out seat on which I can perch to rest these rather weakened legs of mine. I haven't yet found the need for a frame but, when I do, I shall be rather pleased to get one with wheels, a place for shopping and stuff AND a seat. I might even feel like getting one of those electric golf-cart things and delight in terrorising the neighbourhood but, really, I hope that by walking a little every day, I shall recover the use of all those little muscles which help us keep our balance. On the subject of balance, I only learned quite recently how important our big toe is in keeping our balance. It sends all sorts of information back to the brain which then tells the appropriate muscles to do their stuff. People who have lost feeling in their big toe (or, worse, lost the toe) have great difficulty in keeping their balance.
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• United States
26 Mar 11
Thanks for your response. Was really surprised to get it. Hope u feel better.
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@gjax57 (897)
• United States
26 Mar 11
Morning Antique, nothing wrong with having a pity party every now and again...I'm sorry you're going through this. there are many days believe you me that I wish I had a walker or cane anything to lean on when I go out sometimes...it was just in the Boston paper the other day how canes are the in thing..I kid you not..hey it's better to be safe then sorry right :)
3 people like this
• United States
26 Mar 11
gOOD MORNING, THANKS FOR YOUR SWEET RESPONSE. It's very hard for me to admit that i can't do what i use to do. I really hate that. Am very independant & hope i can stay in my home forever.Hope u have a great weekend.
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@gjax57 (897)
• United States
26 Mar 11
Do you have anyone there to help you?...have a safe weekend too hun :)
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• United States
26 Mar 11
NO, I DON/T HAVE ANYONE HERE. i DO ALL MY HOSEWORK, COOK ETC.It takes me all week but i get it done. Thanks for your concern. It's really sweet of u.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
Hi, Antique! I used to work for a durable medical equipment provider (canes, walkers, hospital beds, etc.) We came across this problem a lot with people who knew they needed the equipment the doctor, or family members, had recommended. The problem was PRIDE! They were embarrassed to admit that they couldn't do certain things unaided anymore. Please use the walker! We all, hopefully, will grow old. Most of us will have some mobility problems. It's wonderful that there are so many devices that can make that easier to live with!
• United States
27 Mar 11
Thanks for your kind response. I think u hit the nail on the head when u said it was pride. U would be surprised at the people who have said to me 'what are u doing w/that stick/', i want to say to them something not so nuce, lol. welcome to mylot, hope u enjoy it as much as i do.
• United States
29 Mar 11
Mylot is soooo much company to me. Don't get out very much & it has been quite a blessing to me, hope it is to u to.
• United States
29 Mar 11
Thanks for the welcome! I'm still getting the hang of it.
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@dlpierce (495)
• United States
26 Mar 11
So sorry to hear your health is poor. Maybe you'll feel different about the walker after you get use to it. Maybe you will only need it until your balance improves. My mother-in-law had to use one for a while but doesn't need one now.
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• United States
26 Mar 11
Thanks for your sweet response. I'll be alright , it just surprised me, i think. I'm glad your MIL IS BETTER. wELCOME TO MYLOT. hOPE U ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DO.
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@ajk111 (2495)
26 Mar 11
My mother is 82 and is recovering from a heart attack so now uses a stick. my sister has a walker as she is physically handicapped. both of them put me to sham by their positive attitudes! lol. I hope your health improves and i wish you all the best for the future.
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• United States
26 Mar 11
Good for them. U just can't keep a good woman down, lol. Thanks for respoding & welcome to mylot. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Mar 11
Good Morning Lady, Sorry to hear that you have to start using a walker. As Catsmeow said it is better then falling! My mom used a walking stick then moved to a walker, but by then she was in a nursing home. She had fallen and broke a knee, the dr.'s said her bones were so brittle that she didn't fall and break it but it broke and she fell. She lived with me until then but her health after that got so bad I couldn't take care of her and 5 kids too! We have a 93 year old lady in our church that uses a walker, and she still drives! So there is hope for you! God Bless!!!
2 people like this
• United States
26 Mar 11
Our pastor is 75 and about 10 years ago he was walking with 2 canes. But now he is so 'healthy', and more energic then a lot of people that are in their 50's! God answeres prayers, you have a new baby to prove that, so keep praying! As for the pitty party, we all have those! Usually afterwards you will feel better!
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• United States
26 Mar 11
Thanks for your response. I know there are worse things that people have to do. i'm still thankful i can still walk.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
Thanks for the encouragement.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
27 Mar 11
A couple of years ago, when I had problems with my back, I bought a pair of sports bars, the kind that people have when they are execising, and they are great help if you have problems walking. I sometimes only take one of them and switch hands, so that I don´t get too tired. I think I would accept a walker if I had to. I would need it to now, so I wouldn´t need to carry bags from the shop, but so far I´m using a rucksack that helps a lot. I have used a kicksled too, as it is a great help when the roads are icey. Helps to keep the balance and no need to carry bags. Some have put wheels on their kicksled so that they can be used in summer too. Wish you many great walks sith your walker..
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
28 Mar 11
If we don´t give up, we can get some exercise, with or without walking aids. When we walk in the fresh air, we get oxygen, that helps us to heal and makes us produce the "happiness hormone" endorphin. One of my favorite Bible verses is the one when Job talks about the future hope we all have to become young again: "Then his body will become as healthy as a child’s, firm and youthful again." Job 33:25 (New Living Translation) I often say to my friends that the older we get, the more fun it will be to become again!
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• United States
28 Mar 11
Love your good attitude. I think having a good attitude is half battle. Happy monday to u.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
Thanks for your very kind & informative response. I'm very glad your back got better. Where there's a will there's a way i alwys heard & i believe we both have the will,.I'm sure not going to give up, got to keep on trucking as they use to say. Happy days to u.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
28 Mar 11
I know when I was getting ready to get out of the hospital in January, they wanted me to get a walker because I had a tendency to lean to one side and they were worried about my ability to get around. In the end, I chose not to because I had them twice before after my previous surgeries and after a week or two they were not needed. I didn't have the funds available to purchase one anyway at the time. Now I don't need it any more anyway. I know that if I was walking in a large open area that it did come in handy when I was using it, but I still felt embarrassed to use it. I hope that you are able to become comfortable using it before you lose your balance completely. Have a great week!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
28 Mar 11
And you must remember, safety comes first. I don't think they would have suggested it if it weren't a safety issue. And having two hands to help you keep balance is far better to depending on one when using a walking stick. Good luck!
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• United States
29 Mar 11
Thank u, happy days to u.
• United States
28 Mar 11
Thank u for responding & for your kind words. We let pride stand in the way of our safety sometimes i think.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Mar 11
My best friend in all the world uses a cane. She has real bad knees and worked for twelve years selling watches at Macy's. Luckily she has finally decided to retire. I have a knee that likes to give out on me when I am walking and I hate it. It scares me so badly. But, when I am with my grandson he always walks right next to me and offers me his shoulder to brase myself on if I need to. See! Kids are worth something. My free walker! We could discuss rental fees if you wish. Hehe
• United States
27 Mar 11
Bless your grandson's heart for being there for u. That is soooo sweet.i know how much kids are worth. Glad your friend retired. I had to retire after working47 years, guess it was past time but didn't think i could afford not to work. i filed my walker w/medicare & my supplement insurance. I'm hoping they will take care of it. Thanks for responding.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Mar 11
He's definitely a keeper. I worked for about the same give or take a year. How the insurance and medicare take care of it.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
I just got it this past thursday so don't know yet what it will pay. I hope all of it.
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@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
27 Mar 11
Well, if it is any consolation, I know darn well I'll be with a walking stick or a walker when I get old myself. I have contemplated on that, and yeah, seems there is no getting around old age, everyone is going to one way or another. I am stubborn and although I have imagined myself to be with a stick or a walker, I still don't know how I will handle it when I get there. Lol. Any advice antiquelady?
• United States
27 Mar 11
Good morning & thanks for responding. I always enjoy your responses. I hope u never get to the point that i am to . I am very thankful i can still get around , so many can't. I have had to accept alot of things in my life that i wasn't always happy about but u just have to roll w/the punches i found out a long time ago. Live one day at the time & live it to the fullest. U just never know what tomorrow will bring. I certainly wish u the best & hope u never have to use a stick or walker & hope u have good health forever.
• United States
29 Mar 11
I think your granny was a very wise lady. I can tell u loved her very much. I did mine to.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
29 Mar 11
Thanks a lot for the thought. I'd have to be immortal not to ever have a stick when I get old. Lol. Yes you are exactly right. We just have to roll along as far as we can and live life to the fullest. Come what may. Like my granny used to say.
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@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
27 Mar 11
I Am sorry to hear that! I think I need a walking stick too! but I Am delaying it as long as I can.I was 66 on the 25 of this month and I think I Am still too young for a walking stick! but hey when I go shopping I have to hold on the trolley so I can walk around...I have arthritis on my lower back and is getting worse! So Lady go for your walker and don't feel bad about it! after all you still do your own things at home, you are independent! and a walker is not going to change that! Take care.
• United States
27 Mar 11
Thank u & thanks for responding. If u need a cane u better use it. It does make u steadier on your feet. I have been using one for quite awhile. Happy belated birthday. I will be 69 in Dec. u take care to , blessings to u & be careful when u are walking.
• United States
27 Mar 11
No truer words could have been spoken,lol. Happy sunday.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
27 Mar 11
Thanks Lady...I will consider a cane from now on I guess I will have to sallow my pride and go for it! I Am a very independent person like you are and yes this changes are not so easily accepted by people like you and me!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 Mar 11
I have..but they haven't had to use it all the time. Maybe you could just use it when you are tired. Maybe you could even use it to practice and make your balance better.
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• United States
28 Mar 11
Thanks for responding , Jen. I have still got it propped up where i put it when i brought it in, lol. Doing me alot of good so far.
• United States
29 Mar 11
Heaven forbid, don'twant him visiting.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 Mar 11
Maybe they really meant for you to have a plant stand....well...you have it if you need it. I wonder what the doc would do if he visited and you were using it for a plant stand
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@marguicha (225669)
• Chile
28 Mar 11
Doggybag - Gloria talking to her dog friends while she feed them with awesome leftovers from an argentinian restaurant.
I am so sorry Jo that you have these problems. I don´t think it helps much to know that other people have problems too. It´s absolutly reasonable to grunt! One of my best friends used walking sticks since I remember. That did not hinder her from doing all she wanted to do, as it happens to you. We went together to Bariloche in Argentina and I took a picture of her giving a doggybag full to dogs (I would have saved it for us but she loved animals). I never thought of her as disabled because she didn´t consider that mor than a nuisance. I´m uploading that picture of her and those street dogs
• United States
29 Mar 11
It sure is. I love good food.
• United States
28 Mar 11
Thanks for responding. I am just thankful i can still do what i need to here at home. Imay take me a long time but i get it done. Sure want to stay home as long as i'm atound.
@marguicha (225669)
• Chile
28 Mar 11
I know what you mean, Jo . I have some problems with my old back surgery and everything I do is in slow motion these days. Doctors tell me I should shed some pounds as that helps but it is very hard at our age to get slimmer.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Mar 11
I stil have my hubbs cane and walker and ytup use the walker once myself togoto a concert helped me walk and has a seat so I had a place to set too. Wait till a DOc tells ya ya can loose your legs for morre stents might not work!
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• United States
29 Mar 11
That's some bad news i hope not to hear. Thanks for responding.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
29 Mar 11
Bless your heart. I understand. With my health problems, each month seems to bring more things I can no longer do. Balance problems are serious, though. My father-in-law was reluctant to use his walker too. He fell a few weeks back in the grocery store parking lot and broke his hip. Now he's at a rehab place with bedsores because they're not getting him up often enough. Please be careful.
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• United States
29 Mar 11
I hope your FIL gets along alright. I'm sure the dr. knows more about it than i do. I just didn't want to her that, lol. Thanks for responding.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Mar 11
Hey AL~ Don't feel so bad. I have had to use my a cane before and I hated it. I don't like to use it because I am "too proud" and it makes me look older than I am so will suffer instead! I don't have a car and have to walk wherever I need to go. I have a bad knee and now have had swelling in my left foot, but still refuse to take out the cane! I try to get someone to do my errands, but this week I have to go out on my own and I am in terrible pain because now I have a pain in my right side too! I still won't use the damn cane! So don't feel so bad! I am stupidier than anyone and stubborn as they come!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Mar 11
&^$%&^$&%&%& Just typed u a lonf answer & lost it. That makes me sooooo mad when that happens.I will give u a lecture like my dr. gave me, better be safe than sorru. U better use that stick!! I couldn't walk to shop because nothing close by me to shop at. Did u sens me a reply on the picture? Didn't reconize the name & deleted it & then thought i bet that was opal. If it was u would u send me something else so i can write your name down so this old pea brain will remember. thanks for responding.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 11
When you ask me about the question of the number of people to use the stick or the walker, I start sweating and worrying about my future. No one know about our future. Since I am still healthy and active to go around without any walking tools as stick or walker, I remind myself for taking care of my health carefully. I hope I never need those walker or stick to help me to move around.
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• United States
28 Mar 11
Thanks for responding. I hope u never have to use either one to. I am thankful tho that they are around if u need them.
@patgco22 (35)
• South Africa
28 Mar 11
I do not have any one I know having what you have, but for me is to say to be grateful that you are still walking irrespective of what you are using, you can do other things on your own because other people depends to others and maybe others are so selfish to help. Just think of those people who are wishing that they maybe like you. Follow all the instructions your DR gave you and try to exercise a little bit not too much to keep your body ok and get the strenght every day and pray to your god to assist you.
• United States
29 Mar 11
I feel very blessed that i can still get around. I believe that u can always look aroiund & see others alot worse off than u. Thanksa for responding.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
28 Mar 11
I'm sorry to hear that you had to get a walker. That I can imagine would be discouraging and I would throw myself a small pity party as well. Sometimes we can take these things for granted the ability to just walk on our own. I personally don't have to use a walking aide but my brother who is 22 years old does. He has a few different health problems that he's coping with and recently has started taking seizure medicines and now has to use a walker. It can be discouraging because you want your family and friends to be able to walk without needing aide. Then though we have to look at the benefits it's better to have the assistance than to fall and get hurt and have to possibly have more assistance than if we just did what we are suppose. So have your pity party, invite your friends and family and decorate your walker.
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• United States
29 Mar 11
I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. He's very young to have all those problems. I hope he can get better. Thanks for responding. Welcome to mylot. hope u enjoy it as much as i do.