China Blocking Facebook ...

@llsling (331)
March 27, 2011 9:46am CST
Been away from YOUTUBE,FACEBOOK ,TWITTER,BLOGGER,... and tons of great sites for years ,i don't know how long this disturbing situation is gonna last.I'm getting freaking sick of Chinese policy on blocking too many for some unreasonable excuses. This is definitely the reason why China can economically grow very fast but seem to move backwards mentally and spiritually . Growing up in China ,people are getting square ,boring ... lacking of creativity ,personality ,leadership...I'm concerned about where we're finally gonna go. So what are you guys' points about this ridiculous situation?
3 responses
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
28 Mar 11
That is so unfortunate, why they do that. I love chinese people, they are fighters, back in my home country I had many chineses friends, they are fearless people. It is so fun to meet the world, is communism really over in there? Cause that doesn't look like, the people are free to do whatever they want.
@llsling (331)
• China
28 Mar 11
Under this kind of social rule ,without a doubt people can make great fortune but they can barely do good on art ,entertainment...
• United States
28 Mar 11
Wow. I never knew it was like that over there. That`s so sad. I`m sure china has it`s great points too. Have you ever thought of migrating else where? I know it`s not in my place, but alot of people do it. My mom has to give me a better opportunity here in the states. I have a few chinese friends whos mothers and fathers are clearly chinese immigrants. I know they too wanted to give their child more opportunity.(Not trying to disrespect.) But I know how it is. Spent a few years living in asia and it changes you for the better. You grow as a person and have more respect. You stop taking things for granted. :/ But hey, it`s only youtube, facebook, and twitter. It`s not like you NEED those in your life. Take care. Godbless.
@llsling (331)
• China
28 Mar 11
Been working very hard to get outta this country since my folks can't support physically and mentally ,so still got a long way to go for me.I dislike this culture not for no reasons ,i know this is still a better way around it,so i work my heart out to get to know more languages that definitely is gonna help me embracing other cultures and getting mature much faster.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
28 Mar 11
Hi, China is last of the communist country left which is still governed by an iron hand. Yes it is growing very fast economically and militraliy which is very big concern to its neighbours and world ( given China history to use force on friendly countries like india or help in prolifrating nuclear arms) but the leadership dont want to loose control of anything in China . And as we have seen in unrest in Middle east, facebook played a big hand, so did twitter .. ( people posted tweets and status updates, helped in uprising.) Chinese leaders feel their chair might be in danger if they let allow all this in China.
@llsling (331)
• China
28 Mar 11
For sure am i getting annoyed under these rules...