How would you react if somebody asked you, "Can I use your toilet?"

@rajeshfgh (1629)
March 27, 2011 10:29am CST
It would be very rare, but it has happened to me. Our neighbours had some function in their house and a large group of people were staying the night in their house. In the morning, one of the guests turned up in our house asking the same question. I was quite shocked and can actually say that I am quite possessive about my toilet, but I let the guest use the toilet. Have you ever faced such a situation and how did you react? If not also, would you allow anybody into your bathroom/toilet?
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8 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Hi. rajeshfgh. I am very funny about any outsider that uses my toilet. If it is someone that I personally know that are my relatives and friends, I will not have a problem with it. I don't like anyone using my toilet that I don't really know like that. I may still let them use my toilet, but I will make sure that I bleach it down once they are gone too. After that, I won't let anyone else use my toilet. I consider my toilet to be my privacy area. I may only let someone use my toilet that is near the front part of my house, but after that no one else will be allowed.
• India
19 Apr 11
Hello rajesh I have faced similar requests several times from neighbors and their guests, one can control all other things but not the call of nature, so on humanity ground we should be considerate.. Thanks for this nice discussion Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
27 Mar 11
It would annoy me too... If a stranger comes and make such a request anyone will feel annoyed... The worst in this situation was that, you couldn't even say no... That adds a lot to your annoyance...
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
27 Mar 11
That's never happened to me, but I would probably let the person use it. I figure that if they ask, then they probably need it pretty bad because most people would probably be nervous about asking something like that. lol.
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
My parents' house is in the countryside and sometimes strangers would stop by and ask if they could use the toilet. My parents never refused a single stranger about that. I think it's because of culture and the town is safe anyway as to our belief and we don't think a stranger would ever do something bad although I know that nowadays we really have to be careful. But that was before when my parents were still alive. In my own home, I have never encountered a stranger knocking on my door and asking if they could use a toilet and maybe if there would be one, I would allow him or her to.
@Janexiao (173)
• China
28 Mar 11
Hehe, if it's just occasional , it's ok for me, but if it's too frequent, i should absolutely say no to them. Somtimes my friends come to live with me, use everything of mine, i am so happy,hehe, but if someone i don't know much, maybe she is my friend's friend, and sometimes, they like to use someting personal without asking me, then i will be a little angry.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
27 Mar 11
I have not had a stranger ask me that. However I am not sure how i Would react. I think it would depend on where I lived as to how I would react. I think most people feel embarrassed having to ask to use another's toilet anyway, and so me being a little iffy about them using it would be, what's the word for it? I guess it would be just the same as them being scared to ask, it's an awkward situation but also rude to say no without proper reasoning as to why.
• Philippines
27 Mar 11
I would not allow strangers to get in our house for safety purposes. I would just point to the toilet if someone I know would ask that question. Maybe if an old person will ask me I would consider letting them use the toilet.