What do you guys think of the graphics in the movies like cgi effects?

March 27, 2011 3:07pm CST
i believe the quality is amazing. a min in forget gollums not real and fell beast arnt real creatures. even the masses of armies look great but im a lotr freak so im alttile bias what do you guys think?
2 responses
• Malaysia
28 Mar 11
amazing but too much killed the plot and story line
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
27 Mar 11
I think the graphics are amazing most of the time. I didn't really like the hyena-wolfe-mixtures, and nuclear Galadriel and the cascading skulls were really a bit too much but Gollum was great. And fell beast. The balrog was great too but not its wings. They don't have wings! It's metaphorical shadows *hehe*