is your life worth living for?
By jhyan007
@jhyan007 (467)
March 27, 2011 10:37pm CST
I have encountered a lot of people from work, from school and even strangers I just knew, they differ both in personality, social status and of course in family background and life style, but most of them cannot say they have live their life as how it worth for them, it's like there is always something missing, few said that they may have the money to buy anything but there is still something lacking, although some people despite the economic crisis still wear that calm smile in their face as if saying "i have live my a happy worth-living life", so i wonder and made a self reflection, have I been living a life worth living for? am I happy with my current situation? they say enjoy life to the fullest, but have I done so? about you my friends? have you live your life without any regrets or is it worth-living for? if yes, then what do you think is the factor that made you say so? ( quite confusing but I hope you guys get what I mean, that's life, it's simple yet complicated ) 

18 responses
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
28 Mar 11
I used to look a a glass half empty but now I am trying to look at it as a glass half full. So, yes, my life is worth living for. If I need more money, then I would work more to get more money. If I need a good relationship, then I would work harder on a relationship. If I need to be healthy then I would work to live healthy. But overall, I am enjoying my life despite of all the shortcomings.

@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
28 Mar 11
I don;t know what is fibromyalgia? But I saw sometimes a little girl despite of having days to live because of cancer, she smile and never said that she was in pain. I saw an old man pulling a heavy cart full of logs for fire in his wife kitchen and smiling. I saw a disabled boy is happily working with his good legs to get money and to be accepted by the society. So, why can't I who has nothing wrong with my body and health, I who got a job even if it pays my monthly living only cannot feel any happiness in this world?
I understand everything can be lost but I would still see that my glass or my life is half full.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
it really depends on every person's perspective and way in living life to the fullest to make it worth-living and worth-fighting for...we may have differences in way to deal with it, but we all have the same goal and that is to use what little time we have in this thing they called "life", thanks for your responses, it is highly appreciated 

@Azorn100 (2)
28 Mar 11
It's awesome that you look at the glass half full. But everything you said you can lose. What if you can't earn more money? What if you can't get a good relationship? My friend has fibromyalgia what is he going to do. He can never be without pain? Don't get me wrong I love life. And I have had my fair share of hard times. But what can you have that gives you this? We all have short coming and it's really good to see people admitting that and still loving life. But why gives you that really?

@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
28 Mar 11
Let me go in another direction..I wouldn't be content to die and have so little as my legacy so I live to improve that. If I were content then dying would be all that was left. It ain't. So I live ups and downs, memories good and bad and as for regrets, it is regrets that give us a path to get beyond. They're quite necessary..
@kwylima (451)
• United States
29 Mar 11
I can tell you that my life is fine hahaha.. some good days some bad days.. but I think it is all right. I love my life and I love living.. I love my family my friends..I don't like my job, I don't like some people but what I haveof good is enough to tell that my life worth living for my family and for myself!
good luck1
@Alebelt (86)
• Italy
29 Mar 11
I'm not very happy with the way I'm leading my life, like so many other people, I think: too much stress, too much work, little money, fear of failing to support my family, too nervous, no time to talk, no time to think, I'm not pursuing any of the good intentions that I had when was younger...
I know that totally changing lifestyle I could better see the true value of life, but the problem is just that: the change should be total, otherwise you can not break the routine that affects our lives. And I must admit I do not have the courage serving for such a transformation.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
29 Mar 11
i can relate to that, but what I can advise you is give it one step at a time, sometimes what hinder us to live life to the fullest and see the color of it are responsibilities that we fear we will not be able to meet, but that's life, as what most of them said, there is always ups and downs in this course, it is just on how we deal with it that makes the difference, cheer up my friend, we can do this 

@even1217 (61)
• China
28 Mar 11
hello my friend jhyan007
Life is what you have said, simple yet complucated!
But i always have the belief that my life is worth for living~~~And life depends on your attitude towards life~
Happiness, sadness, frustation, success, all make up your life ao that your life can be rich and meaningful
be positive and you will find the tinyest happiness in your life
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
my life is worth living because i live in the world where people i love and people i care for loves and cares for me too. it is strange for me to read that that there are people who does not know if there life is worth living just because something is missing... then that would be a reason for living to find that missing link. of course we all have our ups and downs but that does not stop us from living a life that is worth living. some people are battling with cancer of some other disease but they are still living their life for it is worth it. having people around who cares is a life worth living.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
28 Mar 11
Life is amazing when you really stop and think about it. I have depression and anxiety disorder, so someone like me would want to die, but I'm also a thinker. I am truly blessed, having my very first family in my life (I was raised in foster homes) - Hubby and 2 kids, and they mean the world to me!!!
I've been to hell and back to earth to tell the tale. It's quite interesting all the lessons you learn from your experiences, I mean analysing what you've done, and learning is very valuable, and make your life a lot more richer.
I belive in G-d, and I truly believe He has never let me down. It's a wonderful comfort for me to go to Someone who won't judge and put you down, when times are hard. I feel like I draw strength to carry on through life. I may have my moments, but generally speaking, I am content.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
28 Mar 11
Oh gosh yes all our lives are worth living. We have loved ones who depend on our love on a daily basis.
I have made several mistakes in my life but I have not regrets, the mistakes allow me to learn and become a better person. What makes me appreciate each and every day of life are the two children I have, I live for them.
@stilldirect (91)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Well, for me, the life i have is worth living, i may not have the earthly luxuries but i am happy and contented of what i have, my husband and children are my happiness, spreading the word of God to other people thru service is a joy for me. This living life condition that i have now is what the Lord has given me, he wanted me to live my life this way, and its worth living.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
it's good to know that you felt contented of what you have, only few can say that since it is human nature that we normally feel discontented of what we have, I could say I am not contented with what I have that is why I envy you, I am not saying, what I have is not enough but rather, it's not how I want it to be, luckily I have people close to me who give me strength to continue fighting...

@Prasmit (22)
• India
28 Mar 11
fist off all good thinking jhyan007....
Coming to my life, even i am confused sometimes i feel that i am the luckiest in this world for having such an understanding family, friends, Gf. They have always supported me in many things.
And sometimes i regret because for my efforts i am not getting the appropriate results. Its like far a small thing i have to struggle so much for getting that.
anyways try to be happy. life is a game play to win it.. :)
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
i have lived my life exactly what i wanted it be, i'm not a good citizen, but sometimes being always good makes your life boring, it has to be totally pleasing everyone around you but not yourself, i don't care what people may say or think about me, my parents think i'm responsible enough to handle my life so they let me decide for my life at the age of 13 they supported my decision and cheer me up in bad times...
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
it good to know that you have live your life according to how you wanted it to be, as far as I know only few were able to do that, no matter how hard life may treat us, so long as there are people who believe us, we will always stand high and proud..thanks for your response 

@liumirror (138)
• China
28 Mar 11
Yes,it is really complicated.In my country ,there is a saying:happy is he who is content,but someone say if you feel not self-satisfied,you can got progress.I think should feel satisfied in some place and think I live my life without any regets.
@Azorn100 (2)
28 Mar 11
Life is worth living. Your worth is not in your job or family back ground. Nothing on this earth will last. So many people find life not worth living because they lose what they had there worth set on. If you define yourself by what your job is what happens if you lose it? And job come and go really fast right now. I say you have to place your worth in something better or higher than what we can find here. All those things you said like personality, social status etc...that can all go away. Besides most people put up a wall and act like someone there not. We all do it. We go party to try and find happiness but the next day you have a huge hang over. We say we will never do it again but we find ourselves at the toilet bowl the next week. For some of us it's something else but the principle is the same. We can not find any lasting fulfillment in things that will pass away. Hope this helps let me know what you think.
@jenzai (388)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Life is a battlefield, you win some and you lose some, sometimes it's how you deal with it that make a difference. If you know how to manage your ship and your journey you will always feel a winner. But if you always see t in the negative then it will always be that way. I have some regrets in my past decision but i don;t dwell on it i just look on the lesson learned, after all there are no mistakes and accidents in life.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
i like the comparison with life and battlefield, i just remembered the movie I watched a while ago "sucker punch", we have all the weapons needed in order to fight :)..i totally agree with you that sometimes it depends upon how we deal with it..thanks for the response.. 

@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
No matter how life is treating me, i still would say it's worth living for.
The happiness i get from my family , my husband and my daughter, makes me keep on living and hoping to live many many years more. Everyday is always a new day for me. If today i am sad, i know God has some happiness stored for me in the future.
I strongly believe that life is full of ups and downs, and there is a God every ready to help us when we need to.
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Despite of all the problems, hardships or struggles in my life I can say that my life is worth living. Because I'm surrounded by my loved ones, especially my kids. Seeing them with that innocent smiles on their faces makes me feel strong and to continue the fight.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
29 Mar 11
Sometimes I have thought about things like this myself. It seems especially when things are hard or I'm down that things like this come to mind. I would have to say though that my life is worth living for. My family means so much to me and I know that I mean a lot to them know matter what things we go through during these difficult times that we are living in. There are though many different things that I want to do in my life and things that I want to do to enjoy my life more fully. The biggest room there is is the room for improvement so once I work on the things that I need to I know i will find my life more fullfilling and satisfying.