Being Proactive Can Be a Good Thing

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
March 29, 2011 1:12pm CST
When dealing with health issues such as a Cold, Fever, migraine, Sore throat, Rash, High Blood Pressure, etc. are you one to try and find some things you can do from home that will help this, or are you one that immediately thinks "Oh, I had better call and get into my Doctor and see if I can get something from this." Personally with all the Health issues I seem to be dealing with anymore, I find that when I am proactive and try doing something for myself first and then approaching that issue with a Doctor I seem to get more done about it as well. I make sure no matter what the issue anymore I give it a couple of days or a week if I can and see what becomes of that problem. Since antibiotics can eventually end up not working for a lot of people it is best to try other methods for sure. When something is going wrong anymore, you can guarantee I am one of the first ones to look for natural type medicines and try them and then if things are getting worse, or when they do get worse, then I confront a Doctor asking for something more to be done. Personally I have learned that if I am not in control sometimes than nothing ever gets done and the problem could become a lot worse as well... (Especially when it comes to the problems with the Chronic wounds.) So what about you? Are you one to do some research on things when something happens or do you call your Doctor hoping to get in hoping they can give you a quick fix for the problem as well? ~~TINA~~
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22 responses
• United States
29 Mar 11
Right now I cannot even think about the last time I saw a doctor for anything... simply too far back! I do not go to the doctor ever! I had a bike wreck last fall and hurt my thumb real badly. I bought a brace and took bunches of ibuprofen! It's better mostly. The swelling finally went down and it is at least getting to the place where I can use it again! I just don't go unless I am unconscious and riding in an abmublance (which has happened twice so far! lol!)
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Personally I am sure if I was to see a Chiropractor than a lot of my problems actually might start looking better. Some people have even said it might help with my migraines, and back problems, etc. so I might see what my Insurance covers and actually try it. Being able to take care of myself to where I know what would work the Best is definately worth it.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
30 Mar 11
A person who is a lot like me. I will say that if something freezes up on me and will not work, like my knee, a couple of times I will tend to go to the doctor. You know what, they usually take x rays, and can find nothing wrong. Last time that happened I ended up going to the chiropractor about four times, but I decided for myself it was my foot, and my toe putting my whole body out of alignment The chiro said I was probably right. I had insurance at that time and went to a foot doctor who said I was probably right. I got my foot taken care of (doctor said it should have been years ago) and now my knee does not lock up and mostly my hip does not hurt either.
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• United States
30 Mar 11
I think it's amazing that for the most part we know our bodies so well! It's too bad that they have all their boxed answers and think we are crazy!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
29 Mar 11
Since we are both in our 70s I have become more careful about our health. If it is something I think we can manage like cold, hayfever, then I will use home care, but if it is something that continues for a long time or shows any sign of being heart related or stroke then it's the ER for us, no fooling around. At this point we are still in good health and only require yearly check ups.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Glad to hear that you are in Good health and everything seems to be going OK. I continue to Pray that things will be this good for you for a long time. I know I often wished things could be different and better for me, but sometimes I think it is up to me to keep it getting better from here.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Yes, it is something you need to use common sense for, because in reality being proactive, and researching things can be good in helping for many things but when something is really going wrong with your body you know it is then time to get yourself to a Doctor to be checked out just to make sure it is nothing too serious as well.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
2 Apr 11
It is basic that the body can heal it's self, what is needed is to find the way to help it do this. This is very hard and requires a good bit of courage to go against approved medical treatment. But help is out there and the Internet is very valuable. Just make sure you keep your common sense.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Mar 11
i have asthma and have had a re-occuring lung/throat thing this whole winter. it goes away (after i have seen the doctor and have gotten medicine) only to rear its ugly head a few weeks later. my friend was metioning that her mom had the same thing and it only got better when she went to Florida (we are in Canada). bring on the spring! temps this week will hit 8 as a high (celcius) yay!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with a cold, etc. I know a lot of times when the weather is damper, you can have a lot of Health issues spring up and have the germs harder to fight off. Maybe you need to find something more natural to try that might be able to help you fight off some of this, or check with your doctor to see if there is anything that can help prevent this. Warmer weather is always nice, but if it is not where you are, you need $$ to usually get there.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Mar 11
I'm one who avoids doctors whenever possible. Before I had my appendectomy a couple years ago, I hadn't seen a doctor for 5 years. I didn't after my surgery, either, but did decide it was time to establish myself with a practice so I found one and went for a checkup. When I get sick I do everything I can to cure myself. Many sicknesses go away without a doctor's treatment. Two things I will go to a doc for, though, are earaches and toothaches! I don't want a burst eardrum and I can't stand tooth pain. I rarely get sick anyway, thank God.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Well, I am one who tries to do everything I can first for myself when things are not always adding up Health wise before heading off to a doctor. One of them always says this is why it costs me more later because I wait but anytime I try going to early they never want to do anything and so I have to head back again a lot of times because of this.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Mar 11
I have not had any major health problems, so for the most part I let things go unless they appear to be getting worse.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Mar 11
How I wish I could get more back to this.
• United States
29 Mar 11
I tend to give it a few days, if no changes then I start to search online to see if I can figure out what is wrong and if I should worry. At which point I may ask one or two people for their opinion. If still not better then I will go in and get it looked over by the doctor. But usually, knock on wood, so far nothing major so I have been able to take care of most on my own, except for the darn migraines.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Well, that is always good when you can take care of things yourself and not have to worry about going into a Doctor. I know I am one that will usually try to take care of things myself first, and then go in when I feel like there is left no other choice. With Migraines there is no easy answer unless you keep on hand items that help when one hits.
• United States
31 Mar 11
I can certainly say that during your several Migraine posts I have learned a great deal from your discussion and responses. I wanted to make sure I let you know because a great many of the responders have given some really great tips. So always a pleasure to participate!
• Canada
29 Mar 11
I am pretty good at figuring out approximately what is going on with me, but I always ask a doctor, before I do too much research. Different problems can have all kinds of the same symptoms, so I am not going to jump to any conclusions, until I get a doctor's advice, especially MY doctor.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Well, some of my problems and issues when I try and discuss them with my Doctor she is not sure what to do, and it leads me talking with another Doctor who is more specialized in that field, or I have to insist in seeing someone who knows more. Gone are the days when you could see one doctor to get everything diagnosed and helped out on. At least here in the US.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Apr 11
I'm one of those people who tries to stay away from the doctor but a lot of times I have to go because of having lupus which basically means, I have little or no immune system to fight off what ever is ailing me. I'll try home remedies for a time before having to give up but it's never without a fight. I've seen so deg gone many doctors in my life that I don't want to see anymore, at least no more than I have to. Like right now I can't wear my hearing aids because my right ear which is my good ear or my only ear, is hurting and I don't know why. It's been draining quite a bit and I've had to use q-tips to clean it out. When it all started months ago, I got some ear drops which have helped and cleared it up but it keeps coming back. I've been to the ear specialist and got the run around which is normal for this area but I think I just might have to request to see another specialist this time because this time it's much worse because my ear canal is really sore. I've used the drops all weekend and it's still no better so I guess it's going to be another doctors visit for me. Ugh! Such is life, huh?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Mar 11
The longer I wait, the worse something usually gets. But I usually tend to wait things out anyway. Some do go away on their own.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Yes, a lot of times I have waited out something to see if it will only get any better, and usually hope that it does. Not all the time will it, but it often does get to where I know what I need to do next. But with problems I am dealing with right now with migraines from time to time, wound not wanting to heal like it should, etc. I know that if I am not the one in control more no one else will and it could end up destroying me as well.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I have gone both ways, depending on what the situation was. A lot of the time, if I just have a cold or something, I will rest and it will run its course. But when my waist started expanding without explanation back in 2003, you can bet I was in to see my doctor. The fact that she tried to tell me it was JUST a UTI didn't cut it with me because it wouldn't be making me look like I was pregnant. After that treatment didn't work for the problem, she finally got some tests done and about a month later I found that I had ovarian cancer. When I started passing stool through my bladder in December, I knew I had to get it checked out and it meant that I had to quit my job in China to return to the states for treatment for a recurrence of the ovarian cancer. Before I went to the Chinese doctors, I did do some research (with the help of my niece) to find out that I had a fistula (something I had never heard of and apparently the Chinese doctors hadn't either because when we described the problem to them they laughed at us and told us it was impossible). I usually try to find out something on my own first, but I do always get it checked out anyway since I don't want the cancer to kill me when it comes back.
• India
31 Mar 11
Hello Tina, For minor ailments like cold, cough, I prefer to take medicines on my own as I prefer to keep common medicines for minor ailments at home only. But in case if I do not get relief within a day or so, then I make it a point to take appointment from my doctor as my son is small and my husband is out on tours most of the time. Moreover I suffer from too many cronic diseases due to which I can not risk to neglect my health as a simple cough if not treated, turns into asthma for which I have to be put on antibiotics and strong asthmatic medicines. I would therefore, suggest to all to always take good care of one's health.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I usually see if I can do anything or if the problem will go away. Then I will call the doctor and see if I can get in. Right now I have a cut on my leg. When I change the bandage there is blood on it. It has been almost a week, and if it continues I was thinking I will call the doctor. I can usually get in to see him in a day or so, but I hope I don't have to go.
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@bretay61 (722)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I usually wait it out.I won;t go to dr unless it is an extreme emergency.I look on computer and see if there are home remedies for whatever I have at the time.And I have found 1 for migraines.Works extremely well.Migraines run in our family.Everyone suffers,except me.It is completely natural and that's the way I would prefer my meds to be if at all possible.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
30 Mar 11
Depending on the problem,I try to solve it myself,and if possible the natural way.But I am not adverse to taking pain killers for pain.Why suffer when there is help.Same for colds or flu.I worked in a hospital for 30 years,and I only went to a specialist when I knew I needed one(knee injury,need for antibiotics or prescription)I try not to burden the medical system,there are enough people that do!
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I have not got any insurance, and if I have any illness, I sure do not know about it. I am the type, though, that will take vitamins and do other things in an attempt to keep from getting sick or to help my aches and pains that I do have from time to time. My own doctors have almost always taken me seriously when I do need some kind of treatment, because they so seldom see me.
@ellanick (191)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
well, as for me i do both. When i feel that there is something wrong with me, i go and see a doctor and after that I will try searching the net what is it, how did I get it and what are the cures. For me its better that I fully understand what is the cause in order for me to find a possible cure and what types of medicine should I take, be it a traditional or modern medicine. I agree with you that some antibiotics doesn't work for everyone and if you are already immuned from one type of antibiotic, the next time that you will take it it will not work for you anymore. Being a proactive is good thing especially when dealing with our health, after all "Prevention is better than cure".
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I go to the doctor and put my trust in him or her...not always looking for a quick fix....but a way to make it better. I do hope you do try some of your own methods. You are the one that knows your body and sometimes I think at clinic we just become a number!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I start with the Dr. because my diagnosis might be wrong. But then so can theirs. Then once I know what is wrong, I try for natural remedies. I've been half successful and the other half, not. So when I'm not, I have to go back to them.
• United States
30 Mar 11
When it comes to myself I try the old fashion home remedies and otc meds. When it comes to my daughter alot of times I panic and take her riht to the drs. She just got over the flu. I tried so hard not to take her to the dr thinking it was a 24 hr bug. When mon came around and she still wasn't feeling ny better I took her to urgent care. When it comes to my child I'm no going to take chances especially since she's still too little to understand whats happening to her when she gets sick.
@kwylima (451)
• United States
30 Mar 11
first of all.. I want to say that you and your friends here are good examples of mylotters...and your discussions and answers are all full of good words..I hope I can have the same sucess in my content here. well, i think we cannot wait most of the time...we always have to do something to have something done as soon as possible.. however sometimes, some things are out of our control and all what we can do is relax and let it go! love!