why do girls dream of love and not men??

@misc11 (384)
United States
March 30, 2011 12:45am CST
It is always the women who have fantasies of the future and getting married and having children. It is never men. I realize this goes far, far back, but why is it always the women? If i went through the "love" interest on mylot, I'm sure there are majority of women because women are generally more interested in the concept of love and happily ever after.
6 responses
@mj_aye (45)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
i think because women are really like that. women differ a lot from men. i think it is just within men that they do not hope and dream and fantasize a lot about love. men tend to be more realistic than women.. women are women.. men are men.. women are concerned with having a family in the future because it is their duty, to take care and love her family. i think that idea can a bit tell why women really dream and hope for their future family..
@even1217 (61)
• China
30 Mar 11
because they are women~~~
• United States
30 Mar 11
That is COMPLETELY untrue. There are a great deal of men who dream of love and marriage and a great many women who couldn't care less ab out it. Men and women are not that different and what someone wants out of life is up to who they are as an individual, not their gender. The only thing is that society tells us that women are "supposed" to want to settle down and have kids and men are "supposed" to want to screw around as long as possible. So there are a lot of instances where people just don't speak up because they're afraid of being judged for not being "normal", which is utter bull.
@kramsgir (146)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
Yeah right. I think maybe because women are emotional and are able to express how they feel. But, have you noticed when men fall in love, they are willing to do everything for the girl they love? I think men also wants love, not just women themselves. We are not just that expressive or showy..
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
it's mostly woman who thinks about love and the future because woman are made to be the light of the house a submissive and loving creature, they would do everything to make a family relationship get stronger and even tighter, woman are born very special because woman gave birth it only means that they really are after love and affection, unlike men, men are born polygamous they won't be contented with one and they always the happy go lucky type, though we are talking about MOST and not ALL.
@violici (21)
• United States
30 Mar 11
In my opinion, it's because men are more realistic and women are more idealistic in general (but not always). Men realize that once they are married, and have kids, they have to work harder, longer, and the fun is kinda over...but us women believe in fairy tales and the prince on a white horse that comes to save us. In fact, if we were more realistic, we'd realize that marriage is not what we expect, in fact it is a lot of hard work, it's annoying to live with someone in the house and learn all his/her bad habbits and have to argue (or communicate, if more mature) often. Not saying marriage is not worthed, it's just not that "feeling of love" that we thought when we were younger. It gets pretty boring and frustrating after a while, in the end, men are kinda right to not dream of it lol.