Im planning to get married in the age of 35. Am I thinking fine?

March 30, 2011 6:42am CST
I am planning to get married in the age of 35 cause I want to build my life and career first. I have younger cousins that I am supporting in their studies. I got no special someone right now cause most girls that same as my age want to get married already. Im 26, so I still have 9 years before I get married. My question is, Am i planning my life a bit off my life? I do have previous relationships that did not went well because of this issue. That's why Im am not committing myself right now to any girls, though I want to have a girl that is thinking the same way as me.. I mean wait for the time when all is establish.
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18 responses
• United States
30 Mar 11
I feel that you are very well rounded! This is good deadfieldy because that means you have your priorities in order. Marriage at a specific age is certainly not recommended, I feel it should be done when we want and not when others feel it should be done. Best of luck to you in your life/career and future. I do hope all goes as you plan.
2 Apr 11
Thanks, do you think what im thinking is not recommended? Im having thought of it frequently lately. I just want to ease my mind in this thing.
• United States
2 Apr 11
My thinking is that your plans/goal is right, however with the notion that if true love comes your way that you do not rule out the probability. In other words you know what you want to do with your life, you are working towards the goals. Let's say if true love enters your life in 2 years that you not shut out your emotions and remember the goals which means if it is true love the significant other will be willing to wait or you may find that lower the year may work, because you will have that goal in your mind even if you do marry younger younger the idea is to accomplish what you set out. So to sum it up wonderful that you have priorities but still willing to love at some point.
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Mar 11
I think if you have found a good man, then you will consider the marriage. You don't have to plan a fixed time to get married. Of course it is important to have your life and career at first. However, the marriage is also very important for females. 35 years old seems to be a little bit late for a woman to get married. Because the best time to have a baby is before the age of 30. I think the age around 27-30 will be fine enough. I love China
@llsling (331)
• China
31 Mar 11
Oh man ,are you saying that he 's a fagggggggggg?
@NIECIE21 (365)
• United States
30 Mar 11
That is great that you want to get your life in order before you get married! A lot of people now a days jump at marriage (hence the huge divorce rate!) and dont really have thier lives straight nor know who they are (and thus dont know who they should be married to in the first place.) I will be 31 when I marry next year. I am glad that I am going to be older than a lot of people for my first marriage. I know who I am, am stable in my job, and I know I have met the right man for me. Good luck in this!! And if you should find the right girl before you are 35, dont not marry just beacuse you have said "i wont marry until I am 35" :)
2 Apr 11
Thanks its true that too many people get married in their early age. Only few stay happy and survive. Most of them regretted what they did. Most of the factors or reasons that their marriage did not survive are money, and most young people are not mature enough to know the real meaning of what they have gone into which is marriage.. :)
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
30 Mar 11
That is so great! Then you'll know what you want for sure, I've been thinking to my self that people shouldn't get married before 25, seriously, I know so many girls for example that got pregnant with 18 years old, and now at 27 they are partying like b***, it's a shame, what about their kids? I promised my self I was going to get married at 27 but that age is gone, can you believe I found the right guy at 28? When we plan things ahead, when we wish and believe it will happen that way, it actually does. For the first time I'm confident to have the right person.
2 Apr 11
I am so happy for you. Maybe that can happen to me too. Who knows maybe I can find the right girl at the age of 34 or 36.:) Yup its really disappointing when people get married so young and few months or years later their had divorced or got separated. The children or their child is the most affected by this. I hope what happen to you will also happen to me.:)
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I think is great that you are planing ahead of time what you want in your life. Most people get married before the age of 20, they have no career, no place to live, and they ended up having kids. That's not really the best way to start a family. Not to mention most people start to freak out if they don't get married before the age of 30, but the thing is that one should get married because they are in love and not because they want somebody to married before they are 30. In your case is different and you should be proud of yourself for thinking ahead of time.
2 Apr 11
Thanks mate. Yes some of my friends that got married by their early 20s regretted it. And now when we talked about it. They told me how they wish they never get married and enjoy being single first as much as possible. I learned a lot from their experiences and build my plan more stronger than before. But I must say I will not get specific at the age.. I will be specific on how prepared I am.
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
I think getting married at the age of 35 is just fine for men like you. But don't get too particular with the age. It is good that you wanted to have a stable career first before getting married. not like the other guys out there who makes decisions without thinking twice and without planning ahead.
2 Apr 11
Thanks mate. Surely since there are some of you that advised me to not stick with my age. I will certainly think that way. Ill get married If I feel I am already ready to take the life as a married man.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
Its good that you have your life planned out. Just make sure that you still have fun along the way. Cause sometimes when you plan out your life too much, you tend to forget to have fun.
2 Apr 11
Im not really having fun with my life right now. Coz I really need to work.. I guess im not lucky enough to enjoy my life as much as i want to. Poor me..
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
Well, a very good plan my friend. But you need to look for someone at this time. So that you may build a strong relationship with the one whom you love the most...
@llsling (331)
• China
31 Mar 11
Marriage is not about the earlier the better,maybe you can get married right now ,but can you be 100% sure it's the one for you?
• United States
30 Mar 11
I think it's great that you have life goals. Some people lose sight of that along the way and those plans can change real fast. That being said...I would hope that you find love first, so as to not get married for the sake of being married. It took me a very long time to find the woman whom I could share my heart and life with...and I would like to have had found her long ago. Love must come first, soulful love...that is the foundation to sharing your life with someone... Good luck to you, may you realize your dreams and attain your goals!
2 Apr 11
Yeah but finding a girl that has the same thinking of me is hard to find. Most girls same as my age do want to get married already.. I dont know why. Life now is really hard to get married without any preparation.. Ill keep looking..
@wadabski (761)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
That is very admirable of you. Actually we are of the same age. I am doing the same thing I am working hard for me to become a good provider for a family that I will have in the future. I would choose to have a steady income as well as a comfortable home and a enough emergency fund for any undesirable events that might happen to my parents because they are not getting any younger. In my own view good job man that is the right way to go. God bless
30 Mar 11
Thanks.. Woah, honestly its my first time knowing someone that has the same way of thinking as me. Thanks man. You too bro God bless.
@nj_1022 (251)
31 Mar 11
Marrying at the age of 35 is very much okay. It is good that you are planning your future. It does not matter if you dont want to marry now. Love can wait and pray that you will find the right one at that age.
@vannyt (343)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
It's nice to know you have plans for your future, not bad for a yuppie. But the assurance of what age your going to get married is not really definite. Constant change is part of life, what we think and feel right now may not be the same for the days or months to come. About marriage, I always have this stand about it, it's not about age and time, it's more of preparedness and maturity are the things to be considered when you plan on this type of commitment cause it would affect your life forever. I guess you're a responsible guy considering that you are supporting your younger cousins on their education at a young age, that's a good sign.
2 Apr 11
Wow.. you explanation really bumped into me. Yup you are right, i dont know what will going to change in the near future. I think it will really depends on people I will meet and places or environment I will go through. I hope everything will be fine in my plans. It may change or not I hope the outcome will still be positive.
@dznurani (160)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 11
that is fine I think for a man to focus in career and planning to get married in 35. just to share to you about my uncle, he get married at the age of 40. he used to think marriage isn't a good thing for him because he's more comfortable with his friends. but when he married he always say how happy he is and have his wife cooking for him and love him :)
2 Apr 11
My uncle married 35 years old too.. and he told me that I should enjoy my life to the fullest as a single. because he said the being married is totally different world. He told me that take life seriously when you get married. Thanks for your reply mate.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I don't think that we should plan our lifes out in specific years. Maybe its because I am a pretty spontaneous person. I think that things should come freely. If you meet the right person then they will respect your wishes to wait, but you have to let that special person into your life. You can't keep in your mind.. no I said i'm not getting married until I'm 35 cause then you will just end up pushing people away. It really has to be a balance. By all means stick to your beliefs in not being married until 35 because you want to have a good foundation and be established, but don't allow it to keep you from having relationships. You will know when the right one comes around because they will be willing to wait, and understand your reasoning to. So its kind of a great way to know when someone truly is meant for you. Good luck.
• United States
30 Mar 11
My ideal marrying age would be thirty two years old so that I would have some time to finish school and establish a career to be ready to help support a family but I don't think it matters what one's ideal marrying age is. I don't have someone right now either and I think when you do meet someone, you wouldn't know what will happen but when the relationship develops, you would know when the time is ready for marriage.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
You're absolutely fine! Women in South Korea get married at that age. They said its better for theme to get married at that time cause they already have a stable job and its still possible for them to have a baby. My sister got married at 37 and she's pregnant now.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
WOW.. very determined mind! I have a friend like you, she's Chinese and wants to get married when everything in her life is stable. As in everything! Well, I planned my marriage before to get married at the age of 27. And I'm nearing to the end. I might extend it to 28 but until that age only.