I wanted to make sure everyone has heard

United States
March 30, 2011 9:19pm CST
about the SECRET, COVERT plans signed by President Obama to help the rebels and possibly get rid of Qaddafi. Now, really folks, I don't know about you, but to me SECRET means the news hounds should have no way of getting the information. COVERT means SECRET and also means it should be tightly held in the confidence of as few people as possible. Once upon a time our government had the good sense to keep secrets SECRET, but over the years, with the hue and cry of the public to "see all and know all", a SECRET is out on the news channels before the ink is dry on a document. Do you think the government should tell its every move? Especially since SECRETS like this give Qaddafi the edge once he knows them and he can be ready to blow us away? Just how far should the people in government go to let their workings be known? Also what about the news that a lot of the rebels are really Al Qaida terrorists and that we are looking at giving them guns. By the way, is everyone aware that the ATF is passing guns collected from American owners to the cartels in Mexico? Is anything wrong with any of these pictures?
2 responses
• United States
31 Mar 11
i dont trust government anymore it just lies after lies republican democrats all the same thing moneys is what got them elected and money is what controling the U.S citizens ,and money is the scource of all our problems and stuff
• United States
31 Mar 11
Sadly, that is what we have come to in this country. I keep wondering if there is anyone we could trust to be in charge of our country and work in her best interests instead of her demise.
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
Maybe it's just a fake secret. Maybe they're planning something else.
• United States
31 Mar 11
Nope, it's a true secret. My husband retired from the Defense Department after 35 years. He used to get furious watching the news at night. After meetings about super secret items and how absolutely no one should pass it along or dire consequences would ensue, it would be blared over the six o'clock news the same day.