Back to the simple life I guess
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
March 30, 2011 9:51pm CST
I have found that reverting back to a simpler way of life is more money friendly. So now that we are again in need of trimming the fat I find myself looking around for what we can simplify again. My garden seeds are set to sprout again, and a pile has begun to grow for garage sale. Am I alone in this of late?
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16 responses
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
14 Apr 11
With gas at $4.00 a gallon we have cut out going anywhere that is not necessary. No eating out and more cooking from scratch. I clip coupons or buy what I can in bulk. We bought chickens again this year for eggs and possibly meat later on. I am trying to talk my family into getting meat rabbits as well... this is not going so well but if the price of groceries continue to soar I think they will start liking the idea more. I have a container garden and I hope to have a real garden plowed up by late summer/ fall planting time. We invested in grape vines, blue berry, black berry & raspberry bushes this year after we got our taxes. We drive vehicles that are paid for and only carry the minimum insurance allowed. When I see a good deal on something I stock up. I am no great couponer and I can't walk out of the grocery store with $400 worth of food for $25 but I try to be as savvy about deals/coupons/bargins as possible. The workers in the family pack their lunches and I send canned drinks with them to work. The cans get turned in for recycling and that $ goes back into the budget. We do not purchase things that we do not need. Our microwave broke several months ago and I refuse to buy another one... we don't NEED it even though it is very convenient. We do have a dryer now but we went for over a year without one. When it is warm outside I hang the clothes instead of drying them. (I wish I could get the kids to stick with this but they are accustomed to the dryer now.) Now if I could get everyone to quit smoking we would save some real $$$!
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I do the same and the thought of gas prices is horrifying at the moment. We used to drive back to NJ where we grew up every few weeks now it is months because of the gas. My husband is also quitting smoking. It is hard but he has too we cannot afford them. I quit a few years ago but I never smoked as much as him.
@celticeagle (172386)
• Boise, Idaho
31 Mar 11
It seems like in the Spring and Summer I eat less. Power costs less cause we don't use the heat or cook much. I sautee vegetables and eat at home more and eat healthier than I do in the Winter and Fall. The cold makes me hungry. Ugh! With our neighborhood garden we saved alot last year. We worked there several times a week and brought home enough vegetables to last. It was great!
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Apr 11
I too agree with your post, though we have our own garden. But yes when you live in a climate that gets very cold in winter we here tend to eat heavier dishes than we do in summer, thus packing on a few extra lbs too.
I can't wait to get our garden growing.
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I think that a simple life is a peaceful life. I want to simplify my life more too. I want to get rid of the clutter in life so that there is less to maintain and clean. Its a step by step plan that we are working on. There is a lot of stuff to go through. Every thing I get rid of is a little weight I can feel off my shoulders. Im glad its not just me feeling this!

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Oh my gosh happythoughts...get rid of the clutter and you'll be amazed! I was a minor pack-rat for years until the kids left. Why? Money and lack of it. I might not need it now, but might next year and didn'tknow if I'd have the money to replace it so I kept things. Sometimes I would bring them out of 'storage" other times, never did, but then had a nice yard sale and pocketed the money! But now...I went from a 4 bedroom 2 story house to a 2 bedroom apt and being in this small space...any clutter just drives me nuts so I toss! And often!!! Makes me feel really good too! A "clean" area is so nice!!!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
4 Apr 11
yes it is calmer and less stressful when you can just clean up and live your life without having to worry about things.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Apr 11
I moved from a 4 bedroom house, all the kids grown..had yard sales and when we moved...donated 4 pickup truck beds full of stuff to the rummage sale at church and had the disabled vets come get a full truck load and moved into a 2 bedroom apt.
I was shocked at how much stuff I had (I had yearly yard sales - at least 2 each summer)and not a lot of money so I wasn't sure how I got so much stuff...I didn't have access to our money unless I asked for it but I guess it just showed how frugal and money saving I really was to be able to collect so much stuff with so little money! But...I was really surprised at how much I really didn't need! And again at how well I did without all that stuff!!
Now, I usually stock up on household using items, like shampoo etc while on sale and with coupons etc. But the other stuff...just don't use, need or want it! Around the house life is much simpler!

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Apr 11
My daughter cleaned her 10 year old daughters room (while at school!) and went balistic about how many of the McDonald's happy meal toys she had! She said we go once a week'd she collect so many? But I guess over the years and being so small and easy to "hide" and seperate from the rest of the toys...guess it isn't hard! Plus, he dad takes her there caz that is all he eats and i figure others do to. Things like that add up over the years!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
1 Apr 11
We where going through stuff for our yearly and I cannot believe how many webkinz my kids had. Now I did buy a few one each at Christmas and one each as a reward for dealing with some family issues and I was very proud of how they handled themselves but the rest! They have bought a few themselves but the rest are from others and I was like how did that happen?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Lol yes there is a collection of littlest pet shops in our home that rival the stores' shelves. I trashed any that where broken but since my 5 year old does play with them everyday still I did not get rid of all of them. The toys stuffed under the couch and forgotten about where tossed though with out anyone even realizing it.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Far from it! I just wish I had a place to garden, & the ability to do it, but I'm too disabled to do so any longer. I'm forced to rely on others, & you're correct; it is a lot less expensive once you're set up, to live more simply. Just think of all the money you save by preparing your food from scratch, & let's don't even get started on what ready-made clothes cost as opposed to home-sewn ones!
I lived that way as a child on my grandparents' farm, & I was never happier! Yet by today's standards, we would be called poor, even though we never went hungry or ill-clothed. We even built our own houses & barn! We recycled before the word was coined, long before it was trendy.
I wish I could return to that time. I tell you, we were richer than Bill Gates, in terms of country beauty & closeness.
"In art, economy is always beauty." ~ Henry James
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
31 Mar 11

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
3 Apr 11
Ditto! And good on you & your hubby! 

"Deep experience is never peaceful." ~ Henry James

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
1 Apr 11
This last year has been rough for us and we have needed some help from the government to get through and will need again until we can get another job as this one has ended but we worked hard to over come the hardships and we where off of the assistance as soon as we could be. I watch others though not only stay on the system but work it so they get more for longer. People who all they need is to get off the couch and do a little work. We have four kids and we do not use them as a reason as why we cannot work but a reason to do so. I see mothers who have lost their homes and insist that they cannot make money because they have to stay home with one baby or child. I have four, home school them and still make enough money to make ends meet. I am not the main income earner, or wasn't until Wednesday, but my husband does not uses us as an excuse either. He was working full time and going to college full time so that he will be able to get a better job. His brother sits in his parents home and cries that it is hard to support a family in this economy and has been living off the state for over a year. He has been offered jobs for good pay but says they are beneath him. That is the attitude I cannot stand.
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@Virgie60 (556)
• United States
23 Oct 11
I too have been trying to live a more simple life. Lucky for me I have always found joy in small pleasures - sitting on my patio enjoying a cup of tea, reading a good book, being with family, etc. I do not need to go on a cruise or spend all day shopping for clothes to be happy.
I just wish I would do better at garage sales. I live in a small town and just do not get the traffic to make good money at my garage sales. Maybe next year I can find someone to go in with in a bigger town.
Here's to the simple life! :D
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
5 Apr 11
no, you are definitely not alone! i have started to live this way as well. although it is still too cold here in canada to start a garden (seeds shouldnt be put in the ground before Victoria Day - May 24 weekend. The holiday was started well over a hundred years ago to honour Queen Victoria's birthday) but my garage sale pile has started and i have begun looking at ways to make some extra money (oh and i am making gifts for Christmas as well!)
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
6 Apr 11
Oh I am not too far from the Canadian boarder and I don't have anything but spring onions in the ground everything else is started in cups in the house. I love making presents. I knit and make jewelry and all kinds of goodies. What do you make?
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I defiantly dno't think that you are alone in this. A lot of people are attempting to cut back and save money, myself included. Many people are growing gardens to help lighten the load of their grocery bills, and clipping coupons trying to savbe money in ne way possible. My husband and his cousin actually decided to work at the same plant so they can car pool together and split the cost of gas. We had already had two vehicles but they are both gas hogs so my husband purchased a third used vehicle at a local auction for $800.00 and it is so much better on gas. We even replaced a lot of appliances with energy efficient appliances and use them at their efficeny level. Hopefully some type of finacial relief comes soon for all of us. Good luck.
@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
13 Apr 11
No not at all. I have sold many item we no longer use like what i would have sold in a garage sale on EBAY!! i find it a great way to urn your trash into someone elses treasure!! and i have made a few hundred dollars doing it!! maybe after the garage sale you should give it a go with what items you have left. Just be careful with heavy items because postage can be quite expensive for bulk items and your product is less likely to sell at a good price. The wizard is really helpful and easy when you get the hang of it! You will need a paypal account to sell on ebay.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
14 Apr 11
Oh I sell on Ebay weekly. I used to have a store but when the economy crashed it was no longer worth it for me to keep up at $15 a month plus regular charges. I make good money but I have a lot of stuff that would be awkward to ship or too heavy as you said. Also some items that didn't sell on Ebay that I am hoping do better in person!
• United States
12 Apr 11
I don't know but what the simple life wouldn't be better for all of us. I have always had to live frugally & it hasn't killed me, lol.I think most everyone could cut back if they just would.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
13 Apr 11
It would be and our country would be better off for it. Alas if our government is our example as it hits a debt of ceiling of Trillions of dollars and we will all suffer for it.
@marguicha (225321)
• Chile
6 Apr 11
The radiation problem in Japan has made many of us think about all the energy we are consuming by using all sorts of gadgets we can live without.
I losr my husband /the main provider at home) 11 years ago. I discovered that I could live very well with a lot less. I learnnt to cook gourmet, so now I only go to restaurants when someone invites me (to pay back my gourmet cooking). I remembered that I wore heavier clothes in Winter when I was a kid as houses were a lot colder. I´m doing that again with a great saving in gas. I gave away my drying machine and my clothes are sundried in Summer and I hung them one by one to dry in the bathroom in Winter.
I can live with little money but not like a pauper. I have my vacations thanks to my work online, quit smoking for money´s sake and this Summer I had my first vegetable garden. I´m sure my veggies will be better next yesr as I am learning. My potatoes in containers were awesome!!!

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
6 Apr 11
Yes that situation has made many re evaluate their own situations. I love hanging my clothes on the line but with a family of 6 I never get it all out
I too did potatoes for the first time last year and I think I will do them every year! We loved them.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
31 Mar 11
You are definitely not alone in this with your life. Our family has tried for the last couple of years to make our lifestyle more simple than it used to be. For us, it has meant that we've made a lot of sacrifices for the betterment of our family in the future. However, what I can say is that even though our family does not have the latest and greatest things in our house, we are happy. When it really comes down to it, I think that our family is better for being a simple family.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I think our kids have learned so much from our living this way. They not only learn where food comes from but they see and have a part in it. From the growing of the seeds to veggies and fruit to canning the produce they learn what it takes to have food in the house. My husbands hunting has taught them that meat is real animals and it is a process not to be taken for granted.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
No, you are not alone. With the dip of the global economy, people are trying every means to penny pinch, and the best way to do it is to go back to the simple life. IMO, it's a lot healthier and less stressful that way. It also makes one appreciate the little things - things we take for granted when we surround ourselves with every materialistic thing there is.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Yes I am going through what we do not need to sell at a garage sale and am a little overwhelmed and embarrassed at how much junk we have but do not need. Mind much of it was given to us as I am quite the cheapskate but still we have it!
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Absolutely you are not alone. Many of us have become spending conscious. Here at home we got rid of added unnecessary expenses and we do cook at home a great deal as opposed to going out to eat.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
31 Mar 11
We only eat out for special occasions so it is a real big treat to do so.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Thanks. It is hard because I try to save money every which way any way. With a family of six you need to.
@elaidha (95)
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
Me, too. I wish life would be simpler. A simple life can heal the earth.