How do i shut her mouth??

@ranma1 (96)
March 31, 2011 4:00am CST
To my shop, one women customer comes daily. Every time she keeps on giving lectures about god , politics etc. How do i shut her mouth without making her angry??
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3 responses
@stevieboi19 (1419)
31 Mar 11
I think you do nothing at the end of the day she's buying from the shop your the server and have to listen to the customer. If you don't want her custom then that's money which risks your job, she is effectively supplying your income . So your just going to have grin and bear it in my opinion. You may not share her beliefs or interests but anything you say will potentially make her angry, even if your opinion is put very nicely put across to her .
@ranma1 (96)
• India
31 Mar 11
But it is so bad she is lecturing me as if i am listening to her!! If i could i will just wrap a tape around her mouth!! But what to do i need the money lyk every1!!
31 Mar 11
I think the only option is grin and bear it also I think society should also be more willing to do so without complaints. I myself would love a job even if means being lectured at by certain customers I know that at the end of the day their the reason I'd be able to have such a job and as a result would treasure their lectures even if I disagree with them . Why don't you embrace her interests learn something about them and have a healthy debate going . Some people just have to be dealt with wisely in such situations as this though and like you say you need the money so your job is to deal with it .
@ranma1 (96)
• India
31 Mar 11
Her interests are vast and i dont have the knowledge nor the patience to embrace it!! :P
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Personally is there not a way that you can nicely tell her without offending her that this is a place a Business, and she needs to keep her thoughts and opinions on stuff such as this alone unless someone is asking for her advice. I have known actually a couple of people like this, and many times they actually think they know everything so it can be annoying for sure. Personally there needs to be a way for her to not have to say this unless she is an employee there as well.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 11
As long as she buys every tie she is in your store, why mind a little uncomfortableness? Maybe just say to her: You told me this yesterday, too.