Does really FGod has everything under control?

April 2, 2011 5:27am CST
why people like to say "god has everything under control" if the earth is a mess!!!! or something like human being is gods greattest creation or nothing will happend unless god allows it,,,, hhmmm i really dont get it ! if we are his greattest creation,..... why theres ugly people i mean i dont want to offend anyone out there, but, theres alot of people whos not really cute, myself included heheh well im not handsome, im just an average but i have heard from grils that if i could be little bit taller hhhmm you 5´3" or 163cm however you understand. theres diferent faces, i dont want to upload pictures because many of you may think i want to make fun of them, dont get me wrong. diferent sizes,long nose, big teeth,fats,very little tinny,tall and thin, or malformations. a lot of it that i cant name it all i really dont understan nothing is under control.
12 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
3 Apr 11
Have you ever read the Bible? It has the answers to your questions.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
"why people like to say "god has everything under control" if the earth is a mess!!!!" God will make sure that eventually everything works out. It's like when you do house renovations, for a while everything is a mess but eventually the renovations are finished and the house looks beautiful. Isaiah 65:17 (New International Version, ©2011) 17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
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• Mexico
6 Apr 11
yes, i have read the bible, not so much to be honest but all is writen in there maybe is truth, maybe not, its like all the answers we want to hear from, the reality is very different all i can see is powerfull nations and powerfull religions and great number of people living in missery.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
5 Apr 11
With all the things going on in the world we can easily see that the world really is ruled by Satan.-1 John5:19. But God is in control because he is allowing Satan this time period. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, Satan had called into question God's right to rule. So this time is allowing everyone angels and humans to see that God is the rightful ruler and that Satan's rulership over man is a failure, so then this issue of God's sovereignty his right to rule will be settled.
• United States
6 Apr 11
The reason God allows Satan to rule, at least for a because of a more deeper reason than most comprehend. Satan is an extremely powerful being, who, prior to his fall, was the most beautiful angel created...his name was Lucifer. Lucifer and the other Archangel, Michael were the two Archangels who stood by the throne of God. Eventually, Lucifer was allowed his own kingdom having his own angels whom he ruled over. Lucifer eventually became jealous of God, wanting the power and glory for himself, thereby he was able to convince at least a third of heavens angels to rise against God and try to over-throw Him. Now taking into account that God has blessed Humans and Angels alike with Free-Will...God refuses to FORCE someone to love Him and follow Him, He wants us all to do because we want to, not because we have to. But NO one knows just how much influence Lucifer had on all of the angels...and Lucifer eventually was able to convince man to go against God also. So God made the decision to allow Satan to carry out his game plan...allowing all angels and humans see just for themselves if Satan can do better than God, as Lucifer claimed he could do...he said God doesn't love us and he could love us in a sense, GOD is allowing Satan to dig his own grave... Jesus said He will come back and make things right, after Lucifer gets the chance to prove his the time will come when all of us will see what things will be like when Jesus takes back what belongs to Him and we will have the choice of either accepting Satan's ways, or Jesus. In the end, we will all know beyond any doubt that Satan is wrong, even the angels will know Satan is wrong...but God also said he will make things right for each of us, he will reward us for our suffering through these trying times created by Satan...God said He will wipe away every tear..erase every bad memory...destroy diseases and sicknesses... My little brother will have his leg, and his life back...the blind shall see, the deaf shall hear...these are just a few of the promises God made to each and every one of us...and all we have to do is have faith in Him, love Him as He loves us...follow Him...I don't think that's asking too much, especially when we get so much in return.
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• Mexico
6 Apr 11
hey francis you rock with this answer, i like it. i know all this becauase i have read the bible sometime in the past but im concern so much of what is happening not now but for long time, since i know this world all the time has been wars for the power, and all the time that happens people think that god will come nothing of that has happend yet verything humans has done is horrible, and also nature but we cannot put things together nature is nature and humans doing someting else, as i believe the earth has its own way to to react based on the way the earth was created, by the way i dont think god will create such model is beautiful but not perfect its like set to be destroy someday this is contradictory to what the bible says about creation or means after adam and eve have sin, god create the earth so faulty for us to see the destruction "signals" anouncing his comming?
• Mexico
6 Apr 11
this is exactly what i dont understand, why beacuse of two, adam and eve, we have to pay for their mistakes?? also if god knows already that satan is "satan" why he let this guy rule the earth knowing all things could happend, its like no having logical, nonsense to me, like theres no love for his creation, but anyway if this is gods will ...dont you think its enoughf time? its been thoousands of years rule by this guy satan. i hope he can consider all the suffering of millions here.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
God knows everything, he does have control of everything... I believe. Whatever happens though to us - is a result of our being hard headed, of not not being able to bring out the best of what we can do and our lack of faith... I think what we are able to experience in this life is also because we have our own self decisions, and our own free will. when it comes though, too the physical attributes, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. hahaha =) Well i think that is due to the genetic make up of each one of us.
• Mexico
2 Apr 11
hard headed??? own decisions??? no way nobody wishes to born like that, ugly face ,tall and thin,short and fat, long nose, broken teeth, or nay other particular malformation you know i dont have to name all of them i think all of us know what im saying
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
2 Apr 11
God doesn't make ugly, . Attractiveness or the lack of have nothing to do with God, genetics have everything to do with this.Besides, some of the things you mention here, such as, "fat","thin", "long nose", "crooked teeth" can all be corrected by the person themselves, lose weight, gain weight, go to a dentist. And yes, what chiyosan meant by "hard headed" and making our own decisions is, the world is in the mess it's in now due to "people" choosing evil against good, wrong against right, killing instead of healing, God did not make robots, we are free to choose the path we will take in this life.and if we choose to make a mess of this world,it's time to take some responsibility for it and stop blaming God.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Apr 11
God looks at the condition of people's soul, not what they look like on the outside. The world's in a mess because that's what we've made of it.
• Mexico
4 Apr 11
i dont know how god sees people, my questions was that if god really understand the way they suffer here on earth, like i said before they cannot get good job,cannot pay pot a surgery or depends on what kind of discapacity they have. i just see here on earth two powers, government and religion, and many religions who really control all of us.
• United States
3 Apr 11
Perhaps God meant for it to be this way, with this diversity and all. There are things in his ultimate master plan that are hard, or even impossible for us to comprehend. There are a lot of little things which fit together to contribute to this plan, and "little" due to the fact that some micromanagement is probably necessary. . . I mean to say, one person on this Earth isn't likely to be a major difference, realistically speaking. Anyways, a person is ugly? Maybe God gave them other gifts, or maybe he wanted him to have a partner that would overlook their visual flaws to allow for a stronger relationship. Diversity in facial features? What's so bad about that; more variety? Diversity in height? Some people like smaller men and women, and some people are attracted to different things. Maybe God has some majorly complicated thing in mind for this person. Maybe he will meet a woman who likes smaller men, who believes in God, unlike this man, and who will bring him towards God. Maybe this man will meet a woman who likes shorter men who will end up being the perfect match for him: similar hobbies, similar interests, complementary personalities. . . I didn't quite capture what I meant to mean, but there are just the strangest "coincidences" that happen that are likely small pieces of God's plan that fit together like puzzle pieces to make it all work out in the end. As for malformations. . .basically the same thing I said for ugliness. Unsightly people may have huge talents for other things. A hypothetical all-around horrible person? Well, I'm sure everything evens out in his so-called "master plan" for the world, even for the universe. I'm sorry, that phrase "master plan" just gets old, it reminds me of ultra-conservative preachers who yell at you through the television. . . Have a good day!
@chinchoy (191)
• Hong Kong
3 Apr 11
I have a thought about all these suffereing on earth. Why some people suffer and others enjoy? I have this idea that we actually have hell and heaven in the same space, same dimension. Those who suffers is living in hell and vice versa. The eternal fire is not really this chemical reaction we see, the quick oxidation of carbon matters. It is the never-ending pain and sorrow that those suffering bring about.
• Mexico
3 Apr 11
Perhaps......... thats a word even more complicated for me perhaps he wanted these people to have hard time dealing with people her eon earth, perhaps he could do something to stop it, why has to be their life like that? can we count the days or th moments they have been super happy and forget aboout their phisical condition? please dont get mad at me if im so dramatic maybe with these kind of questions, but i have feelings.
• United States
3 Apr 11
chinchoy, that's an interesting response. investor221, what I meant to convey was that all of these people suffering vs. people who barely suffer any pain somehow balance out in the grand scheme of all things. . . I can see your points though, and I will admit that I do not know how to answer them; if God is god, why can't he create a way not bound by the normal rules of logic that can create the utmost perfection in the world for everyone? I'm not wise enough to know this. . .
• Australia
3 Apr 11
Hi investor, No one has ever understood almighty and will never be able to. It is our mind that diverts us from our creator. In God's eye everyone is beautiful. Its us human who compare and contrast between creatures of same race. Our mind goes into things that it should never get into. Have faith in god and he'll ensure you are in the right path rather than trying to going away from him. Happy Mylotting :)
• Mexico
3 Apr 11
i agree that we cannot understand god my question will be can god understand these people? does he knows how much they suffer? one of the answer say that is due to genetical, so again my silly question whoever did create this life made amistake just right before conception?
• Thailand
2 Apr 11
One of the most important Theravada Buddhist texts, the Visuddhimagga states; "No God, No Brahma, can be called The Maker of the wheel of life: Empty phenomena roll on, Dependent on conditions all."
• Mexico
3 Apr 11
i see that you have read that much, great for you and thanks for your comment.
@urbandekay (18278)
2 Apr 11
A stone is thrown into a river, the river diverges round it and then... Flows back to its original course! all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Apr 11
Is this world really a Mess??? You must look beyond the surface to understand what this world is all about. When you accomplish this, you will start to understand God and the reasons behind things. Look again. This world is a MASTERPIECE!!!
• Mexico
3 Apr 11
well i said is a mess because, of those people i just mention some examples of unhappy people with malformations, ofcourse if i talk about how i see this world, i can say exactly what you are telling me now "we" as normal persons. i have a great life, until now i do not suffer anything i see the life beautiful i like to take pictures of almost everything so i know what you say about the masterpiece. but you havent think about them, people laughf at them, they dont have a normal life, cannot get a great job, usually they suffer when they try to socialize, mosst of them cannot have kids well its just a lot that i cannot even mention here.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Just because God CAN do anything and everything, does not mean it is His will to do anything and everything. And as has been said, each of us is the product of the Original Creation. You do not see God out making clay men and breathing life into them, do you? It is taught that when man sinned, the earth was cursed as well. We do not live in the perfect world as it was first created. Alot has taken place to change our world and our physical bodies in the intervening years. Diet, lifestyles, climate, and our own choices can alter how our DNA works within us. Our mother's diet and lifestyle can even do this to us before we are born. They are even saying that our fathers diet and lifestyle affect the DNA within his sperm.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
3 Apr 11
if the creator can create an entire universe then all things r in place within in visionary capacity thats so far away from ur visionary capacity,in the creators vision all things in creation as its purpose,and so do u with uestions like these it as its place as well ur looking for the answer,to the mystery of the creation,worry not all things r in place and in due time u will c.
@chinchoy (191)
• Hong Kong
3 Apr 11
Well, given the diversity of the myLot population, I guess God can be so different for each one of us here. I think in a way, God do not have everything under control. We human beings are really not under God's control at all. We have our free will to choose, albeit there are hash punishment for committing sins, as we were told, we still commit them anyway. I would say a hugh portion of the world's population is really out of control nowadays. Also, how people look is really just a matter how you perceive beauty. Once in our history, fat women was considered more beautiful.