Would you confess your love?

@katie0 (5203)
April 2, 2011 8:50am CST
I don't know if that is really my question but would you? Do you have that courage? How to find the courage, the strenght to just go right in the face of that loved one and say "I love you" or even that "I like you"? How is that done? I think it takes a lot of courage to be in a reincarnation as a man, it's up to the man to go and confess to the girl, to chase, to get access to her heart...It takes a lot of courage cause I think this is the number one action that gets rejection cause you can hear either me too or I'm sorry, the I'm sorry is really hurtful right. Would you confess your love? How to do it?
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10 responses
• China
4 Apr 11
Yes, i confess to what i am beloved,I already done this three times,one succeed,two fail,lol...I think before doing that,you are going to consider what kinda consequence will be leading to and what if the girl decline and how you are going to confront her next time
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
why not? the only reason why some people cannot say it because of their pride or maybe they really loved the person. its hard to say i love you to somebody if you dont have the feeling. right?
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Apr 11
Reincarnation? I would give this serious thought? How are you really feeling? Attraction? Endearment? Does she treat you well? Is she someone you want in your life for the rest of it? Once you say those words it changes everything. If you had a good friendship with this woman it can change the entire dynamics of that friendship.
• United States
3 Apr 11
When I've done that, the way I've done it is to wait until the subject of love comes up and then I guided the conversation to a point where I could confess how I felt. Not easy to do, but even if it doesn't work out, I feel it's better to speak up than to constantly wonder.
@axlrate7 (1398)
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
When I got my shot, I will take it as my opportunity to confess. You need to do with right timing.
• United States
3 Apr 11
I have never confessed to a guy that I loved him and I don't think I ever will. I wouldn't want to take the chance that I might get rejected. I'm sure there are guys who feel shy about professing their love as well.
• Mexico
2 Apr 11
Hi katies: It takes a lot of courage to this and I must admit that I don't have it . I am not the one that tell these things. I'm too shy to do this. I am sorry to say this. Whern I normally felt in love to someone, this gives me inspiration to write and be arty but that's all. I don't have the courage to this. I don't take these risks. Maybe I'll find the girl that takes this risk for me and at the same time that I'd love her or maybe not ALVARO
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
We belong to a conservative culture country where women are taught not to profess their love towards a guy unless he professes his love for her first. Although the younger generation nowadays are more vocal and assertive. I remember a friend who worked as a nurse in Switzerland and was told that if she likes a Swiss guy, she has to tell him frankly of her feelings. Although it was against her principle, she mustered her guts, walked infront of him and said, "I love you". And he replied, "I don't love you". She turned crimson red and that was the last time she did such act. Today, she lives happily with her banker husband - another Swiss guy who wooed her heart.
@kramsgir (146)
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
I guess you have to tell that person and it's up to her to believe you or not and it's for you to prove! Better let him/her know than thinking of "what-if's"
• Australia
3 Apr 11
I am very shy in nature. never in the world would i even ever think of proposing a guy. I am good at giving hints though. :p All the guys i have ever liked have proposed me themselves. Sometimes i used to fear that if i don't say anything then the one i love will go away from me forever and i won't be able to do anything. But i would rather let them go than going and proposing. It indeed requires lots of confidence and self-esteem for a girl to do so.