Fear of Rejection

@Masihi (4413)
April 3, 2011 4:00pm CST
I hate rejection. I've been rejected all my life. Now I find it hard to approach people because I'm so scared the answer would be in the negative. I stutter when I talk and I have trouble concentrating. I've always been told "no" as a kid. I was the outcast in both elementary and high schools. I was kicked out of a bible college because of my mental illness (I wasn't getting doctor's attention then). As far as employment goes, it's hard to find a job. I'm on disability pension for three disabilities and one would only have to glance at me to know that I'm disabled. I'm starting to get really pissed off because I want to prove to people that I *can* do something. I wish I can gain confidence in my speech and mannerism, but it's so darned hard. Some people have told me they have noticed a big difference in me in the past year, and I am encouraged by it. I might even try doing my Melaleuca business if I can stop stuttering for heaven's sake LOL! I gues what's really keeping me back is fear of rejection and failure. I mean that monaive/TEAM scam I was in really set me back financial-wise and social-wise. I know whenever I tell people about Melaleuca they'd warn me about Multi-level marketing and remember what happened to me in Monavie. I feel so trapped, I guess. If anyone else have the same kinds of experiences, maybe share with how you overcame them? I hope I'm not being too personal, but any bit of advise would be helpful.
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9 responses
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
5 Apr 11
Hi Masihi. Sorry, I haven't been around lately...it is tax season here and I have been CRAZY at work. Anyways, like other have said, no one likes rejection, however it is how you handle rejection that allows you to move on and try again. You have to attempt to overcome the rejection (not an easy task) but to move on and try again. I was in sales for a while, and everytime I got a door closed in my face it hurt my ego, however, I kept at it no matter how difficult it was and finally was successful after 100s of no's I finally got a yes and it got easier and easier as the days progressed. I still cringe when someone says no, but I say a lot of no's to sales people as well and I have learned to definitely not take anything personally. Becoming social isn't easy for some people, just keep trying and don't give up. Good luck to you! Oh, can you PM details about Monavie please? Thanks.
• United States
6 Apr 11
I am losing my mind I think...LOL. I meant to say, PM me about Melaleuca. I have heard a lot of good things about their products. I suppose I didn't have my head on straight the other day when I responded. I am still working but these past few days have been a little slow at work but next week will be a push for it is the last week of tax season.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
HAH!! Not as bad as me LMAO! Ya, I been their customer for about a year, good stuff :-D I'll message you :-) (without those cult links!) :-p
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Welcome back to MyLot :-) Yes, I'll be trying, and I'll edge out slowly, I mean I really do like Melaleuca's products, and it does seem more practical. I've sent you a private message about Monavie, has my blog, and other sites, please be so careful when dealing with Monavie and TEAM, it nearly ruined my marriage and gotten me nearly bankrupt. It's a cult.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Apr 11
Indeed, even the smartest people must be careful with all the scams on the internet. OK, so let's take a good look at you. What do we see. Hmmmm??? Inspite of any problems you have, you are special. There is no one in the universe exactly like you. You have a view unique. Fear of failure or rejection??? Do you know that every single successful person has failure under their belts??? Failure is a great teacher. You learn what not to do. Next, fear. Do you know that everyone experiences some fear whenever they start out on a new venture? EVERYONE!!! OK! It doesn't matter what everybody else is doing. IT'S WHAT YOU DO THAT COUNTS!!!! So set your goal. March forward. If you get rejected or fail, Great! You learn what not to do then you come up with a better idea then GO AROUND THE OBSTACLES!!! After all, we can't allow short sighted people stop us from reaching our goals. Have you ever noticed in sports that the most talented team doesn't always win. Often it's the team that wants it the most, tries the hardest, never gives up regardless that comes out on top. Few things really worthwhile in life come easy. OK, draw a line in the sand. No more excuses. Go around the obstacles. THINK YOUR WAY THROUGH!!! Yes, you are more capable than you realize. You can make this happen. SEE YOURSELF AS SUCCESSFUL AND YOU WILL BE!!! I believe in you!!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
3 Apr 11
Thank yo9u for your encouraging words, I am trying, and it's very overwhelming. I know my Melaleuca sponsor is coming back to Nova Scotia at the end of April, and i can discuss all that is bothering me (business-wise) I do want to get out and get selling, but it's just so darned hard, you know? I don't want to be that pushy salesperson forcing people to sign up before they have a chance to research, like we were forced to do in Monavie/TEAM. Anyway, one day at a time...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Selling, huh??? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Remember one important thing about selling. They already know how to drink. Your job is to make them THIRSTY!! THink about that. You will do great!!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Oh how I can relate with you, and it can make it quite scary to want to branch out into something else. Being afraid that no one will like it, or like you, or think you are strange, and you need to keep quiet. Or being in a crowded room somewhere and trying to make friends and no one wants to care. It can be quite frustrating and actually I think in most situations it continues to get even worse.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Heh...well this time I'm not going to branch out so suddenly, LOL! Perhaps just take things slow, I mean there's really no hurry. I figure if I ease into a situation it might not be so overwhelming for me.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Apr 11
Hi Msihi, with me it was constant criticism and physical abuse so that now in later life I'm still being spiritually abused and I have no confidence or backbone. I've cut myself off from people because I can't trust anyone and I don't want to give anyone the chance to reject me again. It still happens though because the real truth is, no one wants to be friends with me. So I know where you are coming from. I also lost my lifesavings when I bought a cafe. I only lasted 10 months and I stutter too...lol. Just remember that most people never do anything, they never have a gpo. Even if you fail at something, feel good about yourself because you had a go and you're still trying. The trick is to never make the same mistake twice. I'm learning to be content and to accept who I am even though I haven't figured that out yet. I just want you to know that you are not alone.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Thanks for your advise, and I am DEFINITELY not making the same mistake twice!!! LOL Oh dear, and to think I tried to lure other people into that business cult!! Ugh! Anyway, I think I suck more than you :-p So don't feel so bad, you seem to be a reasonable, intelligent and honest person. I myself have cut many people off because I don't want to be hurt again. Perhaps it's my mental illness kicking in high gear, but I can't even call up a friend to chat! I figure I'm too old for that....lmao Aaahhh...the comfort of our computers with the keyboard.......yeah... I'm actually typing this all in at 3:36 am.....boo, Izzy, BOO!!! GET TO BED!
@JijiXcebu (129)
• Philippines
4 Apr 11
I understand where you are coming from. The fear of rejection is normal because of the disabilities or limitations as you have mentioned here. I do understand that you might get judged immediately because of these things that you have mentioned. I would suggest that you take strength from your weaknesses and you can take advantage of things that your are most better at. I'm pretty sure there are. As far as rejection goes, don't get discouraged. Rather, be inspired and be encouraged to prove to yourself that you are not what you think you are.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Thank you for your kind words. So many people think I can't do something because of my disability or they blame a mistake on my disability and I actually have to convince them that it ***WASN'T*** my disability that caused such-and-such, which is funny, because so many disabled people use their disabilites as an excuse. I'd love to be normal, though, and treated as such.
@nsawork (28)
• India
4 Apr 11
things come and go and they are never permanent. what i want to say is that with time each one would be able to adjust to the surroundings and then the fear will go away. fear of rejection and failure is common to all and what i have come to know is that many times it is the best of our interests to be able to maintain a decorum of our mind so that we would be comfortable in all the situations no matter where we live or what we do. This is the best part I overcome everything by will power.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Obtaining willpower is one of the hardest feats of mankind.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I think at one time I had this but it did just slowly fade away over time. I have come to the realization that in life, you are not going to win every single battle. There are a lot of things in life, where you will be struck down, where you are going to be told no and that can be quite the bitter pill to swallow but it is very true. In the end, there is really no need to fear rejection. If anything rejection is just something that proves that life is fickle at best and not everything is going to go your way. So instead of focuses on the elements of life that lead to rejection. It would be prudent to focus on what goes right. In some ways, the fact that everything does not go right might be a good thing, as if we never experienced rejection, it might be a more horrible thing when we actually do.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
3 Apr 11
Your response makes so much sense to me, because nothing psychological just get "cured" - just like that, anyway, it does indeed take a fair amount of time to melt away, at least fears. I'm trying to be self-aware, so maybe that'll help as well....
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
3 Apr 11
If you ever get the chance watch the HBO film "Temple Grandin" about the woman of the same name. She has severe autism and sees in pictures. I have just watched it now and this woman is totally inspiring even though it was an actress playing her lol.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
3 Apr 11
Sounds like an interesting story, I must look it up on Youtube, thanks :-)
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
4 Apr 11
I was afraid of rejection as well especially when I was a teenager. I remember when I was a kid that all of my classmate during my kinder years are hating me without any reason. They just hate me for nothing. Then I could also feel that during school days both elementary and high school, I mean not at least what happened during my kinder years but what I mean is I could still feel the rejection from other people. During college years it was the same thing that most of my classmate does not like me at all because I am just a normal student who is responsible enough to do the right thing unlike them that they are expecting me to glorify their wrong doings. They thought I was too nice that is easy for them to put me down. Same thing with my 3 social climber cousins that are living from US that they don't like me just because I am not rich and the fact that my brother and I were able to travel without our parents, in other terms just us. Because my cousins are kind of person that they want to kiss the @$$ and please the rich people. Aside from that they loathe themselves as a Filipino which indeed they can't take or accept the fact that their parents are from Philippines. Due for having bad economy here in the Philippines they have their mentality that our country is like a hell then in America it is already heaven where they can already solve the problems easily. Now I realized that the biggest mistake that I have done in my life was pleasing everybody that I am always hoping that people will appreciate me if I would be humble to them and do something nice to them but I was wrong. Most of them have abused my humility, kindness and other good deeds. I am a kind of person that won't fight back right away for a fact that I don't really want to stoop down to their pathetic level. So now I really learned that I can't please everybody. I am not in need of other's appreciation anymore and so far I am not conscious if other people hates me, find it annoying, or dislike me because their hatred and stupidity could really inspire me. Their rejection makes me more stronger that I was able to fight in a level headed manner. I realized that the problem was not from me but it was their problem and fault at all for being immature and stupid. I don't want to deal with people who just want to find something wrong with the person instead of appreciating the good deeds. I am not fear of rejection anymore and when I am not finding a job which is competitive because of being a graphic artist I am taking other's criticism because I know it for a fact that it is constructive which they are sincere enough to help me in developing for more improvement.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
4 Apr 11
Thank you for posting, I can certainly relate to you, as I myself try to please people as much as I can. I'm slowly realising that it's impossible to please everyone and so therefore I must set my priorities closer to home - my family. I'm glad you don't fear rejection anymore, I suppose it's a process, getting over any type of fear, that is.