Total Massacre of the English Language!!!! (RANT!!!!)

@Masihi (4413)
April 4, 2011 4:33am CST
I love writing. I've been writing stories ever since I was a kid. Now I'm just barely beginning to write for money. I haven't really done it seriously, though, but hey I made twelve cents!!! LOL Anyway, when I write I try to use proper punctuation, spelling, and basic grammar, I mean it's common courtesy to the reader, right? And who knows that in typing one puts 2 spaces after the period, not just one??? Anyway, my articles are a lot better than the slop I dish out here on MyLot, but hey we're a relaxed community :-p Okay, so here's my beef...I'm reading a few other people's articles and they're so poorly written, I mean they just BRUTALLY murder the English Language there! I've even read an article where a fellow reader even commented on the author's grammar! Now I've never had the guts to do that, as I try to be supportive, but it just ticks me off how we can't even look over our articles before publishing them. Then there's another site that I'm involved in, a PTC, actually, where the admin uses English as a second language, however, he's taken courses and still refuses to even practise his English skills. His excuse? "Oh I been gaming for six years and I'm used to using gaming language" HELLO!!! You're running a professional site here, mister!!!! Fortunately I'm actually friends with this guy, so I correct his texts for him and he paid me five bucks one time, not too bad, since it's super-easy for me. He has the ability to properly write English, so I tell him to use proper English with me, he'd try for a day or so, then back to the same practically incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo again. I'm not picking on people who genuinely can't write, because I can tell the difference between when a person's trying, and when a person's just rushing through things. The articles and my friend's website, they rushed through things. Please you guys, don't rush through articles, ok? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?
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14 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Apr 11
LOL! You're so right my friend. I had a go at article writing but gave up, not for the reason you describe but I'm far too lazy to be efficient at it, unfortunately. The main gripe I have is the Sky News website (where people leave comments). Now, on the BBC site they have moderators who will even correct grammar, etc, so it looks lovely on screen lol. Not so, Sky News. I reckon most of the people who post on there are from the UK but a lot of them shame me, they really do, by their distinct lack of punctuation and basic grammar. The times I have read a pararagraph that had no capital letters, no, just words. At least the Indians, etc, on MyLot try sooo hard to type in English. They are far better at it than their UK counterparts. Our education system must be going down the tubes!!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Apr 11
It must be so frustrating for you, seeing comments on Yahoo that don't make any sense. If it's any consolation, it happens to me all the time!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
As I said, people whose 2nd language is English I can tell that they're trying to write proper English :-) Oh my don't get me going on Yahoo Answers - some are downright RUDE!!!
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
oh boy... rushing through articles... i am so guilty of this. when i write, i try to capture what enters my mind and post it as soon as i can. editting isn't one of my strongest suits. tsk i try to write in proper english and with good grammar as much as possible though, for those who just might read my mental diarrhea. hehehe
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
7 Apr 11
Hi Mashihi, well I sure do take my time, as I am taking English comp in college to sharpen my writing skills. But I find it interesting that you said, "And who knows that in typing one puts 2 spaces after the period, not just one???" My instructor says nothing about the two spaces after the period and the only time I heard that was my son says that it should be done.. I am in English comp 212, not an easy course and like I said, heard nothing like this before. I also want to take creative writing, maybe that is where it is taught?
• United States
7 Apr 11
I had to look this up as my curiosity got the better of me. On this site, it explains the two spaces after the period: Which is funny, because I took typing in high school, (yes this dates me and I don't remember having to put in two spaces after each period..But I am thankful I don't have to now..
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• United States
7 Apr 11
Yeah, it probably did make you a really good writer, I am just glad I don't have to, it will be another habit I'd have to So what kind of writing do you do? Is it all online or do you have some work published in book form?
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
I was taught the spaces by my older foster sister who was in high school, and I was leaving elementary school. Ever since I was taught that I just automatically did it, and it does make more sense to do it, sort of like giving a visual extra space between each sentence to make it easier on the reader, I would think. Our family had this reallyreallyreally old Mac and we all used it to complete our projects instead of using the old-fashioned pencils and paper. (Foster mother was a resource teacher for special ed students and basically treated us as her pupils, too, looking back I"m glad of it LOL!)
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Apr 11
Oh, I hear ya! I've had my own rants about it, & I blame the experiments the government schools have performed on several generations of students in English classes. The rule from the Teacher's Union is, "Don't worry about grammar & spelling! Tell the student, 'Your spelling is merely creative!' And whatever you do, never harm a child's self esteem! The horror!" The result is there are now high school graduates who can't read their own diplomas, but boy, do they ever feel good about themselves! Yes, it is maddening. I teach ESL, & the modern experimenters have produced so many American graduates who can't speak, spell, or punctuate correctly--or understand proper grammar--that, along with proper English, I'm forced to teach them the common, erroneous English one hears & reads everywhere (I mean on billboards, from editors & news announcers!), just to be certain they really understand what people mean! I tell them, the proper way to say such & such is this way (& then I demonstrate), but you will hear...etc." It makes it harder, with more work on my part & theirs, & if teachers were doing their jobs correctly--never mind what the (censored) Teachers Union says to do!--this wouldn't be the case! Grrr...yes. I really am steamed, now. I think I'm going to go outside & slap the next person who says, "I have gave...," or "aks" for ask, or "Nome sane?" (I.e., "Do you know what I'm saying?" Or, better, "Do you understand me?" A question which I would answer--if I thought they could understand me--"Frankly, no.") Okay. Off soapbox now... Maggiepie "Know the rules first. Then learn when to break them!" ~ C. Crouch, SF writer, article writer, & poet
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Oh, wow now that sounds really extreme - and I thought students handing in work that's filled with text shortcuts was extreme. It would be really frustrating in your case, because we're supposed to be taught the English Language basically from the time we're born! It's really sad that the basic fundamentals of our language is being neglected to satisfy today's society's demand to protect our kids' self-esteem, I think "kicks in the rear end" will do some kids some good! (Even to some adults, too, heh heh)
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Apr 11
If by "extreme" you're referring to the Teacher's Union, I agree. They've been doing this kind of thing for many decades, now, & were they any ordinary business, would have failed & been replaced by something more effective. But that's a different rant. Ah, yes, it can be frustrating, when I let it get to me. Usually I just mentally "roll up my sleeves" & do it, because I know the student needs to learn how we Americans really talk. I was horrified to hear about teachers accepting "text talk/spelling," since that means they're not doing their job. Yes, no language is alive that doesn't change, but text talk is exclusive, arbitrary, & would kill our language if allowed in classes for any real length of time! Shame on teachers who let it happen! Yes, a boot in the keister is recommended, for all ages, if sloppy English is habitually used! Someone here said that MyLot will pull discussions that "make fun of" another's language. I agree with that, in principle, but I hope MyLot realizes that many non-English speakers come here deliberately to learn & practice their English, & are grateful when someone corrects them GENTLY, & explains their reasons. I do that all the time. I never deride anyone for poor English skills when I detect they're not native to an English-speaking country, but there are those on whom I do pounce. If. e.g., a poster claims to be a scholarly writer, yet makes blatant errors, or claims to write correctly, yet "corrects" another writer's English incorrectly, I give them one chance, with a nice post, to correct their error, but if they don't, or worse, if they give me lip about it, I just can't let them get away with that! I let fly! It's the teacher gene in me...or maybe the smart aleck (sp?)... Maggiepie "Know the rules first. Then learn when to break them!" ~ C. Crouch, SF writer, article writer, & poet
@annapplez (208)
• Australia
5 Apr 11
I'm exactly the same way. I'm a professional proofreader so I am programmed to pick up on all of the small mistakes that people make. I think people who are non-native English speakers and who run websites should keep the website in their own language, or pay a professional to translate it for them. I hate bad grammar, I hate spelling mistakes and I h8 txt tlk in business situations. There isn't much we can do though, some people are incapable of using correct English, some people are just too lazy to. Maybe I should just de-program the proofreading side of my brain and relax a bit more.
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@allknowing (142690)
• India
5 Apr 11
I had an opportunity to do proof reading - my first attempt. I tried to do just one and went bonkers! Proof reading is not for me. I prefer to write on various subjects for which I also do research so that what I write has quality.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Annaapplez, please don't stop proofreading, girl, we need people like you!!! You're our Fussy English Speaker's Dream!!!!!
@Alebelt (86)
• Italy
7 Apr 11
You forgot to consider that many people (like me) come from not-English speaking countries. I do not rush when I write, but I'm afraid to commit many errors, however. I try to improve my English just by practicing writing in mylot. So I apologize to you and other users if my writing is not grammatically correct, but at least I hope that you understand the meaning, and this is perhaps most important thing in a forum like this. Anyway I would be very happy and grateful if you or anyone signaled mistakes in my posts... and even give me a vote! (LOL)
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
No I didn't, I did mention in my post that there's a difference between people whose 2nd language is English, and those who are just rushing through articles not even considering to check their writings. I can tell when people are trying, as I've been around many many people whose 2nd language is English. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Apr 11
That's okay, don't worry about it :-)
• Italy
7 Apr 11
You're right! I'm sorry... obviously I also have to practice in English reading :)
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
5 Apr 11
The internet has allowed anybody and everybody to become a 'writer' no matter how good their language is. back in the day (about 8 years ago, one could be making upwards of $10-$15 for 500 words but not any more.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Yes, gone are the good old days, and in to the joke of the day - 2 cents per article!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@arcideaco (1257)
• Singapore
4 Apr 11
Good topic. I, for one is guilty for rushing my articles to be submitted for money making. I mean, I do like to write and everything, but proof reading is kind of tedious for me. But I have been trying to proof read before submitting nowadays as I agree that it is basic courtesy to give the readers, the most coherent and understandable English. Cheers and btw English is my second language too.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
I proofread my articles as well, and correct my errors, it is a good habit to get into, and does improve my writing skills :-)
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Apr 11
Hi Mashi, Similar post but in direct way I had posted here but it got deleted. As per mylot guidelines you are not supposed to make comment or the mistakes the poster commits. However horrible it is, never mind. If you want to share with the like minded ones you are welcomed or else...
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
4 Apr 11
I don't think we are talking about mylot here. We are talking about articles.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Apr 11
@AdalieM yeah your article was great indeed....
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
It is right, it's about article-writing sites, nothing to do with MyLot, Mylot is a relaxed community and we should be able to write comfortably here. But when I want to read an article, I want to read a good, well-constructed article.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
7 Apr 11
I agree with you Masihi! There is nothing worse than reading an article with poor sentence structure and typos all over the place. I for one, and not a writer. I rattle and and on here on MyLot, and I know my setence structure is terrible. Usually, I guess it is because I am in a hurry and like you said MyLot is a very relaxed community. When you are reading an article on a professional site, it should be professinally written with proper grammer.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
Thanks for commenting, I'm really glad others agree with me as well :-) I'm even fussy on my blogs, and have 2 drafts being worked on as I speak.
• United States
9 Apr 11
Wow. I have to admit, I am the type of person, who will see every gramarical, spelling, or punctuation error on a test and correct it. (Yes, I know, it's rude but I have a compulsion to do so.)
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
10 Apr 11
I see all those mistakes as well, but I don't say anything, unless in a rant on another site like Mylot ha ha ha.....oh dear, perhaps I am rude! :-p *facepalm*
@allknowing (142690)
• India
5 Apr 11
Don't blame the writers but blame the system that pays for those articles that have the most visitors and not for how well the article is written. I did register with a couple of sites and when I came to know that my critics are those that do not know the abc of writing I closed my account with them. I do write but only where my articles are judged on their quality. This article writing has been commercialised which indeed is a sad situation.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Yes, that is partly to blame. I know in Triond I had to go through a waiting period to get my article published the first 2 times, and just recently I got accepted just like that. Strange. There really should be tighter restrictions on articles, for sure.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
4 Apr 11
When you search for things online you always end up finding articles full of grammar errors. Usually content farm sites don't really care since most of the writers are nonprofessional writers, you will see lots of typos, grammar errors, etc. I am not going to judge because most of the time I don't know where the commas go. I have written a few articles online, they are not the best out there but they are readable at least.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Apr 11
Look mr, what I had written above was not out of context. If you observe carefully more than 50% users here do not write coherent and fluent English. They just somehow express their ideas. In the beginning I was irritated with such kind of English and I posted a discussion of the slaughtering of English Language. If offended also many and finally the discussion got deleted. What I learned is that unless you are asked you are not to find fault in their writing.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Uh...Krajibg, I wasn't even referring to MyLot at all, please read my discussion carefully. I was talking about article-writing websites.
@Arkine (216)
• United States
5 Apr 11
You make a good point here. My English grammar skills aren't the greatest, but I do make an effort to correct the mistakes that I find. I think one of the main problems these days is with the popularity of texting, and shortening our language (example: wht r u doing?), it has lead to the errosion of our language skills. I am also a member of a site ( where you post and have people critique your work (grammar, flow, sentence structure, etc.) it can be agonizing, even depressing at times, but it does help. Still, there is a difference between rushing through an article and not having the proper skills. On this site, Mylot, I would never critique someone's work unless they specifically asked for help. Even then, I am cautious to make sure that the suggestions I give them are thoroughly researched (by me). The last thing I would want to do is give some one a suggestion that is wrong.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Apr 11
Yes, as I said, I like to dish out slop here on MyLot!!! I would never critique a MyLotter's post, because this is supposed to be a relaxed community, and grammar isn't as important than a paying article site. That's awesome that you check over your work, and that's all we really ask of you - or even ourselves. There's a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference between lazy writers and those of us who give our best!