Do you make a difference?

@katie0 (5203)
April 6, 2011 12:17am CST
I see many people complaining about problems while they don't have disabilities and they could go in there and do their selves. I'm always trying new ideas, or doing something. When I get somewhere I think what can I do in here. Yesterday I was in my bed, I had a laptop and was thinking about it again. I signed about 50 animal petitions, the more signtures they have the more they will feel pressured to do the cause. I already volunteered in a elderly home back in my country. Do you do something to make a difference?
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8 responses
• Mexico
7 Apr 11
Hi katie: I have actually talked with my brother about this subject last night. We all talk about the problems, but are we doing something to make a difference. I think your question is really good. I am just trying to survive. I hope someday I'll create a Foundation to help little kids that can' go to school to do it. I hope someday my dream come true. ALVARO
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
7 Apr 11
You know what, I wish that I can do something significant, and I could contribute to the community too. I was lazy, and I was shy. I always caged myself within my house, and I didn't do much significant. I am regretful, and I have some much complaint within myself.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
6 Apr 11
I like to think that I do things that make a positive difference to peoples lives. I have been regularly donating money each month to environmental charities for the last 9 years or so. As well as that I am involved with a sporting club which I volunteer many hours of work to. I also do sign online petitions for causes that I believe in whenever I come across them. I also like to show people how to live a better healthier life by changing their eating habits as well as their general lifestyle habits. My mission is to spread the word that there is an alternative to being sick and having to visit doctors, live on medication and be in pain. I enjoy showing people that they can live great lives, lose weight, gain energy and generally enjoy themselves more.
• Philippines
6 Apr 11
I do try to help whenever possible. During my ride home, there are always this red cross donation volunteers asking for change at every panels of the station ticket counter. I always chip in there, I'm sure the money will go straight to good cause.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 11
Making a differences made u feel better of your se - Before making a difference , better improve one life first.
Nope lately too busy and down cast with my own mud and crap1 to do any differences to other people , and my own life is a mess and disoriented in life.however i congrats you on your volunterism in the old folks home and your presence will surely put some old people smiles in their old wrinkled faces.while signing petition is not a norm in my local surrounding.Making a differences made u feel better of your self and made u feel in control.
• Philippines
6 Apr 11
hello katie, That is so nice of you Actually this past few years i've been joining Tree Planting, Fun Run, Concerts in the benefit of helping Mother Earth and Out Of School Youth i can say it is worth it and no amount can pay me for accomplishing this. I don't have money to help them at lest i am trying to help them in a way i can . happy mylotting
• Australia
6 Apr 11
Hi Kate, It's a good feeling to know that people like you are actually thinking of making some difference or contributing to mankind in some way. I have not done much but i am a member of World Vision Australia. It is an organisation that funds children around the world who deal with poverty every day of their life. I donate my part every month and they send me the photos and the progress of child i am funding. I am funding a cute little boy from North America..He writes me letters and i must say he has progressed a lot. Its an amazing feeling to be able to support other people or even animals...I hope others realize it too. God Bless!
@wyqwzw (22)
• China
6 Apr 11
I also want to make a difference, but i do not get a good idea now. I think i will if i have a good idea.