Are you easily annoyed if someone talks in another language nearby you?

United States
April 6, 2011 9:36pm CST
Are you easily annoyed if someone talks in another language nearby you? I know a friend who gets annoyed when people talk in their own language like in the class room or at the mall, anywhere. She's like it's America, people should speak in English but I disagree. Everyone is different & there are lots of languages and I don't mind. It doesn't bug me and I sometimes talk in another language too if I feel like it. Does it bug you? Yeah, it'd bug me if it looks offensive and toward me but if its none of my business than I can care less.
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20 responses
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
Not really, i am even more curious. i have always been fascinated with languages and i have been trying to learn new i really do not mind unless they are looking at me and scowling at me!
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Apr 11
Yeah me too :) Thanks for sharing.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
7 Apr 11
It doesn't bug me when people speak in another language around me. I don't understand what their saying but it doesn't matter to me. I think it's a good thing that they speak in their mother language because that's their language and they understand it better. I don't get offended in fact I think it's neat.
• United States
8 Apr 11
yeah i agree =] but sometimes its offensive if they're raising their voice or something maybe. thanks for sharing =]
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
7 Apr 11
I don't get annoyed when people do that, but I think its kind of rude to intentionally speak in another language knowing that the other people around you don't or cant understand you, its like saying your not invited to the club and sometimes it feels like someones talking about you behind your back but there in front of you. I think its unfair and rude sometimes but I realize that's just how some people are so I don't let it get to me.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
Yeah I agree, I think it's rude too but I just don't let it get to me either. Thanks for sharing
• United States
7 Apr 11
Although I am fluent in Spanish I normally don't speak it if I know others do not and cannot understand. Usually if someone is speaking in their language and I don't understand I normally do not say anything. I do however, find it rude and offensive if they speak it continually and laugh, not so much because I feel they are speaking about me, but I find it a bit offensive for everyone else. I have seen people get so offended that they burst out and tell them to stop because it is rude. I don't blame them because really if a room full of people do not understand it, then people should have the courtesy to be polite.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
Yeah I find it rude as well. I try avoid speaking in another language unless the person I'm speaking does not understand another language. Thanks for sharing :)
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
This does not really annoy me at all. I do feel however that people that are from other countries in Canada or the Us should learn how to speak English.The reason I feel they should is they try to buy stuff from places and do not speak a word of English making the job or cashier or salesperson extremely difficult as you have trouble getting them to understand you.This has happened to me countless times working retail and it can get quite frustrating.I mean if it was opposite , me going to the middle East and speaking English , im sure it would be annoying for them to. cheers mates.
• United States
8 Apr 11
yeah but sometimes people who are from us and canada do understand english they just prefer to speak in their language.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
I don't mind much as long as I don't feel that I'm the one they're talking about. But in class if my students would suddenly speak among themselves in their language, I tell them not to do that and to share whatever it is they're discussing. But if it's inevitable, they usually ask permission from me or excuse themselves.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
Yeah, I agree, I don't mind if it's not regarding me as well. Thanks for sharing =]
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Apr 11
Usually this wouldn't bother me at all. There are times when certain people are talking though and to talk in another language in mid conversation is quite rude. For example, if there were three of us (or more) involved in a particular conversation, and a select few out the group were to single someone out by talking in another language, would be rude. Also I speak several other languages, unbeknown to many, and I have caught persons of other cultures speaking derogatorily, assuming I wouldn't understand them.. That often comes to mind in these situations.. You can tell most times just by body language and the eyes though if anyone was talking about you. For the most part I am really not paranoid thought and 99 percent of the time it wouldn't bother me at all.. What does bother me, not to go off topic, is when I call my credit card company, or call about a bill (phone, electric, etc.) the automated voice asks me if I want to continue in Spanish BEFORE it asks me for the English option. That is kind of strange seeing as we are an English speaking country...
• United States
8 Apr 11
i can totally relate to this!! thanks for sharing =]
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@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
Yeah, it's really annoying especially if you are near them and you don't have any idea what they are talking about.Its' okay if it doesn't concerns you but sometimes they talks loud enough and they don't care whoever is nearby, but if I know their language and heard something about me then I have to butt in and confront them.
• United States
10 Apr 11
Yeah I agree. Sometimes I've heard people that ARE my language and say something about me. I'll butt in and be like FYI, I understand ever word you said. Thanks for sharing :D
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
Normally I don't find it offensive everytime someone speaks the other dialect or language. It doesn't even come close as a minor nuisance. By the tone of the conversation I can say whether the words that has been told intend any insult or none. I sometimes think the girl got a crush on me so she can freely tell without me understanding it.
• United States
8 Apr 11
yeah i agree =]
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
8 Apr 11
Here in my country, I am the minority so I will face a lot of people speaking not in my mother tongue. The irony is my mother insisted that I learn Chinese when I was in school so now I can understand and speak it a little. I have only experienced two times (I think) that people speak badly of me in their language and that time was directed at my race collectively, not me alone. One I got to agree and the other it was not worth arguing about since they are being ignorant. Most times it has been positive. I read that you know Spanish so I think you know what I am saying. Its nice when people pays you a compliment even though its in another language, isnt it? I secretly smiled and it makes me happy.
• United States
10 Apr 11
:) That's good that it's positive, but sometimes I've come across people of my kind and they speak bad. And I would have to go FYI, I understand every word and they try to back off.
@kathyglim (183)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
I am Filipino. My late husband was Chinese. His family if from China. Hence it was unavoidable that they speak their native tongue. At first I find it uneasy to sit with them at the dining table and so ignorant of what they were talking about. As the years progress, I understand the situation. They just don't know how to express themselves if they speak our dialect. They were comfortable with theirs, which was understandable. This made me learn their dialect. On the other hand, my husband and some of his friends would speak Chinese mostoften if they don't want people around to understand what they were talking about. Some kind of secret! Usually if they talk about their business and the likes. The even have slangs within their conversation. This is offending and I don't like. it.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
I see. Yeah if I was married to someone then I'd want to learn so I won't be left out.. And, sometimes it can be offending too I agree. Thanks for sharing!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
7 Apr 11
No friend why annoyed because every person have right to talk with their own language even we cant understand their language but no problem because I know most of the people used their own language at the time of talking such as Sindhi always anytime used only sindhi language with Sindhi person.
• United States
8 Apr 11
yup i agree, i dont mind either thanks for sharing
• United States
7 Apr 11
To me personally I don't mind if someone speaks in another language besides me, I welcome it because I like a lot of diversity. But, before I use to get kind of paranoid that they might be talking about me and they speak in another language so I won't understand what they're saying. But I stopped thinking like once I got a little older because I realized that was bit childish.
• United States
8 Apr 11
same, i like diversity too but if its targeted toward me then i may be offended. thanks for sharing =]
@neenie (343)
• United States
8 Apr 11
No, I don't really care either way. However, like you said, if it looks offensive, then it might bug me. If they were saying something and laughing at me or something else, then I would find offense in it. But if its their own native language, who am I to tell them they are wrong?
• United States
10 Apr 11
:) Yup, I agree! Thanks for sharing.
@Angel3yes (455)
• United States
7 Apr 11
I can deal with it as long as we are in a public place and they aren't being belligerent about it. I hate when they start to speak louder and louder as if people can't tell that they are speaking another language and then cast furtive looks towards people which leads to a gret insecurity because people don't know what they are talking about and if it is directed towards them.
• United States
8 Apr 11
Good point =) I try to not mind! Thanks for sharing!
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
nO. I do not get annoyed. I will probably get annoyed if I am with a group and then they will start speaking their language. But if Iam not with them in that group, its ok!
• United States
8 Apr 11
i see, thanks for sharing =]
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
12 Apr 11
hi, i am not annoyed when someone talks in another language nearby with me as long as they dont look at me staring at me and laugh because i could easily irritated by that.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
There are lots of dialects here in my country and sometimes when it looks like they're talking about me, I get offended. But I don't make them see me offended. It's like I didn't hear them at all. It's annoying but I still can manage it.
• United States
8 Apr 11
Yeah I agree, I just don't let it get to me. Thanks for sharing!
@gayunara (13)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
yeah a little bit especially if it feels like, they suddenly switch to another language when you think they are talking about you ..haha
• United States
8 Apr 11
yeah =] i agree. thanks for sharing!
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
15 Oct 12
If there are three of us and the other two start to use language that I don't know, I will shout a complaint and ask them to use language that I know. Hey, I want to be included in the conversation as well!