Why girls cheat with innocent boy

April 7, 2011 10:17am CST
Dear Friends I came back from my aunty's house but I heard a shocking news in my aunty's house. My cousion brother get married with other caste girl. But a shocking news is that in the girl's family only a brother is there and he put the demands for marriage of his sister 1 lacs 50000 rs. In our community girls are less than the boys. So boys marriage problem is a big problem and the main thing is the boys are less educated than the girls because they wants to start their own business or continuing with their ancestral business. So in Maheshwari Community business men is more than the educated men. So in our community boys ready to get marriage with other caste girls. In our community all mothers and fathers wants to educated men for their daughter and it is not possible. So after giving 1 lacs 50000 she get married with my cousin but with in 8 days she calls her brother and tell her father in law I am going for 2 to 3 days with my brother due to some work. But she not come since last 6 months and some days after boys family member heard the news that the girl's business is this to take a lot of money marry with boy and then run away. Why girls do this, she takes the benefit of boys family or cheating with boy's family because she was not there where is her house. Why girls cheat with innocent boy. This incident is the lesson of all peoples who takes immediately decision. What you think about this incident share your valuable thoughts.
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14 responses
• India
8 Apr 11
This is definitely very sad for the boy’s family! Of course a police complaint has to be launched for forgery and cheating against the girl and her family. It is evident that taking advantage of your community’s lack of enough girls, this girl and her brother (or maybe lover???) hatched this plot… I think your aunt and her family should have done a thorough check, specially since the girl seems to have no other family except that brother.
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• India
8 Apr 11
Yes, exactly. Also I feel that more and more families from communities like yours should come forward and speak out against female foeticide…after all, its less girls coz over the years, we’ve only preferred the male child and female babies are looked upon as a curse and financial burden on parents… lekin ab to lene ke dene par gaye…
• India
8 Apr 11
Ohhhhh nice hindi I like it
• India
8 Apr 11
Nice response friend and really I like it so I am rated it because in short you are saying well yes she takes the advantage of our community’s lack of enough girls and yes the duty of cousins family to check the girls background when she was telling no other family member other than brother. May be the brother is not actual brother only making for stolen the money from the boy's family. Thanks to a lot.
@rajeev075 (1961)
• India
15 May 11
It's a story like wat we see in movies but i have simpaathy over the boy. Well girls all are same even they not do wat the girl in here did they just think of rich boys. As far as this i think killing the girl at birth causes the problem and i think there is need of reform in the community and the place in adopting the girl child and also spreding education. In our side there is probleem of doworry from boy's side but liking this i have a little laauggh. What kind of world god made some where there is drought and some where flood. it bad from the god and i hate .......god...... bloddy hate god coz of these and many more.
• India
15 May 11
Hmmm this is not a film story this is a real story friend. No friend this is not the god mistake God made us very well and with intelligence but it is depend upon us how we can live our life. thanks for response.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Apr 11
Hi! I am sorry to hear about the incident. It is really very bad that your cousin was cheated like it. I think there are some unscrupulous familes who do like it. It is, therefore, essential that before finalising any proposal for marriage a thorough check and verification must be done by both the parties, else incident like you mentioned, could happen. They people can report the matter to police and even can file a court case.
• India
8 Apr 11
Yes friend you are right this is necessary to check or inquiry before accepting any proposal about marriage this was a big mistake of my cousin's family. Thanks to nice response
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
The answer would be because the girl did not throughly love the innocent boy. If you loved somebody so much you can't cheat on that person right. In the first place the marriage is driven by money and it's not right at all. The foundation of marriage should be love not monetary things. But since it's your culture then nothing we can do about it. But then he can always catch the girl back and get his money. Somehow indeed it's a lesson for everyone that don't trust easily with anybody because when it comes to money everybody can changed that's a fact.
• India
8 Apr 11
Yes friend this is a big lesson for those people who trust on anybody without inquiry.
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
That girl only find a ways to get big fish so she can do what she want to do, maybe this is not first time that she had encountered...
• India
8 Apr 11
Ohhhhh friend thanks to comment but they cannot launched the Police complaint because they not knows anything about the girl and mediator is also run away so no information about the girl's family city anything.
• Australia
8 Apr 11
Hi Surekha, Welcome back.. I have never heard of such insane practice. Marriage is the connection of two souls but these days marriage is being materialized. Dowry system has been prevailing in eastern culture since long but in your brother's case it is the other way round. I cannot believe people break their relations for money. I hope your brother is fine now. It's unbelievable how that girl's parents let her do this and even her brother was into this with her. Taking decision in haste sure makes waste.
• India
8 Apr 11
No friend after doing the inquiry some person was saying ohhhhh this was a business of girl and previously she do this same with other boy also but no one knows where she is staying. Thanks to response yes I came back safely
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
7 Apr 11
Hi. surekharathi. I am not familiar with your culture and its laws. I guess that when a woman gets married to a guy, she feels as if she has the upper hand. It sounds as if this girl was all about the money and not the love. That is why she ran off with her brother while she is married. This is very sad.
• India
7 Apr 11
Really this is very sad friend and thanks to give your response and yes she wants only money not married life so she was doing this.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
8 Apr 11
Smart thief!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
hello dear, This is really sad,is there any way that you can trace the girl? Here in our country,we don't take money from either side. Boy or girl don't asks money from any family for marriage. Boys and girls get married because of love. Thu sometimes in this modern world,a lot of changes is here. Some girls or even boys marry someone not for love alone,but also for security. Girl marries an old guy but rich something like that. This also happens with boys,who married older women who are rich. There are so many changes that happens now dear,and cheating also comes with different faces and styles. have a great day
• India
7 Apr 11
Ya friend you are telling true sometimes the people get married with more age girl or more age because they are rich. But really this is so sad because the money is lost and the life is also destroyed.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
7 Apr 11
Don't blame for it other caste. It may be happened in the same cast. It is happen when some don't found his right one after a lot of search than he accept any offer without enquiring about the back ground of the family. They need not require to get any ref. They have only aim to get married. I know one maheshwari boy. His father told me to do some thing to get marry him. He told me we will accept girl other than maheswari family, like agarwl. Now he was marry with a agarwal girl who is belong to Bihar. It is my believe that in-laws that mahewary boy is bearing all the exp. of their son-in-law family.
• India
7 Apr 11
Ohhhhhhhhh friend I am not blaming on other caste I want to say my caste girls are not ready for marriage with business men so my cousin takes the steps to get marriage in other caste. I never blame on the caste because I hate castism I am saying a girl can do this and take the benefit of this less quantity girls . You are absolutely right friend this is happen because without inquiring about the back ground of the girls family. Thanks to put nice response.
• United States
7 Apr 11
Hi surekharathi and glad you made it back safe. It would be rare here in the US for people to exchange money prior to marriage. I am sure there are some exceptions but not a rule anyone actually follows that I am aware of. I may not be fully correct but my thinking simply it is simply out of malice and greed. They know who will fall for this as the innocence and scam them out of money. It is absolutely wrong to do so but what is wrong is the person to begin with. I am not sure what the rules/implications are in your country but here we can sue, whether or not they selfish scammer can be caught is another story.
• India
7 Apr 11
Thanks a lot my friend to say glad to meet me again. Yes friend you are right they can put the sue but the problem is they are not known the girls house is where because they performed the marriage from the mediator and now the mediator is also gone. Good response thanks for this.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
8 Apr 11
I think it's a problem of self esteem, a girl who really knows her value will find guys who threat her better more attractive. Innocent boys mostly are really kind too, girls who can cheat these guys are poor girls, they want to be misthreated, that's what makes them excited.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
1 Jul 11
The answer is for money. The girl want only money and that too in a wrong way. The girl is sick and should be sent to jail. I don't hear such incidents often but heard this one from you and felt said. I think everyone has to be aware of such girls or boys. Have a nice day/night ahead.
• Egypt
7 Apr 11
i think despite girls wana straight guys ,,, but they adore the one who cheated before he knows her... mysterious grls!!!!!!