What to eat or not to eat to get rid of Yeast.

New Zealand
April 7, 2011 1:58pm CST
This is such a common problem I no many of you will have the answers on how to get rid of it.I seem to have yeast flare ups every month It has just started and if I have sugar or wine etc I notice it gets worse.I have been to the doctor and they give you a tablet to get rid of it but it does not entirely get rid of it and in next to know time it flares up again. I have tried having natural no sugar yoghurt every day and it did help but those other foods that agitate it keep sneaking in to my diet. Does anybody no what besides yoghurt helps to kill off the yeast.I have heard that green apples are good but I am not sure. Can you help....????
2 responses
• United States
8 Apr 11
Yogurt that has live cultures are good but if it comes back that easily your probably not getting rid of it in the first place. There is an all natural supplement called AZO that works well. You take a few tablets via directions for a few days to a week and it clears up. You can continue to take them as a supplement each day if you are sensitive to yeast. When my Cousin was on chemo he had them constantly all over his body form the chemicals killing everything off. Not want to push more chemicals in him this is what we used.
• New Zealand
8 Apr 11
Thankyou so much for the tip I will see if I can get my hands on some.I have read in my natural health book that some people have yeast overgrowth for years before they notice it .You can have it in different parts of the body and you need to watch your diet carefully for a month for each year you have had it to get rid of it completely.Just wish someone would take the chocolate away.I will give your AZO a go .Thankyou for responding.
• United States
8 Apr 11
Yogurt would have been my advice. Are you sexually active? I am not sure, but I have heard that a yeast infection can be carried from partner to partner. Also, go bare at night when you sleep. Yeast grows in damp dark places, so try to stay dry. Change undergarments more than once a day if necessary. I know being active will cause dampness down there and it's hard to stay completely dry. Also, don't use toilet paper with the colored printing. That is known to cause yeast infections. Good luck!