Are you choosy?

April 8, 2011 3:21am CST
Are you choosy when it comes to relationship? How about when it comes to food? Are you choosy when it comes to your personal things? How about your clothes? We have so many things to choose from but ones we know what's right for us I think we tend to be choosy. I do love food and I want to try and taste different dishes and try out different restaurants but I tend to get choosy depending on my mood. When it comes to clothes, I'm kinda choosy with the brands I use because I really want value for my money.
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23 responses
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
9 Apr 11
I don't force myself to like someone or something. I also don't force someone to like me. I always keep in mind for giving myself a chance to try and to taste before saying no to it.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Is it even possible to be choosy in a relationship? If its really love, you don't have much of a choice but to accept your partner for what he/she is, right? Yeah, we probably have a criteria like those who are beautiful, sexy, hot or good looking..but in the end those will only come in second.. But for the rest, like clothes or food, maybe not really choosy either.. Probably that's because I'm a simple person.. But hey, even if it's not the best, as long as your happy, tha'ts all that matters right? I think that applies to all things.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
9 Apr 11
I think I am choosy to a certain extent. This is because I have my own principles. I have my own beliefs, likes and dislikes. I deserve to have my choice as it is my entitlement. We all deserve the best :)
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 11
I would say that I am choosy when it comes to most things. For example I eat a vegan diet and I am very picky with my food. I like to wear budget clothes that are comfortable. I bought two pairs of black cotton trousers that have an elastic waist today. Now the weather is warm it is time to get some summer clothing that is ideal for me. I am choosy about the destinations that I travel to. I like to go to countries that offer interesting sights, friendly people and are affordable. It can be a bonus if I get palm fringed beaches and fascinating wildlife to view. I am choosy about which airlines I travel on. They have to have superb standards. I am choosy with the brands I buy when go shopping. I like to see a label on the goods that say 'suitable for vegetarians and vegans'. I buy shoes that are made from a material called lorica.
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• United States
9 Apr 11
I'm not choosy about clothes. They're only to hide our similarities anyway. With food, I have preferences. I prefer lobster but I eat tuna etc. If it keeps me from hunger its just fine. With neighborhoods I prefer being the token. All white neighborhoods gall me.
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@babyanna (1216)
• China
9 Apr 11
Hi,santosmarichris! "Yes" to the first and the third.And "No" to the other two. I have made a promise that I would only have relationship with someone who shares mutual interests with me,someone who has a sense of responsibility and humor,someone who is passionate about learning new stuff.The last guy I dated has no responsibility at all.He simply wants to have fun.And I have learnt lessons from that relationship. And when it comes to personal things,I can be a little choosy since it's personal. For food,I basically eat anything.I do have some less favorite food,but I can put up with it if it's on the table.I just won't choose it when I have the choice. And clothes,as long as it suits me,I'll be okay with it,really. Have a wonderful weekend!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
I am a simple person. I am not choosy. Whatever in my possession I am contented enough. I never ask for more...I get more it will be a plus...
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
8 Apr 11
I believe that everything in life is a matter of choice. If we are not choosy in the people we interact with and the things we like to eat and places we go and things that we do, then we are just followers of someone else's dreams.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
When I was younger I'm a bit perfectionist and a little choosy with regards to everything I do.Relationship, yes I can say that.The clothes whenever I plan to buy it took me a long time to decide.I don't like spicy foods other than that I like all of them.
@Prasmit (22)
• India
8 Apr 11
I am not so choosy when it comes to food.. i like to taste different dishes... Coming to cloths I dont go with brand, i just see the quality and if it suits best to me.... But when it comes to relationship wat ever may be friens or anything i am very choosy... I have very less friends but close ones, who helps me a lot and i will also.. Also i have choosed my future life partner who suits me best a good friend of mine, she supports me in all the aspects... :)
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@axlrate7 (1398)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
Alright, I am a choosy person... I am choosy in clothes, sometimes I want a colorful one and when there's a cold season, I want dark colors. In relationship... well I don't want it right now, I want to work hard right now. In food, I like to eat more vegetables.
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• Philippines
8 Apr 11
I am very choosy when it comes to relationship, that is why I don't have a girlfriend right now. When it comes to food, give me whatever dish, I'll eat it. Clothes, Im kinda choosy about it cause I want them to fit perfectly with my built.
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• Philippines
8 Apr 11
Choosy in the way that I never let other people down. I always give myself of limitations.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
I am not a choosy person. I believe in going with the flow when dealing with relationships. I have been with my husband for thirty-seven years and we are very different. He's down to earth, where as, I am a dreamer. He loves anything to do with cars where as I love horses and walking. This is a very good thing because I can't drive. The only things I told him I would put with is: 1) I would not allow him to beat me as my sister was in an abusive marriage.I actually didn't count him slapping me if I slapped him first. 2)I didn't want him to drink heavy. I allow him to drink heavier now because he is in a lot of pain. I told him after the fact that he wasn't allowed to drink enough to puke in my boots with me in them. I am not choosy about what I eat as long as it's country. I love chocolate and meat and potatoes. This is good because I am diabetic and have chronic pancreatic problems.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
when it comes to relationship i guess all of us are choosy. we make sure we choose the right person or the person who is perfectly fit for us. when it comes to food my wife says i am choosy. or picky. but i am not her that she can eat almost everything. when it comes to clothes i go for comfort. and my wife says thats whats wrong with comfort those are the expensive ones har har har. but i have to say that i buy expensive clothing when i was still single. but now that i am married and i have a child my wife watch closely for sale. she bu the branded ones when it is on sale.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
Hi there! With me, I think I'm not really choosy. Back then, when it comes to relationships long as I like/love the person and he's good to me and my family, I'm fine with it. Thanks that I am kinda lucky with this thing that I was able to find the right man for me. With friends? Well same thing, as long as we get along together and they are not influencing me in doing bad things, again I'm good with it. Foods? Huh! I ate whatever is available as long as its clean and of course edible to eat. In this time of hardships, I cannot afford to be choosy. lol! Clothes? I wear whatever is available as long as I feel comfortable with it. I don't mind about the brands. With work? Back then, I grab every opportunity that comes my way, its difficult to find a job so again I can't afford to be choosy...hehe
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@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I am very picky eater, I don't like my food to be cold, I get very picky when the flavor is just a little not right. I like my food to be perfect, I don't mind spending money on the food I eat, I lik eit to be good meals when I eat. I am picky about clothes as well, I would look though the clothes and see if there is anything damaged and stuff before I buy it. Now I think about it, I'm actually very picky about things, people call it a pain but I wnat to make sure things that I make is in good condition.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Apr 11
These days I'm a much more picky person than I used to be when I was younger. When I was younger I would make friends with all kinds of different people. However, since I've been older, I've found that people aren't always the same as they appear on the outside and learning that will make a person a lot more picky than they used to be. When it comes to food and clothes, however, I'm really not that picky of a person.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 11
That's good or bad? I am choosy in clothes department especially in the design and style and fabric. Not the brand, as I know many unpopular brands have better quality.
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• China
8 Apr 11
I am not very particular about my food.As long as they have nutritive value,no matter what tastes they are, I eat them as far as possible.For example,balsam pear fruit(gourd family) which has a bitter taste,few people like to eat it,I know It is good for my health,I frequently eat it.I am not very finicky about the clothes and wears either.I only demand that they are comfortable,practical, hardwearing and cheaper.
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