If Guest are coming daily then you will happy or angry

April 8, 2011 8:04am CST
In my home daily guest are coming if one gone then other has came. I am so tired and really I am irritated because no classes are going properly and not working in mylot properly. Because their dinner and launch and breakfast all time is lost for that. Our house is in middle near the Nagpur therefore anybody who are going through this route then they stopped here. Why guest are came in home and resides for 2 to 3 days our all working schedule is disturbed. I can not avoid them because I am daughter-in-law so this is my duty to welcome all guest. But how they staying for 2 to 3 days and no work for them. Share your views you loved the guest or you are also irritated when they came again and again.
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18 responses
• United States
8 Apr 11
Hi surekharathi Oh gosh sorry to hear you have had so many repeated guests. You are right family is always fun but not for long stays. Sometimes they do not realize that we too are busy. It happens sometimes to me too and it annoys me because it almost always happens when I have plans to tackle certain important articles which then cause me to have to do them while they sleep and then of course I get no rest because the next day I have to entertain again. Sadly we have to stop what we are doing and entertain to the best of our ability. I do hope that you can resume back to your routine.
• India
8 Apr 11
Really friends all plans are failed due to guest because today I make a plan to reply all discussion because you were saying the last weekend day I should responses all old discussion so I was make a plan but now this will not fulfill because now after 5 minutes I am going for making dinner.
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• United States
8 Apr 11
Take it easy my friend it is never too late. Hopefully soon you will resume to your normal activity. Take care you my friend.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
8 Apr 11
Hello Sureka, It is tradition of the society from which you belong to treat the guest as god. You are from marwari family I am also. In metropoliun cities the people are so much selfish or sitution complet that for it. If your guest stay in your house your routine work is distrubed and also your budget. I love the guest who come to me as guest. But if some one take my house as halting station naturely it irritate me.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
9 Apr 11
What is your plan to handle this problem. I think you hang a message in your guest room, " COME MUST BUT GO JUST"
• India
8 Apr 11
Ohhhhhhhh friend nice response really you are also belong to same tradition and really in our tradition treat with guest as God. Yes you are right I also irritated only for someone takes my house for halting station.
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• India
9 Apr 11
No friend my patent word is "Aaye to Welcome and Gaye to Bhid Come" means if you are coming in my house then Welcome but when you are going from my house then less crowd. Your pharse is also nice thanks
@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Apr 11
You must have a big family. It is not often for guests come to my house. Perhaps we prefer to have a meal together outside rather than gathering at home. As sometimes if there are a lot of guests, my home seems to be little for it. So it is not possible for us to visit each other so often. Usually we will just go to visit each other in the big festival like Chinese New Year. Today people's relations gets further due to the technology. I love China
• India
10 Apr 11
Really china is good because I received good responses in many discussions from china persons thanks to nice response.
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
10 Apr 11
I personally enjoy having guests visiting me, but, I also enjoy being at home just with myself and when I see someone outside who is just innoportune, sometimes I don´t open, I know that it is not polite, but, sometimes enough is enough. I always call, when I am going to go to visit someone, and I don´t know why they can´t do the same.
• India
10 Apr 11
Yes sir this is true guest or relatives should be call us when they are coming because suddenly reaching guest not bear sometime thanks to response.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
9 Apr 11
When guests visit us sometimes, I really love it. We have talks, eat and other different things. But if they come like everyday, it would be really annoying.
• India
10 Apr 11
Ya this is right friend this is depend upon the person who is coming.
• South Korea
9 Apr 11
Well it depends on the person. You and me aren't the same person so yeah.
@Alebelt (86)
• Italy
9 Apr 11
I do not know what daughter-in-law means, but if you have to welcome all guest you could try to explain them that it is necessary to partecipate in home working. They could cooking, tidying etc. I do not think this would be a bad thing for them.
• India
9 Apr 11
Ohh friend I not think bad of this think but everytime guest are coming then our full day activity is disturbed so some time I angree on ourselves. Daughter in law means son's wife.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
8 Apr 11
I would hate if it happend in my house, I like some company but not like every single day issue. I don't mind to have my mom, my dad or my sister aroudn but when it comes to other people, I would rather they let me know first before they decide to stop by or visit. I hate when people just show up your house without telling you at all.
• India
9 Apr 11
Ohhhh really friend I also hate such type of people but after marriage no one can say or share their problems with mother in law or anybody and women means lot of pressure. Thanks for response
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
8 Apr 11
If I was living in my own home I would get extremely irrated with guest coming and going... I am a quiet person I like to keep my house a certain way, and the more people that are within my space the messier it gets especially with lazy guest... I would kick everyone out and lock my door after a couple months of that
• India
10 Apr 11
Ohhhh no friend then If i will came in your house then you will kick me and will say go out and lock the door so sad dont worry canceled my program I never came in your house. hahaha thanks to resonse. But yes I am not lazy I am active women and can do more work so thought again I can come or not.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
hello dear, Whenever my mom comes home to visit us,she stays for a month or sometimes more than a month before going back to Europe where she lives. During her vacation,everyday we are expecting guests,relatives,friends and friends coming everyday,from morning till night and some stays for days too. It's tiring. We have some househelp to help us with the cleaning,washing and other household chores,but for cooking...i am always the chef (ahaha) It's fine,and it's fun coz i loved cooking (thu i cooked simple dishes only) Me and my kid sister are always in the kitchen when time to prepare meal. Our relatives are also there to lend a hand...so it's not that hard and tiring tasks to do. Everyone is helping. But in your case,since you are the only one doing all the works...i am sure it's really tiring dear. happy weekend and have fun
• India
8 Apr 11
Nice response friend I am free now from dinner till I was in kitchen 11 O'clock. I have no kid so no one is for helping me so I tired more and for washing no servant all works by my hand. So I angry on guest by heart but not shown in front of them. Welcome by smile but not by heart only formality. I like your response.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
8 Apr 11
hi friend, i can understand ur problem as it is India we are broughtup like that to invite guests saying "athidi devo bhava".. however i can understand nowdays its tough for all these maintainnance., I knw regular visits will definetly make the home improper and mind also.You think ,u might get a solution.I really understand ur feelings as a women.If u r alone to do all these as a daughter in law then its more tough without anyones help to maintain household children elders neighbours frineds relatives oh god..Women does a lot and even a man bears a lot with finance.You both have a talk and find a solution for this.
• India
8 Apr 11
Ohhhh friend thanks to nice response really women means a lot of stresses and lot of works like machine and everyone puts their demands do this work do this work etc. Now I am irritating due to this.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
9 Apr 11
Having too much company is very irritating. I would be very angry and would just tell them to get out. I would lock the door so I could have some peace and quiet. After working all day and coming home to company makes me feel sick. I have to be ready and in the mood.
• India
10 Apr 11
Ohhhh sir every time peace and quit is not good sometime entering new people in our life is also necessary but again and again is really irritated. Sir when I will come in your house please dont lock the door. thanks your response.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
9 Apr 11
It all depends on who is coming on daily bases to my home. Last year I had my mother running straight through the door into my home as she lived there, which she doesn't do. My mother rearranged things in my home put her nose in what was my privacy. Every time I was on phone and she arrived, she thought I was talking to her. I tried to tell her I need my own time with people I choose to spend time with. It helped a little. To make a change I went away to so the door was locked when she came. To solve her daily visits I moved a few miles away from her. Now it is a bit tricky for her to visit spontanously. I enjoy when my children and grandchildren come on visits. They do not run over me as a bulldozer like my mother does.It's her way no matter how much I tell her how I feel about it. When there is a reciprocal respect and acceptance for each ones integrity i enjoy people every day in my home.
• India
9 Apr 11
No friend if mother has came then she always help to us for maintaining house and mother never came again and again in her daughter's house but some other relatives like husband's aunty and their cousin sister or brother etc. All full day plan is failed and disturbed. Thanks for response
• India
9 Apr 11
i fell happy some times :-) but daily guests are comeing i feel bad because they bring our interests and take our freedom ;-)
• India
10 Apr 11
Yes friend if daily guests are coming then our freedom is lost. thanks to response.
• India
9 Apr 11
Guest in india r regarded as God.When i have guests visiting me i make it a point to readjust my schedule.It is good break in a way from your routine work.I feel its also kind of stress releaser when u have new people coming in and sharing their ideas and experience.It lighten up the mood to some level.
• India
10 Apr 11
Ya friend this is true this is a good way break from your routine work but not everytime because all working schedule is disturbed due to this guest your response is short but nice I like it.
@annierose (21602)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
hi surekharathi, I will feel irritated also if I were on your shoes. It is like an implied way of staying in your house for good. I also experienced it with my friends that happened to be boys. They visit us more than once a week. When I asked them why they were doing such, they said that they were just missing us and they always want to see us. I doubt on their responses because if that will be the real reason, then all of my friends will be always in our house as often as they do. Whenever they visit, it just seems I am wasting my time talking with them because our talks are just nonsense or maybe I can say petty talks or discussions. I am a busy person and time is gold for me that is why I hate wasting my time with talks that is not of importance. There was a time that I was totally fed up with their behavior of always visiting us. I confront and ask them again their real reason and they responded same thing. I have the instinct that they just want to court me and my younger sister. When I told it to them, they just kept quiet. I told them we were just too young to accept suitors and we are always busy in helping our parents in the house and busy also on our studies. Maybe I acted so cruelly but whenever they are around, we cannot do anything in the house and we also cannot do our assignments and projects. I think that once or twice a visit is enough. More than that is not good for me and quite irritating.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
8 Apr 11
I enjoy having guests from time to time,but if that happened every day,it wouldn't be a pleasure at all for me,on the contrary,it would become really irritating,so I'm glad this doesn't happen to me.It's good to know many people and be surrounded by them,but sometimes we need to be alone and have some comfort in our homes,and I don't see how this can happen if we have guests,welcome or less welcome,every day.
@hish101 (103)
• India
8 Apr 11
I love guest to come, during exams, work or holidays, no problem. They r most welcome. But, as u said when things go beyond limit then i cant take it. But, in my case, most of them who come understands the situation. So, its not that much of a problem. And by the way u r all welcome!!!!
• India
8 Apr 11
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm really love guest or just saying because if guest are coming then all time table or schedule is changed. So I dont like.
@niq993 (50)
• Bulgaria
8 Apr 11
I'm sure with all these guest is very hard for you. About your question - yes,I'm so irritated when somebody come home without invitation or if he didn't tell me for his visit earlier. I hate when somebody doesn't respect my personal place, or decides he can come and go when he want. It is my home,and I decide who and when comes in my flat. I don't live alone, so my family can invite their friends too of course. And after all, i love the guest. But I'm happy with friends, who call me before coming home. My advice for you is try to calm down.If you can't just show them the door, be patient and hope they'll gone soon :] And if you can't ,you always can "forget" the discussion on the top of your screen, and ask them to check something on the computer while you are making dinner :] Good luck with the quest :]