Rules for Radicals...and the Book of Job
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
3 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 Apr 11
As far as Obama is concerned, it has been important to try to discredit his critics on the flimsiest of reasons because if standing on his record, he fails utterly to convince.
This has been the problem in politics for a long time, the ability to speak opinions or even speak the truth without censorship. The idea that some words are endowed with such power that if spoken, even in their truest sense, will cause some destruction of our society. The idea that society is so weak and brittle that it can be destroyed this way. The idea that people are so weak that they will be destroyed by an errant opinion of another flawed human.
All the censorship to protect what they perceive as the powerless has rendered us all powerless. We cannot address issues truthfully if someone might be offended. This becomes so pervasive that we have the ridiculous case of people afraid to use the president's given middle name for fear he will find his own name offensive.
Keep us on the defensive, that's the plan. Note today that Harry Reid said the GOP wants to prevent women from getting cancer screenings. That's the only reason they are fighting on this budget issue, they want to kill women. Doesn't that clear it all up? Every time an accusation is thrown, it becomes the duty somehow of the accused to defend himself. That is the complete opposite of how justice is supposed to work.
The real point is what they are managing to do while our attentions are drawn to the trivial and the picayune complaints they throw at one another. They are dismantling our democracy and our nation. Our attentions are drawn to the smoke and the threats that play out in front of us while all of it is being controlled by the man behind the curtain. You will know when someone is about to unveil what is going on behind the curtain because there will be a concerted campaign to destroy that person. We see it all the time now, it will only get worse.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Apr 11
I don't think they're watching mylot yet, but the government is contracting for software that will allow them to make up fake persons to populate social networks like Facebook and MySpace. The idea is to promote policy issues and make it appear that there is a consensus on policies and positions. So, yeah... I guess they'll get to us eventually. I remember that years ago I used to joke about using key phrases in postings on the net to trigger the programs the gov't used to screen the net. Nowadays that wouldn't seem so fun, more like foolhardy. I definitely feel an inner censorship on social networking sites. But just to try to confuse them, I joined the email list for the DNC and follow Obama on Twitter.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Apr 11
Oh and definitely write back to Huffpo. I hope you have a copy of your comment. Send it to them and ask what is inflammatory? Post the original comment and your reply on the internet somewhere, maybe a blog or on Facebook (not the one with your real name on it). I think people have to make a loud noise or risk be silenced.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Apr 11
Do you ever worry that your words here on the internet may be used against you? Will you stand by them, if they are? It's time to start thinking about things like that. IF Obama feels he can't get elected legally, what will happen? I think about these things late at night. Do you?

@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
8 Apr 11
I love an article that uses the term radical left... I automaticaly know they are bent..
I cannot believe that the public buys into the consevative idea that has been perpetrated since the Reagan administration. This idea that fixing something is done by adding or subtracting money from the problem has driven both sides of the isle into the ground.
Fiscal conservative republicans have not been anywhere in 30 years and the progressive ideas that can sometimes be great ideas are no where in the media or the discussion. The democrats have become so conservative that they make Reagan look like a screeming liberal.
The news covers what they are told to cover from their mega uber corporations and are not covering anything that might move this country forward.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
...but you seem all to ready to use the terminology? are you then not suspect of being 'bent'?
You are right, money is not the solution to our problems. And I personally believe there is an effor to divide us regular people with the labels right/left, conservative/liberal. But make no mistake, the big guys know what they mean when they use those terms...they just like to keep US confused as to their meanings.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
I've seen it. Janet Napolitano using the term 'dangerous' when refering to returning vets or those who oppose abortion. Obama himself, in trying to keep Fox news from participating in a press conference because they were not a legitimate news agency (being conservative and all), or asking for 'suspicious' emails to be forwarded to the White House so he could see who opposed him and why. I could go on and on and on....the latest is comparing defunding of Planned Parenthood the same as bombing civilians. I see the term radical neo con alot actually. But then I just may be an over sensitive paranoid right wing nut case....
and the left will get around to making Boener a fool soon, I'm sure of it. What with the shut down providing a great opportunity and all.
@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
8 Apr 11
Why is it, in the news, we refer to liberals as radical and you never see the terms
"dangerous or radical conservative/noe-conservative". I am making the point that when an article refers to one side or the other with terms like these they are no longer news or providing a service. Just as when my evening news has story's every night telling me "what could have happened if", they are no longer giving me the news.
I listened to the news for four years calling Nancy Polosi a far left leberal when in fact she is my representative and I know every vote she has ever made and she is far from "far left". She has a very hard time holding her Dem. base in our district because she is really pretty conservative but the facts don't matter on our news. I have not once heard Boener refered to as neo conservative or the "drunk from the right speaker Boener". No matter how true that might be..

@laglen (19759)
• United States
8 Apr 11
hell yes we are being played. I wrote a discussion today regarding rhetoric. If a conservative says it, they are inciting violence. If a liberal says it, it is stating facts.?!
What floors me are the so-called thinking people that fall for it time and again.
How about the people that are STILL blaming Bush, yet Obama is pulling the same crap he blamed Bush for.
when does it end? with the end of this reign of terror.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
It is not without reason Saul Alinsky dedicates Rules for Radicals - "To the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer." Luciferian politics allows the shadiest of characters to freely cast stones at every righteous but flawed man.
taken from the article linked to this discussion...
in the book of Job, lucifer is the accuser of Job...and Job's friends fall right in line with the thinking of 'you must of done something!' God is justified in the end...Job is found righteous and God restores all the Lucifer took from him when trying to get him to curse God. Proving, love does win in the end.
I find it very interesting that the writer of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer. The accuser of mankind.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
...and that many on the political left openly advocate this book and its mind set. We truly are in a war of ideologies. Good vs. evil has now become front and center in the world.