What would you expect????
By bird123
@bird123 (10654)
United States
April 9, 2011 12:05am CST
If you ran into God, what would you expect??? A Mighty Ruler?? A Strict Parent Type?? One Who Has No Mercy for Sinners?? One Who Expects You To Be Perfect?? One Who Loves You With The Conditions That You Sin No More And Accept Him?? One Who Demands Worship?? Would You Expect God To Have A Physical Body?? Is God Male?? Tell Me How You See God!!
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8 responses
@Makro74 (591)
10 Apr 11
First of all, you would not 'run' into God, you would be on a spritual evolution to believe in God and that evolution would determine what and how you see God. This is the spritual evolution which God draws Himself to those who seek Him. This is the path which humans need to go on to begin their journey but will only be guided by Him if he or she so wishes.
Therefore, God's presence is in the eye of the beholder, in the hearts of those who are well and truly on the path to earn His pleasure. His Bounty is irrelebant and irrespective of religion, though religion is His mechanisme to give mankind tools to get closer to Him. Scriptures have been misinpretated by man of the years, but they all have a singular purpose - to draw closer and worship God their Creator.
One must believe that this journey is not material, and the after life is spritual where the journey of purification continues towards GOd. Yet those of us who befriend God, fear Him and love Him in equal measure, will acquire a sense of purpose of being and devotion becomes intense towards God. A Godly person is a peaceful one, calm and loving to all peoples. Those who shout and scream in the name of God, are not Godly, they are misled people using their passion as a means and justification of violence. How can these people be anywhere near God?
Thus, God cannot be 'run' into, but His presence felt is a result of constant attempts to purify one's sole to attain His pleasure. Then God opens the seals on human hearts and the blindness of the eyes begins to disappear.
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@bird123 (10654)
• United States
11 Apr 11
One thing I can tell for sure about you. You have not run into God in your current lifetime. People tend to be narrow minded. They tend to see what they want to see because they are attempting to create their world as they wish. So often this very thing will prevent us from seeing what is. Search for God with an open mind. Be willing to discover what is, not what you want. God is the same for everyone. People are all at different levels of understanding God and what is really going on. This can always be expected in a multilevel classroom. Sharing a view, one might discover a missing piece of the entire picture. This view might even come from a street sweeper or a homeless person. One can never tell. You will never find all your answers in religion for God isn't about religion. Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. There is a Big difference. Regardless, we will all know God as Unconditional Love. I find God's IQ refreshing as well! Makes one really have to work at it!! Stretching the mind creates a wider view. Something needed by all.
@urbandekay (18278)
9 Apr 11
Beautiful, since he gives us such a beautiful world. The lion and the lamb, the servant king; being omnipotent, he must necessarily have both finite and infinite natures and us being finite beings could only appreciate his finite nature, therefore God would appear to have two natures though being one in being. Of the finite nature we may already have some appreciation of, loving compassionate, merciful, faithful, the infinite nature must be mysterious to us.
all the best urban
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
9 Apr 11
Finite and infinite natures??? Hmmm? interesting. Why do you consider loving, compassionate, merciful, and faithful as finite???? Couldn't these things also be infinite as well?? Wouldn't great intelligence determine that unconditional love must be infinite simply because having great wisdom one would know that unconditional love is the only answer???
@urbandekay (18278)
10 Apr 11
Concepts such as love, compassion, mercy, faithfulness are human concepts and therefore finite in nature. When we talk about infinite love, we mean as great as we can imagine/experience but, strictly speaking, anything that is truly infinite is beyond our imagination/comprehension.
8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. kjv
all the best urban
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I disagree. We are all spiritual beings in our true natures. We might have been seduced by this physical world into thinking that this is all there is, however at our very deepest core our spirit can not be fooled. We know the infinite. This point is proven with deja vu. You say love, compassion, mercy, and faithfulness are human concepts but are they really? We are all empathic for a very good reason. We are all connected. We are all children of God.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
12 Apr 11
Being a Hindu, I’ve been brought up to believe in multiple Gods, both male and female. However, my own understanding says that God cannot be of multiple forms and there is but only one force moving the universe and that supreme force or energy is what I call God. However, if I have to think of God as a person, then I’d like to think of Him as Male and a benign old person with flowing white beard, a kindly compassionate smile on his face with a twinkle of knowledge in his eyes with wisdom all around him creating that halo… He would love unconditionally, would bless our tired souls, would rejuvenate us with holy nectar and assuage our sufferings by touching us. Like the ideal parent, friend, philosopher and guide, He would never judge us but be our strength and belief and would want us to learn from our own mistakes and brush off that dust that get up again. He’s given us enough brains to conduct ourselves and He’s that last refuge when everything else is gone.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
13 Apr 11
Hmmm? You seem to understand God pretty well. I can see you won't allow religion to keep you from discovering the truth. That's really Great!! There are more answers outside the box than in. With a wide view and an open mind, so much more can be seen.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
10 Apr 11
If god appeared to me or came as a physical body as some believe I would have no expectations I would be open and to whatever message that god came to give
because the creator appearing to me or anyone would be a blessing and not about first impressions, besides I do not believe god is any of those concepts or ideas thoughts, I believe god is love and merciful I don't really have any particular expectations.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Yes, God is Unconditional Love with an IQ through the roof. It's sad how mankind can create an unrealistic view of God. God is not that monster. When we experience God's Unconditional Love that heals all hurt, we want to be just like Him. We see where we are and where we want to be. It's no wonder God's Unconditional Love is all that we really want. We would do anything for it. God, spoil those kiddies just a bit so there will be not doubt.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
10 Apr 11
We have already been told what to expect. Jesus told us, John 14:7 – If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on, you know him, and have seen him.”
John 14:8 – Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.”
John 14:9 – Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you such a long time, and do you not know me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How do you say, ‘Show us the Father?’
John 14:10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I tell you, I speak not from myself; but the Father living in me does his works.
Read what the Bible says about Jesus. He will show you God, because He is God.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Apr 11
I know you don't agree with me, and I knew you would not agree with me. That's because you have never known God. You think you do, but your god is the one you've invented. That has been obvious from the first time I responded to one of your discussions. You are trying to make God into what you want Him to be. God, the real God, is greater than any human could conceive, and that includes you. Those of us who truly know Him, don't need nor want to change Him to suit ourselves or any sinful desires. I don't doubt you've had direct interaction and experience with something, but it wasn't God.
My heart aches for people like you who want a relationship with God, but on your terms.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
12 Apr 11
It will all be OK! bestboy19. I know the truth shakes the beliefs you have been taught since childhood. Discovery and learning never ends. Sometimes we learn what we thought was the truth isn't. That is OK! It's a part of learning. My relationships with everyone including God is not on any terms. Just like God allows freedom, I insist on the same freedom for those in my life. Yes, I will interact and point, however each of us should walk their own path. I have learned a lot through God. When I first discovered God, I discovered God does not think like me. As time goes on, I have discovered I am thinking more like God. It's a little like in school. If you hang around the smartest students, some of those smarts will rub off on you. Remember, God has the sum of all knowledge. There is always more to learn. Since you have memorized your holy book, maybe it's time to venture out to more learning. It is all around you. You are always welcome to comment anytime on any of my discussions, my friend. You have all my love and kindness!!
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I can not agree. Jesus is not God but a child of God. One can read books about people and God then assume that is who they are. The only way to really know is through direct interaction. It's the difference between book learning and direct experience. Direct experience will always be the better teacher.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
9 Apr 11
Hi bird: I can't imagine God as something physical because if I put him on a body then I'm comparing HIM with a human and God is perfect. I think I'd find an all loving dad. I have experimented the love from my parents, they want me to be a good person so they are strict but at the same time they will always forgive me if I do wrong because they love me. And they are human. God is the perfect dad and we are their creation. I can't describe this feeling but I think I would feel an infinitive love from my creator.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Yes, we have all known God's Unconditional Love that heals all hurt. Perhaps that is why so many expect God to solve all our problems. A bit spoiled are we?? Maybe. Problems are part of the great learning process, however kiddies often don't want to go to school. Yes, God as a loving parent is a good description. Since I know we are all spiritual beings in our true natures,you are right,God could never be a physical being. There would be too many restrictions on Him then.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
10 Apr 11
I am surprised that you and many many others don't realize that your "God" is EVIL.
Look at what IT is doing in Japan today.
How many tragedies have to take place (earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, tsumanis, wars, diseases, murders, et. etc.) have to take place until you (plural) realize that your "God" is WORSE than Satan !!
Just think about it. Can Satan do ANYTHING that your "God" doesn't approve of ? Isn't your "God" more powerful than Satan ? Isn't IT all knowing and all powerful ?
Couldn't IT stop anything that IT wanted to stop ?
Yes, your "God" also does good things, but just like a man that is good his whole life and commits only one murder, we call a murderer, something that does good AND bad is EVIL.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Welcome meirhu. Satan does not exist except in the minds of mankind who have to have someone to blame for it all. Yes, indeed, God knows about everything that happened in Japan. Yes, God wanted it to happen. Perhaps, if you could see the entire picture, you would have made the same choices. Lots of changes for people. I'll mention a few things to learn. People who live on fault lines, should expect such things to happen. I bet they will be much more prepared the next time. Yes, it will happen again. Simple physics of the Earth is the cause. Mankind will learn how to deal with it. Nuclear power is the greatest thing but is dangerous in it's infancy that we have today. With high knowledge and technology comes great responsibilities. Wouldn't mankind ignore the dangers if accidents didn't demand we be responsible? Indeed, more safeguards need to be in place. Mankind will learn before the next great technology which can be more dangerous and require more of us to bring it's goodness into the world. Lots of people were killed, however we are all eternal so it's no more than a change. The dynamics of people's lessons have been changed. They will have different people in their lives. Different lessons learned and different interactions. This world, life, and learning among so many is a very complicated issue. There are so many views we don't see to be able to make a judgment call of total evil. In the meantime, there are lots of lessons mankind can learn. We can be prepared for the future if we do not ignore what we see today.
@oasis_9 (831)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
I believe God is a wise man that knows everything. For He have reasons for everything that He lets to happened in each of our lives. He is the supreme being and the picture of all goodness and love...He is forgiving all that ask for it and He helps all the ask for it...
That is how i know God is like
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Yes, God is very very intelligence. One must struggle to keep up with the conversation only later to realize all that was really being said. Stretching the mind expands the view. We all tend to carry such a narrow view. God is active in every life. God works on multiple levels with multiple views. So much is missed if we choose to only see the surface of things. Answers always run deeper for true understanding. If we don't understand why things happen, it's only because we don't see the entire picture. There is great intelligence behind all God's decisions. Pretty Amazing!!
@BeccaM1989 (59)
• United States
9 Apr 11
I think that I'd expect a loving parent. I don't think that God really has a gender, and I think that God could be any race, really. I mean I believe that humanity was made in his image and that everyone looks different.
@bird123 (10654)
• United States
9 Apr 11
I think you are right. God is a Spiritual Being. Being made in His image is talking about what is really important, our spirituality not anything physical such as features or gender. Loving parent?? That's got to be pretty close as well. It's a much better description than ruler.