Should parents have to go back to school to help their kids with homework?

@JenInTN (27514)
United States
April 10, 2011 6:17am CST
I was watching a news show this morneing and there is a school that is offering the parents of the children that attend a class so they can help children with their homework. There are a couple of points made on the show. One was that parents need to be more involved with their children's schoolwork and then another was that it is taking reponsibility from the teacher and the child. I know that things have changed a lot since many of us has been to school, but should parents have to go to a class? Would it be beneficial to the child or to the teacher or is it a combination of the two? What is your opinion on parents going to a class so they can help their children with homework?
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39 responses
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hi Jen, I think it should be optional. I can't see some parents who absolutely loath schooling to begin with be made to go. I also could not see all parents succeeding in a particular class because not all would have the same level of "know how". What happens to them? I also don't know what would be taught, techniques on what is best way to show a child how to study? What happens then when a parent finds some of it too be too tedious. Also what comes to mind is some parents work 2 jobs, so when do they fit the time in? Gosh I have a lot of questions so really what it boils down to me in my mind is that it should be optional and not enforced because what works for me may not work for all. Besides the best advice as a parent is strictly hands on. Our children do not come with manuals, so we learn as we go.
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• United States
10 Apr 11
Very well said, hardworkinggurl!!! Don't you wish children came with manuals sometimes??? HaHa!!!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Not just one manual for each! Children are so different in their needs and capabilities. I don't think it is going to be a forced is optional. There are those parents that work two jobs..I was one of those for a while and I know how hard that can be. I think there are parents that can benefit because of the fact there has been so much change where education requirements are concerned. My 7th grader is taking a pretty intense Geometry class right now and when I was in was highschool before we had to take that. I was glad I got that spanking from my recent math courses I had to take for my degree. I am able to help more than I would have had I not taken them. Even for those parents that have taken it before, sometimes it has been so long since they have taken it. Thanks for the response!
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• United States
10 Apr 11
hehehe, it would certainly make it easier. lol
@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
Parents don't have to go to a class just to help their children with homework. It beats the purpose of the teacher doing his/her job and the whole tuition fee thing. I think it will also beat the purpose of the child becoming independent of his/her parent/s while at school.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hi franne! I think that is a very good point. There are also alot of parents that are very busy trying to work and make ends meet. I think that help woth homework is importany but I know it would be hard for parents to have to go to a class for it. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
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• Romania
10 Apr 11
Parents should help their childer at homework and once a week or two they should pay a visit at school.A parent need to spend time with his childer and I mean a lot of time ,
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
20 Apr 11
Please see my post on this subject, homework should be independently doable, meaning a child should be able to do any homework on their own. If they cannot, then it is not appropriate homework and should not have been given. If a child is very behind and not even understanding the concepts, then a tutor might be a good idea, but putting the responsibility on parents to be teachers? Why should be bother paying for public schools if WE are the ones who end up doing the bulk of it? Also, if I had wanted to be a teacher, I would be doing it right now....
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Well, I think that there are two sides to this debate. First of all, the school systems are making budget cuts in the wrong areas. We need teachers in the schools and I hear almost daily of local schools cutting teachers due to budget cuts and cutting out programs that kids need, but they will spend on new sports programs. Kids need to learn academics before sports. Secondly, I believe schools should offer tutors for children who have parents who do not understand the work that kids have for homework. If a parent would like to sit in and attempt to learn it, that would be fine, but we should not force parents to go back to school. If they do, parents will have to do it each year as there will always be something new being taught that parents will not know.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
20 Apr 11
That is where I disagree. I am tired of seeing this shift toward school being ONLY academic. School - like college - needs to be well rounded. Well rounded means the school has sports programs. Well rounded means the school has music and art and hands-on science programs. Well rounded means the school offers things that are NOT JUST ACADEMIC and effort is made to focus on those things - as much effort as they put into having a 12 year old learn geometry. There's really no business for that to be happening, what is the purpose? I have never used it in real life, so there really seems to be no reason - other than irritation - whether I took it in 7th grade or 10th.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Great points! I agree that there are budget cuts where there doesn't need to be them. The state that I live in are very big on their sports but the thing is that they don't have to be in school or funded by the school in my opinion. There is always the option of starting leagues. There are some rec.league sports in my area too that could just be expanded. I know it's important to keep children active but there are ways to do that where the school is not involved. Supplying tutors would be wonderful! Parents and children could benefit so much and excel. Thanks for responding!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 May 11
I see what your saying about wanting it to be well rounded. I want that too. The problem is in my area is that the sports actually takes away from music and art classes that assist in the "well-rounded" education. The fact that not all children participate in the sports, but the majority of funds are spent on it also bothers me a bit. There is also a lot of politics in the schools sports programs and that is a bother for me too. If all the children did participate, only a few would actually get to play. I think there is a great need for a well rounded form of education too though. I would love to see PE, art, and music given more importance.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Apr 11
You know, years ago they (whoever "they" are) were talking about having teachers take a test to see if they were actually smart enough to teach and the teachers were screaming that this test would be unconstitutional. Like, HUH??? Teachers refusing to be tested??? Something is definitely wrong here! I remember the days of my kids doing their homework. I was very involved with it and remember dreading the time they'd come home with geometry or physics because I sucked at both when I was in school. Oh, I passed, but just barely. I definitely would have gone to classes if it would help me to better understand what my kids were going through to help them if they needed it. I don't think this would be taking responsibility from either the teacher or the child. The child would still have to do the work. If it turned out that none of the students were understanding a particular subject, I would have to voice my opinion of that at the next PTA meeting or even going directly to the School Board to question why none of the students were learning since that is a direct reflection on that particular teacher. I would think that any child would benefit from having two teachers, one at school and one at home but being forced to go back to school shouldn't be part of it. Children do better when they have parents who are involved with their school work but it is ultimately the teachers' responsibility to see that they learn. I think I could safely say that a lot of our teachers could use some extra education. I wouldn't mind going back to school to help my child and the teachers shouldn't mind, either.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Agreed..teachers should know their subjects. I figure most teachers have been teaching the subject for a period of time plus went to school to learn it...they should be able to pass a test. I think that some of the new standards they have passed for teachers is a pretty good idea. They are being reviewed more often and there are certain requirements where their childrens grades are concerned too. Now I do realize that a teacher can;t force a child that is unruly but if it is a majority of the children that aren't getting might need to be looked into. I think that it will be very helpful for parents who want to help their requirements have changed alot. It can be a lot tougher on younger ones to learn certain things that were reserved for later grades a while back. Thanks for the have you been? Hubby ok now after surgery?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Apr 11
I have an ex very similar to yours. He's been living off of women his entire life. When I had had enough of him, he found himself another woman, then another when she was tired of taking care of him. I'm currently receiving child support (arrears) for our 27-year-old son because my ex wasn't paying when he should have. He's been trying to get me to cancel the child support case since our son is no longer under my care. I told him there's no way I'm calling it off. He owes it. It was extremely hard on me to raise our son without his support (I know that you know all about that), now it's his turn to suffer. Of course, he's not suffering badly... he has yet another woman to take care of him. (He's receiving disability and the child support he owes is taken out directly from his checks.) Some people just never learn that the world owes them nothing. They go through life expecting everyone else to pay their way. Your getting that new car could very well be what set him off. How dare you have what he doesn't!?!? Sad, very sad. I just hope he doesn't do anything like that again, at least not in front of your daughter! Good luck!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 Apr 11
Oh my..I would be upset do they think people are going to live like that? I knew it had been a while since his surgery..It really does make a difference as to how you take care of yourself. My ex called and apologized..for acting that way in front of our daughter but not for the things he said..he is holding fast to that. He doesn't want nice things for me and I just got a car..I know it sounds stupid but I think that is what set him off.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
Parents does not necessarily need to go to school to help their children with homework. It really depends on the parents already if they are going to help their kids out. Also, its on them already if they earnestly want to learn on their own on topics their children are learning so that they can be involved on school work. I am having a blast teaching my son things and also I learn on my own on topics he had to tell something on so that I can teach him well on it. I learned on my own out of my own will and every parent should but of course to each is his/her own.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I have fun teaching mine too. There are frustrating moments but for the most part we do very well studying together. There are parents out there that have no clue when it comes to their children's homework..or it has been so long that they have forgotten. I know my younger daughter is in middle school and she has a lot of assignments that were not expected of me until late highschool. I am in school now and I would be lieing if I said it has not helped me to a certain degree with helping my children. I think that it is truely up to the parent and what they can swing or need to do as far as this is concerned. Thanks for the response!
2 people like this
10 Apr 11
Hi JenInTN, I do think that this is a good idea, it would be great to help out our children more, and good to learn some new things ourselves. I would agree that parents should be involved with their childrens school work, even if our children can do their homework on their own, it is good that we have the knowledge of the subjects and so we are able to check the homework to make sure all is ok. Also to do the homework together in that we will help them but not give them the answers, then this is good quality time with our children. In the other way you mention i guess i would agree that it does in small parts take the responsibility away from the child, but i do feel that children also learn from their parents so it is only right that we do help them. We cannot be seen as taking responsibity away from teachers, they teach at school and children learn, the homework is exactly what it says, homework, and so for home, so should our child need help then we as parents should help them, rather than have them struggle and wait until school time. We all have the best interests for our children, we want our children to learn and so it is good that if they are at home and stuck on their homework then we are there to explain it a little so that they can understand and get their homework done. So many new things change in life, it would be good for parents to learn more also, plus this has advantages to us for learning and also this means we can help our children out, so it is a win win situation really.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I see your point! I am going to school now so I have had the chance to be able to help. Sometimes they have helped me I do think that parent involvement is very inmportant and there is nothing worse than your child looking to you for help with something and not being able too. I think the class could really help out a lot of people. There was a concern mentioned that there are parents so desperate for their children to excel that they might be using the class to actually do the homeowrk for their child, but I think most parents realize the importance of their child learning these things. Thanks for the response!
2 people like this
21 Apr 11
WOW, erm, SOME parents DO help their children with the homework they get. There are SOME parents who DO feel differently to you, Whos is to say that one parent is right and one is wrong. WE as parents make the decisions on what we do with our children. WE as parents may also want to educate ourselves more to be able to expalin maybe something our child doesn't really understand. Or if we go by your way then if we don't know the answer do we just say wait until you go to school and then find out? I think NOT. Common sense tells you that if you feel that you could need a little refresher course then involve yourself with what you may not know, we know our children better than teachers, yet teachers are educated to teach, if we can understand something and can teach our children when they are struggling then that is great, plus they may understand from us and have one to one, rather than going to school clueless on somethings as the parent may not have been able to help. I agree that there are many ways a parent can be involved, but if we as parents can learn then not only are we there to benefit our children when they are suck and need help, but we also benefit ourselves by learning and understanding more, surely you can understand that?
@SViswan (12051)
• India
19 Apr 11
I'm so against this. Teaching is the responsibility of the teachers....not the parents. Not all parents are capable of helping and in India most of the parents who desperately want their kids to get an education are the illiterate parents. These parents can't even HELP the child with homework....imagine having to go back to school. The general trend today is that most parents end up doing a lot of teaching at home (atleast in India)...despite paying exorbitant yearly school fees. All this in the name of HELPING the child with homework. Actually trend is the wrong's become a part of life and everyone is expected to do the teaching at home. I understand that some children might need more help than others...but how long can a parent be expected to help' with the homework? Most high school stuff is beyond the parents in general. I personally feel that guiding the children to 'help' themselves is what the parents should be doing...and teaching is what the teachers should be doing. If a child is unable to do his/her homework on their own (even after the effort to do so), it means that the concept is not clear and the teacher needs to help the child. My son is musically inclined and he wants to major in music. When he has trouble with his homework, I have been told that they would provide books for me to learn and then teach my son! I don't see the point in that. I appreciate music....I can listen to it....but sorry...I'm not going to learn it. If I wanted to learn music, I would have done so earlier...or I would do it for myself...not to teach my son. My little one is interested in sports. So, do I need to start with sports too to help my other son?
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@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Should parents be "forced" to go back to school to help thier kids with homework? No!!! Should parents be given the "choice" to go back to school if they feel it would help thier kids? Yes!!! I don't think the schools should force the parents to go back to school just to help thier kids. But rather be given the option to go back. Like a refresher coarse. I'm 32 so obviously I have been out of school for a long time. I have two children that are in 1st grade. Now, at the time what my kids are learning is pretty easy stuff for me to remember how to do. So I don't have a hard time helping them to make sure they are doing it correctly. I for one don't give my kids the answers but have them do thier homework and then I go over it with them and help them with anything they got wrong. But once my kids get a little older and start getting into harder stuff, it would be nice to take a refresher coarse to remember the subject myself. For example: I was horrible in some areas of math like geometry. I never use it in my daily life and have pretty much forgotten it. So if the schools were to offer a refresher coarse for geometry and my kids were learning that. I would definitly take it so that way I could be of more assistance to my kids in making sure they are doing it correctly.
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• United States
15 Apr 11
You're right they are teaching kids things alot earlier. My kids are in first grade and are learning things that back when I was in school I learned in 2nd grade.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
It is, of course, a choice but there are a lot of parents that are struggling with helping their children. I have been back in school for over a year now...took a spanking in an accelerated series of math courses required for my degree. Thanks goodness because my 7th grade daughter is taking Geometry now. She finshed up Algebra last semester... They are being taught and expected to know things a lot earlier than before and I think that is where parents are starting to struggle. I think that it will be nice for parents to have the option but I do feel for those that want to but don't have the time to go back. Thanks for the response.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I don't think it's a bad idea, but should be voluntary. I don't think you can expect parents to HAVE to go and take a class. IF nothing else, the parent and the child can figure it out together. But I do agree that parents need to be more involved in the children's homework and school life. It amazes me that parents come down on kids for not having their homework done at bedtime. Even if they work, they should see that homework gets done. I think that children are left on their own too much. Even with working parents, there should be some time devoted to the kids, if only an hour. And it doesn't have to be to do homework. Even watching a television program together. I think going to the class could be a benefit for all.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Heyya idowrite! I guess having once been a teacher, you have really seen the ins and outs of the homeowrk thing. Parents are so different in the manner that they deal with their children that it can be amazing. I think that parents need to spend more time with their kids too. Homework time has really give me a lot of chances to spend time with mine..LOL..they seem to have a ton. I think it will be a good choice to give parents that have been out of school a longtime and don;t know where to start.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
12 Apr 11
Hi. JenInTN. Yes, unfortunately the school system is making a child learn too fast and too much. This is a major problem in the school's today. It is such a shame that parents have to take certain classes so that their child can understand certain learning abilities that they don't really know about. They don't need most of this information, they are trying to get kids to give this information out. Too many kids are ahead of their own age group because of issues that are like these are. I just think that it is absurd for a parent to have to go back to school so that their kids can learn extra learning skills, that they probably won't need in the future anyway. Many parents are already going back to school/college now to pursue additional educational skills so that they can get a better job.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Apr 11
Hi cream! Yes...parents and children are overwlemed these days for sure. Teachers are also having to fit more in their classes and they really didn't have the time for the stuff they had to teach before. I think it has actually brought a very impersonal sense to our children's classes. Such a shame. Thanks for responding.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Apr 11
Well, I don't think that it's perhaps necessary. I do think that it can help the child learn, if the parent can help them with their homework. But I do know that there are some after school programs where there are private tutors and such. I think that, in some cases, it doesn't cost a lot, if anything. So at worse, this is a solution that parents can keep in mind. Parents can even talk to the teachers to find some kind of a solution to help the children. The teachers would definitely be in a position to help with a solution. Maybe not personal, but they might know of someone who may be able to tutor or a program or something.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Hi dodo! I think it is a good option to have. I also think that teachers could be of help where finding needed resources is involved. Thanks for the input.
• United States
10 Apr 11
I wouldn't want to but would need to if i had a child i had to help .Things have changed way too much since i was in school. I'd be lost.
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hi Jen, it's been 11 years since my youngest got out of school & we want even talk about how long the oldest has been out.. To help one now i would have to start myself in kindergarden, lol. Andee is fine so is my favorite grandson.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Things are changing all the time Jo. My children are each 5 years apart and I can tell a huge difference in the requirements they had when they started school. It would be helful for parents to have a little more guidance..or at least a refresher for the is the little girl?
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
10 Apr 11
If the point of the parents class was learning how to help your child stay interested and learn better, then I think it's a great idea. If it's so they (the parent and maybe the child)can answer the test questions better so the kid passes the test and progresses to the next grade not really having learned the material, then no.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
The class was represented as one that would teach the parents the subjects their childen were studying. I think there might be parents that would misuse it. It certainly has its good points and bad. I think if a parent took it to help their child when they got stuck..or they were able to teach the child what they might have missed in class...ok. Thanks for responding!
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
10 Apr 11
I don't think parents should attend some class to learn how to help the kids, most parents whose kids read in good schools are well qualified , they know their responsibilities, here in my area there are rich couples, but not enough qualificaion, they employ private tutor for the kids Well whether it is parent or tutor, they should just guide, should not do the home work for the kids.. Thanks for sharing Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Kalyani ‘Namastey’. .
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hi Kalyni! I appreciate you pointing out that there are parents that might take the classes to pretty much do the work for their children. There are parents out there who are that desperate for their children to succeed. I think that children should be guided too. I know there have been times when I have had to direct them to where they could gain the knowledge versus just giving it to them. Thanks for the response.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
11 Apr 11
If the parent's don't remember this stuff from their own school days it's because they have NEVER used it since they actually got out into the real world & joined the workforce. 95% of the stuff they expect the kids to memorize in school now is completely useless in their day to day lives. Seriously, when was the last time you had to remember much from your biology classes or calculus? I think the school curriculum needs to be looked at & modified to actually teach what is NEEDED. Why teach everyone way more in a subject than they'll ever need in a field unless they're actually going to be working in it. IF they are going to be working in it than save that for college. Get back to the basics like how to give change....
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Apr 11
So tell me do you remember how an ameba eats or what it's called? I remember being tested on that & have never to this day even looked at an ameba. The only time it'd ever come up is if I played Trivial Persuit or Jeopardy.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I agree there are a lot of unneeded things taught. It is sometimes not what I would think is age appropriate. The things that interest me now...well...I would not have taken a second look at it when I was younger. Thus the fact the younger people will not usually learn it as well. SO your a certain extent...what's the use? Thanks for the response.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Apr 11
No...not right off form of absorbing I'm sure. Guess I wouldn't make it on Jeopardy..
• United States
11 Apr 11
Sadly many parents are Way too busy for the class and there are many like my mom who would go but the class would be too hard for her. Don't get me wrong , my mom was a brilliant woman but she wouldn't be able to follow algebra! I can still remember the look on her face when she saw my violin music! She said it looked like chicken scratch! So it is a good idea but it won't work for every family.
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• United States
12 Apr 11
They sound like my mom. She was always reading mysteries . I don't remember her being into math. She got her GED later in life but she was a wise soul. i didn't know until many years after I graduated highschool that she went back and got her GED. all I knew growing up was school was my job and I was to graduate highschool.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Your right. Parents are working longer and longer shifts to feed their families, sometimes more than one job. That can make it very hard to take a class. The family that raised me would have had a rough time with the algebra thing too. They were relentless readers..but math...nah. Thanks for responding.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
10 Apr 11've broached a subject that has me torn between two answers, so allow me to relate...DUH! When my son was in elementary grades, I would take him out of school each Fall for 6 weeks, as I had a job in Honolulu, that I could NOT afford to turn down! It was like home-schooling, lesson plans with me, and homework mailed! I did not understand the NEW MATH, and struggled...but it seemed to help my son understand it more, explaining it to me. it is year's later! I take care of my bosses son..whilst she is away on business with home-work...and NOW am FACING another NEW MATH!! WHAT's one MY SON doesn't understand! DO I need to be a CAREER order to interact/help with a child attending school today. They say it is just a new twist on the old basics..but even my son, relates that it is the 1+1=2, that is the math that he relates to daily..and uses daily, as an Engineer! Can't answer your I don't know which "tree to bark up!"
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• Canada
10 Apr 11
MY biggest problem (can't be worked out with pencil & paper) is where are these TWO maths leading..when in TWO generations, one can't understand the other's....and here I am, the THIRD generation...and I still find, just the basic Math & geometry (which I use quite a bit in tiling)is the OLD Math that I was schooled in! At job sites, I work with Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters and all are using Basic Math! My son, T.J. whom took his technical training in Aerospace Machinery & Diesel Mechanics...never uses the NEW Math, that he was schooled in...but all the basics, that we use! Where is it applicable? Building computers? I concur fully that the sciences are evolving faster than we can learn them..and we need to upgrade constantly! Anyway, I really did get off topic, didn't usual! Would I take courses to comprehend my child's studies..YES! But, to me, there is another issue at hand..a child requires bonding time..lotsa, lotsa...and to me it was always the quality of the I copped out by doing familial things..mostly Mother Nature, I tend to lean more towards the practical skills..and giving them tools to cope with the world! Don't get me wrong, a formal education is numero uno...but so are life skills, I feel the first is for the people we pay excessive taxes for ..and the second is my obligation! Been fine...dear Jen, rather busy...and have popped in on every one of your discussions...but one, of which I am going to PM you about! BIG HUGZ!!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
I know what you mean...there is a goof argument on both sides of this fence. Education has certainly taken leaps and bounds as far as what is expected and introduced at certain ages. That nasty algebra class I was in...I did ok but I was miserable with trying to learn the rules and how to judge when they applied and when they didn' was glad that I had taken it before my 7th grade daughter come hauling in a geometry book! They are learning things earlier and earlier and the younger they are..the more attention they need. I think your right about the way it helped your son by explaining it to you...nice plan. How have you been anyway? I have been missing you.
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@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Apr 11
In my opinion I think That in our case here my grandson's teacher keeps up pretty much apprised of what he is doing by her sending his homework and any information in a manila envelope. I think this would be good if it could be weekly, not nightly. I think it would be beneficial. But as kids turn into teen how much of a situation is it going to become when kids don't want their parents knowing all their goings ons. Know what I mean? Could make it pretty miserable for some kids.
@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Apr 11
Really! It school, not reform school! If the teacher, parent and child is doing their jobs I don't see a need.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Apr 11
It really could make it miserable. I know mine are covered up with homework sometimes. It is frustrating for me to have to see them go to school and do it..then they have to come home and do it...then by the time they get finished, they eat and go to bed. It is a shame that it has come to that there might be a need for a parent to have to go back to school because everyone is so overloaded.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Your right...I am all about making it that kind of miserable for my kids Well...maybe not too miserable, but I am always in their business.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
10 Apr 11
A class like with would have been very valuable to me as a parent when my children were growing up. I was always a good student and even though I had my children while I was young the world was moving far to fast for me to keep up with what my children were learning. This was before the Internet and a computer in every home.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hi savypat! Education has sertainly taken leaps and bounds. Even the 5 years between my children has shown great differences in what was required by eash as they went into school. I think that it's good for parents to be updated a bit on what their children are learning. It's tough when you don't have an answer to help them when they ask. Thanks for the input.
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@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
11 Apr 11
If you have lots of money to study again just to help your children in their homework then go, however if your kids are just pre-schooler,elementary or high school then you can study their own books and lectures to teach them in return. The cost of education is almost unbearable to others so if it is like having two kids in one level of education that is already too much in ones budget. If I am to go in school just for that objective I'd rather get a vocational course instead.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Apr 11
College is very expensive. I think this particular class was offered by a school, kind of like an after school program. They did not say if there was cost involved, but if there were, I would agree that it would be too much for most families. Thanks for responding.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
15 Apr 11
Yes..there are education options as far as private schools and such..I don't think we will have to worry about a mandatory situation, but there may be some parents that see it as a competitive type thing..parents can be very competitive sometimes when it comes to their children.
• Philippines
11 Apr 11
There are parents who believe that sending their kids to private expensive schools is worth it and so why a need for additional load and time to spare for the parents to attend schooling just to teach all over again the subjects. However, it is up to the parents if they are willing to sacrifice the circumstances anyway it is not mandatory and hope won't be in the near future as in the additional year for the primary and secondary level which the government is trying to dictate to the Department of Education.