Landline phone or Cell Phone, Which do you think gets better reception?

United States
November 19, 2006 10:51am CST
I like my landline phone for at home, because I think it gets alot better service. I just wish Cell phones would pick up better all over, with no dropped calls, Then I may consider dropping my landline, unless I still need it to work from home.
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2 responses
• United States
8 Dec 06
My landline gets the best reception of course. But I feel I cannot make it without my cell phone. My cell phone is actually my main number I use. My home phone was just installed so that I could work from home.
• United States
10 Dec 06
Thank you for your response.
@angel1961 (759)
• United States
21 Nov 06
Landline for sure, hate the fact of dropped calls and those darn roaming charges rack up a bill.