Do you believe that the end of the world is very soon?
By masang
@masang (295)
April 11, 2011 11:54pm CST
After what happened in Japan, there are preachers who made predictions that the end of the world would be this year or next year. I wander why if they are really reading the Bible. It is written in the Bible that even Jesus Christ does not know the end. It is only God the father knows. These calamities, tribulations and war at the present moment are just the beginning but it's not yet the end. Please give your comment.
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24 responses
@Starr311 (72)
• United States
12 Apr 11
I really do not believe that the end of the world is coming in 2012 or any sooner than that. I dont even know if I believe the world will end, but if only God wants it to then it will. My pastors at church say that all the talk about the world ending in 2012 is just non sense. The same thing you had said, only God the father knows. I mean really just because some calenders end in 2012, who ever even thought there would still be people and a world in 2010. I cant imagine what the world will be like in 2311!! 300 years is not that that long people live to be over 100!
@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
8 May 11
Its so scary to think that by this time next year we could all be gone, wiped off the face of the planet! I am not a reliegous person, but i agree there has been so many natural diasasters and with climate change and the world going green in such a late hurry, by that i mean way to late, i think that it is a possibility. I think global warming will make the ice caps melt and the sea level rise as the stages changes the weather is supossed to be getting more servere including earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis and landslips tornados the whole lot... ground level... they also say it wont take the world that long to recopperate from humans in the scheme of things if we were wiped out completely and there was noone to maintain our structures the earth will compose and grow over everything creating a new surface.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
9 May 11
try to think....
if the human race wiped out of the earth, then the earth will be glad for it.... the earth continues to live even thou without humans.....
since humans bring pain to planet earth as pollution, blast from weapons, fossil fuels burnings, depleting the source of natural resources, etc.....
before humans ruled the earth, earth is already experienced four times of iced ages...
natural disasters are already experienced by earth long way before the existing of humans....
it is not end of the world, but, end of the humans as i guess.... the world (earth) continues to live even thou without humans.
@missyphoebe (289)
• Philippines
20 May 11
only God knows..all we can do is pray :) people would just believe in anything, we should only believe in HIM. :)
@DaDukeee (75)
• Romania
26 Apr 11
I don't know is this is the most recent post about this topic but I've just seen this it's and I do believe to some extend in mythology.when I first saw this I said to myself these are they eyes of mother Hera.Is this relevant?Why do I ask this?Is because I have heard another prediction that the end of the world may happen in the year 2000,many people have yet to believe this to the extend that they made a movie out of this called apocalypse,the one staring Bruce Willis.The prediction said "It will start with a sign in the sky" the way that I was told(real deal told by the chruch).In the end there here is the link:
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
21 May 11
did you notice????
that the preachers can predict the exact date and time when will the world our earth ended????? and that is 2011 ?????
but that preacher can't predict the oncoming tsunami to hit Japan????
and all that i can say is..... nyahahahaha
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Apr 11
We cannot know the exact time of the end of the world, but Jesus said that we would know by the signs and there seem to be more signs of the end than ever before. He said we should "lift up our eyes" because our redemption is drawing near. It's silly to try to predict even the year, but it's wise to know that it's coming closer all the time.
@JudgeIronFist (2470)
• Singapore
13 Apr 11
Actually this isn't something we can be really sure of and it's still controversial and a mystery as to when the world's going to end. If you ask me, then I would say I do believe to a certain extent considering the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the radiation leak and those chain events because of the earthquake. Well, all of these to me, could be tell tale signs of the end of the world but some people are skeptical as to whether this will really happen or not. I admit that I'm superstitious and seeing all these I really do sense something big and bad is going to happen. Over here in Mylot, this question has been asked by some mylotters but it hasn't reached the level of 'common', yet. For me, I think it's best to live well day by day, do the things that you haven't done and be sure to do the best you can. Even if the world is ending very soon, it comes in seconds and everything will be gone so I say what's there to be afraid of? Some say there's going to be a pole shift and some say it's the beginning of the end so on and so forth. I mean, just live well and when it comes, wait for it and let it take you away and to another dimension for all you know.

• United States
14 Apr 11
No one knows when the return of Christ will be...there are many extremists and those who think the world will end every time something out of the ordinary happens. The best we can do is be ready spiritually...and enjoy the life we have now and make not just the most of it, but the best of it also.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
12 Apr 11
I don't believe the end of the world will come in the near future,I consider that nobody can predict when it will come,I don't trust any preacher or anyone else who pretends to know when it will happen.It's very likely that eventually mankind will self-distruct in a nuclear war,but there's still a long way to that moment in my opinion;as for disasters,there have always been big catastophes in the history of the world,so there's nothing new under the sun.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
12 Apr 11
I don't think the end of the world is coming any time soon though I sometimes hope it will. I'm not religious, so I don't believe in all the prophecies, especially the ones about war, disasters, and other things that have been occurring for as long as man has been around.
It has been too long since the common peasant has taken arms against the oppression of those with too much power. Though this no longer comes in the clear form of peasants and over taxing nobles. I can hope that society will soon face a reckoning for having thrived from the limited amount of oil, land, and other resources for so long without really progressing. We thrived too long, took too much, and are now running out of inhabitable space and usable resources. We are like a virus on the planet taking from our host and multiplying exponentially. But much like the viruses that infect us. The population must either die off as it becomes too large or spread to another host. For when the host is consumed all that are left will die with the host. Earth is not a host to die from being consumed, but it's surface could be.
The planet has a maximum occupancy. As we near that limit, we will be reminded of a mortality that we cannot avoid.
@fenirose (46)
13 Apr 11
no human being knows the end of the world do not let those preachers fool us at all. it is in the bible the great tribulations will happen at the corners of the world. where is it written in the bible that even JESUS does not know the end of the world? do not forget that who says GOD says JESUS because he is GOD too revealed to us in flesh. nobody know the end of this world but all i know is that we have to be ready at any time because JESUS will come back at any time.
@nick_ro (42)
• Romania
12 Apr 11
Hard question to answer... In my opinion I don't really think it will be the end of the world very soon! Those calamities, natural disasters and so on, yeah, but hey those things have happened in the past also and here we are! it was also stated that in 2000 the world will end but happily it didn't :).
And for 2012 the same thing, perhaps some changes, perhaps new things but I don't think the mother Earth has survived for like 4 billion years, also the life has survived on this Earth for thousands of years just to suddenly end now, like "The End" you see in the movies :). It wouldn't be fair!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
9 May 11
to let you know that the end of the world will happen for the following reasons:
1. A comet or a giant meteor will strike the earths atmosphere anytime.
2. The Sun's nuclear energy will be depleted for millions of years to wait.
3. That the Milky Way Galaxy will collide to its nearest neighboring galaxy the Andromeda Galaxy, and a billions of years to wait for that to happen.
4. Alien Invasion, they are not friendly.... anytime will happen.
and there are no left reasons for the world to end.....
and bible is not the accurate source of when will the world (earth) will end.
@mansha (6298)
• India
12 Apr 11
what is happening in Japan is scary and i keep wondering why such a small island and so much destruction. Its really sad that such mighty nation is fighting for survival. Today also there was news of fresh tremors rocking the nation. But I don't think its because we have sinned or world is coming to an end suddenly, yes world is changing and though it will destroy itself one day but I don't see it happening so suddenly. Change is inevitable and will happen and for better or worst only time can tell. till then we should do what we can do best to slow this change thats destroying our earth.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
12 Apr 11
No, I don’t think the end of the world is near as yet. Japan as it is, is earthquake prone area though one might argue that we’ve not had such a series of earthquakes and tsunamis in close succession. Then again, I don’t really believe in such religious forecasts. Human civilization has made tremendous progress on many fronts so man will always try to combat such calamities and protect/salvage as much as possible. Also, if there is some truth in the religious prophecies, then the schemes of God are unfathomable, so no point in us wasting time of figuring them out. If the world has to end, then it will end in its own time and none of us can prevent it.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
12 Apr 11
Yes, I'm sure about it. You know that the Fukushima's Tsunami ended and every week we still have earthquakes? This never happened before, the kind of scarring thing is that the big promise the biggest earthquake of all times was not in Fukushima but where I live, so I really made my peace with some kind of ending...
But I know Earth per say won't end. It will continue for a very long time, billions of years possibly. Like Mars that seems to be older than us.
I'm sure the evil will begin to go away in 2012, that a new world of everybody having enough to eat, money will disappear slowly, people won't eat animals, we'll all help each other, no elderly will be left by their children cause kids like this won't be coming back to Earth anymore.
By the year 2050 I am sure we'll already will have made a hudge quantum jump. I see the world getting better even now, there are so many beautiful things happening, I know so many amazing people that really makes a difference...and good is increasing, for the first time in all eras, we'll meet a new world.
@Bazingamuhaha (145)
• China
12 Apr 11
I hope it's not. But if it is true. It doesn't bother me,anyway.
I did not read Bible before. And I don't have any church beliefs.
But I think we need to do something for a better planet and for overselves.
Don't you think so?
Pollution is the price we pay for our overpolluted earth,and we need to take action to save it, for you and for me .
@g0lddrag0n (14)
• Indonesia
12 Apr 11
yes.. i agree with you.. no one know when the end of the world.. only God the father know it.. so, what we can to do now, just stand by and prepare for that's day. Still keep your faith to Jesus Christ..
@arunadas (111)
• India
12 Apr 11
Its a question best answered by God or the Universe itself if people dispute the existence of God....i remember reading somewhere that the earth is going through its natural process of orbiting, plates moving underneath you know seismic activity all that is quite natural of a planet like the earth its just that now there are more people who get affected by these natural phenomena because there are simply more humans around.....