My best friend is mad at me, what should I do?

@Bambi09 (227)
United States
April 12, 2011 11:58am CST
My best friend Brittani is really pissed off at me for a stupid reason. Because I didnt go out with her on Saturday. I find it really stupid, but she's making it a big deal. I was extremely tired and wasn't feeling good and I told her that there was a possibility that I wouldn't go out. I even tried to compromise by inviting her over to my house so we didnt have to spend money and could just chill. Well she won't talk to me now, and her faceboook posts are mean and directed towards me, I'm sure of it. When I text her, she won't text back and I feel like crap. I find this severly unfair and don't know how to approach this. How should I handle this?
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16 responses
• Philippines
14 Apr 11
your friend seems to be controlling you, if you do not do as she wants, she punished you, do not give in. do not mind her, just go on with your life. if you encourage this behavior there is a possibility that she will do this everytime you do not do what she wants.
@jaffna (778)
• India
13 Apr 11
These sort of sensitive people are hard to deal with really. Getting angry for silly reasons and how could these people face major difficulties. It means that they always wish for things to get happen along their way. Me too have a friend like you and she gets angry very easily. Many times, I would tease her up but still she didn't change a bit. If any other person talks to me when she talks with me, she gets angry but i can't help it with these necessary factors. And the most interesting thing is that she will convince me after she fights with me as if i've done some mistakes. Really hard to manage. Sometimes, am sick of friendship even.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
13 Apr 11
ditch her, if she gets that upset about something so small then shes prone to be angry about alot of things.
@dhysanne (449)
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
For the meantime, give her time to think about this situation. Pray for her peace of mind and yours to. Ask God to guide her with her decisions about your friendship. Be humble and patient, she will realize your worth and your friendship as well. Have a nice day!
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
She's your best friend and things like this happen among friends. She may be mad now but later on as soon as you talk to her then everything will be alright. Its like nothing really happened but of course you have to apologize first if its your fault or no matter who's fault it was.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
13 Apr 11
Maybe just let her stay away for a few days, do not respond on her fb, do not post any mean words that would make her think it was directed to her, and smile whenever you meet her accidentally even though she does not smile back. Just treat it like when a child make a tantrum...
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
12 Apr 11
If Brittani really is your best friend she will understand your reasons for not going. If she doesn't, try to explain them to her. You don't want a friendship to end over a stupid reason. I had this happen to me in high school. Best friendships are the ones worth fighting for.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
12 Apr 11
I think it is so silly and no need to take into seriously. If you are tiered and not feeling well, you mean it and they should simply understand the fact and this is not the way to react. She will become normal once she is out of anger and now may be feeling expressive on you how she feel and what is her feeling towards you. Once you realise and agree to her, she will slowly come to normal and just for the sake, say the simple word 'sorry', and you can be good friends gain. Though you were not well, in her mind, it was her intention that take you also out and when you missed her, she felt band reacted. So take it in such a way and she will become normal shortly. Thank-s
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
12 Apr 11
Well its always sensitive to behandle matters like this. I would suggest you try meet her in person. That always thaws even the mightiest iceberg. You know... good friends dont grow on trees.
@donski (132)
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
I don't understand why your best friend was still mad at you after explaining your reason of not going out with her. the best thing that you should do, i guess, is to ignore her. She should understand you, she's your best friend anyway, right? Sorry to say but she don't deserve to be called your best friend because she was selfish and self centered. try to find other friends, might find really the best, someone who cares about you more.
@dodi2all (17)
12 Apr 11
Well, its her thats being childish. She obviously expects you to apologize. The best way to get back in her good books would be to invite her to go out sometime soon
• United States
12 Apr 11
Tell her that if she's a true she'd understand that you didn't feel up to going out. They'll be plenty of more party days ahead what's the big deal about one night. A true friend wouldn't only care about what's fun for them but what works for the both of you.
12 Apr 11
That is extemely selfish and inconsiderant of your friend. It may be time to re-evaluate the friendship. Best friend relationships have to go both ways
• United States
12 Apr 11
i think your friend is being very selfish. i understand why you wouldn't want to go out, and trying to invite her over to compensate was the exact thing i would of done. if your bff is freaking out this much over one saturday then i think maybe she needs more friends then just you. maybe she had her heart set on something to do and when you told her you wern't coming it all screwed up. i would just apologize and if she doesn't accept sooner or later she has serious problems.
@Gothicana (458)
• United States
12 Apr 11
That dont sounds good. When I tell my best friend that I am tired and not feeling that good they will understand that,and probleby be with me to keep an eye on me whatever they wont be pissed! When you mean anything to her she wouldnt react so. I can see she means a lot to you but I would ay least try to contact her and ask her what is wrong. When she still act this way then you deserve better,I dont guess you need a friend that turn her back on you
• India
12 Apr 11
Well that really is a bad reason for not talking and i think that she is being very unfair if you ask me. I think she should think it out. Maybe you also should let her know why you really didn't want to come or you can be just the way you are and ignore her but being a best friend i would be surprised if you could do that. Just meet her once and try and explain why you couldn't do so. You even tried to compromise and that's really nice but it seems she isn't ready yet for that. She seems a bit cocky if you ask me. I feel you should have a talk and see what happens! Cheers!