pray for donald trump
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
April 12, 2011 1:34pm CST
Please pray for Donald Trump and his family. After over 3 years of treason and sedition committed by usurper Obama and covered up by the courts, Congress, and the media, a man who loves this country and actually knows a thing or two about how to fix our economy, has stepped forward to assume a role he DOES NOT WANT OR NEED.
That, my friends, is how you can assess a person's integrity, as in "nothing to gain personally" and a lot to lose.
Because Trump has enough money, Soros, Arab interests, NWO elitists, Obama and his criminal minions, all intent on the destruction of America, CANNOT buy him off.
However, I shudder to think of what other machinations they may have in mind.
These monstrous "human beings" have "more money than God", but are dangerous for other reasons as well.
Finally, a man who loves this country and knows how to fix it steps forth and demands the truth of an awful, deceptive, criminal situation, and is willing to pay the price.
Our moronic government does, in fact, answer to criminal Eric Holder's charge that
Americans are cowards, because they allow O's minions to blackmail, threaten, and otherwise intimidate them from telling the truth of the Democrats' treason in order to win an election.
God chooses whom He will to do His work. The first unlikely person to simply ask for a "birth certificate" was the only CNN reporter worth his salt as an investigative journalist, Lou Dobbs. For that, CNN made him pay a high price. First, when he was about to have Orly Taitz on his show re the issue, CNN declared him "SICK" that evening, and put some flaming liberal female moron (whose name I forget just now) in as substitute. Of course, she like all liberal brats, refused to let Orly speak. Then Dobbs' wife was shot at and he disappeared from CNN.
Now we have Donald Trump, stepping up to the "plate" of truth and justice. Though I may not appreciate his lifestyle, I sure know a hero when I see one. Now, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for his safety and that of his family.
There have been too many murders wafting around Barry Soetoro (Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr., Jim Miller, John Wheeler III, to name just a few).
This is our future as a sovereign country, kids, and your future as a citizen who can live freely, in a once-free America, protected by the Constitution and those in government who do their sworn duty to uphold it.
As my very good friend, Neil, has said:
"Help Trump to Dump the Chump". This is certainly a great and appropriate battle cry.
Cry freedom, folks.
5 responses
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
12 Apr 11
Taskr, believe what you will. However, remember that Trump told liberal enemedia jokester, Meredith Viera, that he could not throw his hat in the ring until AFTER the Apprentice is over. I'll be glad when it's over, either way.
While Trump might not be my personal choice, he may well be God's. I suggest you watch what transpires, as in the Lou Dobbs case.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Apr 11
With all due respect, epicure, I can think of hundreds of people who are more deserving and in more need of my prayers than Donald Trump. There are certainly MILLIONS more worthy but I'm just referring to those I know or know of personally!
I sure don't know what makes you think he loves his country; I've never seen any evidence the Donald loves anything other than himself. If God were into politics I can guarantee you he wouldn't choose an arrogant a$$hole like Donald Trump to run for dog catcher. I also take exception to you claim he knows how to fix our economy; does that mean you think going bankrupt three or more times is a sign of someone knowing what he's doing?
Hero? I sure don't think so! He's an egotistical publicity hound who has far more money than brain cells!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Apr 11

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
14 Apr 11
Trump isn't all that rich in comparison to others he really just lives the lifestyle of a rich person but really he doesn't have the houses or even house that most of the other former CEOs and Founders of the big companies have he is also focused on looking good in front of the cameras for his television show. I mean he wouldn't be able to answer the phone call as he would be to much into look at me I am the president to get anything done.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
15 Apr 11
Take a look.
This link is to an article which claims that an American journalist had to leave the country and seek assylum in Canada because of being in possession of documents that proved the media was told to not mention the Birth Certificate issue. Remember, Obama has spent MILLIONS to keep this from the public. A thinking person would naturally wonder why, wouldn't they?
As for you statement on God's interest in government.
God allows men to choose for themselves what kind of government they want. He warns repeatedly throughout the Old Testament that men should be careful what they ask for. In Israel's early history, they were ruled by judges and the prophets who interpreted God's will for them. They looked around at the other nations and decided they wanted to be like them. They wanted a king. God warned them then, be careful what you ask for. And then we read the sorry story of Saul, the first King of Israel.
God is interested, but he doesn't over ride the will of humans. If you want a fallen human being that rebels against God's law, then you get one. But, you may say, they didn't ask for tyrants? It's either or...if you are not for God and His rule, you are against Him and His rule. Be careful then what you ask for.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
19 Apr 11
Pray for Donald Trump, what an interesting statement to make. Obviously you believe that what you want people to pray to is a force that interferes with the will of humanity. Luckily outside the world of make believe pray is only a concept created by lazy humans who wish to feel as if they accomplished something while doing absolutely nothing. So knock yourself out over praying for a one time receptacle self-made billionaire who has turned himself into a laughing stock.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
20 Apr 11
Please see also yestheypayme....
Of course you are entitled to you own opinion, uninformed though it is.
The "The will of humanity" is liberty, freedom, sovereignty, protection, truth, and a LEGITIMATE sitting president whose actual name (not aliases) we know and holding only ONE legal, not stolen, Social Security number.
I'm glad you are smug and capable enough to blind yourself to even the fact that a usurper is using close to $3million of taxpayer monies, including yours, to keep his vital records sealed while saying he has "nothing to hide."
As for Trump, in this instance, his love of our country ( a free country which allowed him to become a billionaire) and search for truth and justice demonstrate his courage on this issue and in this hour, as opposed to billionaire Oprah Winfrey, accorded the same freedom by our country, who deliberately helped to install her fellow "churchmember", seditiously and traitorously, into a position for which he can NEVER be eligible, using emotionalism and considerable influence to urge voters to "vote early and often" for a man about whom they knew nothing.
While Trump cannot be bought, he can be harmed in many ways, like many before him re this issue- from malignment, threats, intimidation, up unto murder, many of which waft around the usurper.

@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
14 Apr 11
Quoting Barack Obama.People don't hide things unless they have something to hide.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
14 Apr 11
DUH! And at $2 million of taxpayer dollars he has much to hide.
May his words come back to haunt him.
May he "fall into the pit he has dug for others."
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Apr 11
I remember when Mr. Dobbs wife was shot at. I thought he was too? I also began a study into the deaths of those you mentioned. One of them was about to dig into Obama's passport issues, wasn't he?
There was a lot of speculation here where I live about a similar matter with Clinton. I live very close to Arkansas. And the joke is that Clinton liked to hide the bodies in caves, those of his political and business rivals...and maybe a few paramours as well. His indescretions did not begin in the Oval Office with Monica..and it's well known in these parts. Rumors...or facts? Who knows, and unless the authorities are willing to pursue it, we'll never know.
It all was just to creepy for me to fully investigate. It's one thing to say he is a closet Muslim or outright socialist, but murder is a serious accusation. I will leave it to the authorities and God to make a case against him on that one.
I do know that things of this nature happen in our world. I truly hope that Trump can find the truth of the matter. I won't vote for Donald Trump. But I support him in this.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Apr 11
He is not our only hope.
There are many men of character and courage, Ron Paul and Allen West to name two right off the top of my head.