By mtbiker
@mtbiker (2)
United States
April 12, 2011 6:01pm CST
Let's keep an open mind about the national debt. How many working americans are out there? How much extra money would have to come out of every working joe or janes pocket to help reduce this national debt? Would you be willing to pay say an extra 50 bucks out of your pocket to help reduce the cost of everyday ordinary items like gas and groceries. If I am not mistaken all items not just these two are taxed by the government. Interested in reading your responses.
6 responses
@njamoroso (76)
• Philippines
14 Apr 11
how much more if your living in a third world country...which is so frustrating to think that even if your not yet born you are carrying what the past generation have done.Unluckily you are the one who will face all the consequences it may take..;(
@JijiXcebu (129)
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
Same as what's happening to our country. I guess we'll never stop paying the government. Debt just keeps rising and rising I guess.
@supremesapien (19)
• United States
13 Apr 11
In the USA paper money was basically a Check or IOU representing an amount of Gold.
All currency was backed by Gold until the Great Depression in the 1930s.In the 1930s it became illegal for people to own Gold they had to turn it in to the Government. That's When the Federal Reserve started stockpiling Gold Supposedly as a Insurance to stop the depression From happening again. Some People say that inflation and deflation of the Us dollar is because we print more paper money than we have gold to back it up but the dollar bill has been off the gold stander for over 70 years now. Today's dollar bill is backed by the trust of the people in other words its worth what they say it is.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
13 Apr 11
I think the jerks in Washington who have made this debt should be made more responsible for it. Let them pay from their own paychecks to help bring the debt down. In any other job if mistakes of this caliber had been made the people responsible would be fired and made to pay restitution. Why shouldn't we hold them responsible. I wouldn't mind paying an extra $50 if I thought they would use it responsibly but really do we need to bail out everyone from our own greedy bankers to foreign countries' civil wars.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
13 Apr 11
$14 trillion in debt, divided by the roughly 300 million people in the US come out to about $4,600 for every single person including babies, before 2011 figures. Then you'd still have to pay just as much taxes because the government is spending more than it takes in taxes every year.
The ridiculous cost of gas and milk is due to inflation from the treasury printing money it pay bills, speculators buying oil on the stock market, and the generally sickening economic state we have fallen into. Our wealth distribution looks more like Mexico's than Europe's and were about to follow it's economic state because of that. The only thing that would actually fix it would be too big to fail companies actually failing like they should. Loans default banks fail forclose houses banks get bailout. From the middle class banks took, mortgage money, houses, tax money. We all got raped, government shutdown averted. For now...
Sadly the government is worthless at guiding economics and instead of saving us from disaster it's just prolonging it and making it so much worse. The collapse is past due, we're headed for an economic collapse that will make black Tuesday look like black Friday in comparison.
Can't wait for it to all go down cuz I got nothing to lose and everything to gain, it's gonna really level the playing field at the expense of those who are trying so hard to hold up a house built on mud.